修改 agsm.bst

修改 agsm.bst

我在文章文档类中使用 LaTeX。我使用的 Bibtex 书目样式是 agsm,属于哈佛书目样式系列。


    author  = {Bozzola, Martina and Massetti, Emanuele and Mendelsohn, Robert and Capitanio, Fabian},
    title   = {A Ricardian analysis of the impact of climate change on Italian agriculture},
    journal = {European Review of Agricultural Economics},
    year    = {2018},
    volume  = {45},
    number  = {1},
    pages   = {57-79},
    issn    = {0165-1587},
    doi     = {10.1093/erae/jbx023},
    type    = {Journal Article},

如果我引用 Bozzola 等人(2018 年),那么艾格森风格,它将像下面的参考列表一样。

   Bozzola, M., Massetti, E., Mendelsohn, R. and Capitanio, F. (2018),
       ‘A ricardian analysis of the impact of climate change on Italian agriculture’, 
        European Review of Agricultural Economics 45(1), 57–79


   Bozzola, M., E. Massetti, R. Mendelsohn, and F. Capitanio (2018),
       ‘A ricardian analysis of the impact of climate change on Italian agriculture’, 
        European Review of Agricultural Economics 45(1), 57–79 ?
