使用 enumitem 和 enumerate 对自定义标签进行自动编号和留空

使用 enumitem 和 enumerate 对自定义标签进行自动编号和留空






\begin{enumerate}[label=\textbf{Step \arabic*}:]

\item I like a clean look so I aligned Step 1 with the text.  This is what I want with all my steps.

\item [\textbf{Step 2 a)}:] I can manually put in Step 2 a): but how do I get it to align with Step 1 and the other steps?

%\setcounter{enumi}{2} Not sure how to set this dynamically

\item I really want this to be Step 3 without having to hardcode in Step 3 because I have a bunch more steps that I just want to be auto numbered.

\item \lipsum[66] % Should be step 4





\SetLabelAlign{step}{\bfseries Step #1:\hfil}



\item I like a clean look so I aligned Step 1 with the text.  This is what I want with all my steps.

\item [\theenumi{} a)] I can manually put in Step 2 a): but how do I get it to align with Step 1 and the other steps?

 Not sure how to set this dynamically

\item I really want this to be Step 3 without having to hardcode in Step 3 because I have a bunch more steps that I just want to be auto numbered.

\item \lipsum[66] % Should be step 4



