理解 tikz 的基础变化

理解 tikz 的基础变化

我正在尝试理解 Tikz 的基础变化。为此,我尝试模仿\tdplotsetmaincoords{\alpha}{\beta}tikz-3dplot这是一个代码:


% Definition and projection on the screen of basis A
\coordinate (Ax) at (1,0);%,0);
\coordinate (Ay) at (0,1);%,0);
\coordinate (Az) at (0,0);%,1);

% Draw basis A
\draw[blue,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (Ax) node[shift={(0.1,0,0)}] {$e_x$};
\draw[red,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (Ay) node[shift={(0,0.1,0)}] {$e_y$};
\draw[green,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (Az) node[shift={(0,0,0.1)}] {$e_z$};

% Define angles

% Rotation matrix from basis A (canonical) and basis B (R = Rx(-\alpha)*Rz(-\beta))

% Point X in basis A

% Change basis from natural tikz (with fake perspective) to A

% Draw X in A
\draw (0,0,0) -- (\xa,\ya,\za) node {\tiny $\bullet$};
\draw (0,0,0) -- (\xa,\ya,\za) node[right] {\tiny $X_a$};


% Point X in basis B (Xb = R*Xa)

% Projection of B on the screen
\coordinate (Bx) at (\Rxx,\Rxy);%,\Rxz);
\coordinate (By) at (\Ryx,\Ryy);%,\Ryz);
\coordinate (Bz) at (\Rzx,\Rzy);%,\Rzz);

% Change basis from A to B

% Draw basis B
\draw[blue,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0) node[shift={(0.1,0,0)}] {$e_{x'}$};
\draw[red,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,1,0) node[shift={(0,0.1,0)}] {$e_{y'}$};
\draw[green,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,1) node[shift={(0,0,0.1)}] {$e_{z'}$};

% Draw X in B
\draw (0,0,0) -- (\xb,\yb,\zb) node {\tiny $\bullet$};
\draw (0,0,0) -- (\xb,\yb,\zb) node[right] {\tiny $X_b$};


为什么点 Xa 和 Xb 不在同一位置?它们应该是在同一位置,不是吗?我做错了什么?




我认为你只是忘了转置,即反转变换矩阵,这是所谓的“主动”和“被动”转变关键字“transpose”已经被 StefanH 提及,但是由于某种原因,他似乎忘记了实现它,或者他通过“转置基础”表示其他意思。


% Definition and projection on the screen of basis A
\coordinate (Ax) at (1,0);%,0);
\coordinate (Ay) at (0,1);%,0);
\coordinate (Az) at (0,0);%,1);

% Draw basis A
\draw[blue,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (Ax) node[shift={(0.1,0,0)}] {$e_x$};
\draw[red,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (Ay) node[shift={(0,0.1,0)}] {$e_y$};
\draw[green,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (Az) node[shift={(0,0,0.1)}] {$e_z$};

% Define angles

% Rotation matrix from basis A (canonical) and basis B (R = Rx(-\alpha)*Rz(-\beta))

% Point X in basis A

% Change basis from natural tikz (with fake perspective) to A

% Draw X in A
\draw[ultra thick,blue,-Circle] (0,0,0) -- (\xa,\ya,\za) 
node[left=2pt,font=\tiny] {$X_a$};


% Point X in basis B (Xb = R*Xa) 
% <- transposed this matrix by replacing \Rxy with \Ryx etc.

% Projection of B on the screen
\coordinate (Bx) at (\Rxx,\Rxy);%,\Rxz);
\coordinate (By) at (\Ryx,\Ryy);%,\Ryz);
\coordinate (Bz) at (\Rzx,\Rzy);%,\Rzz);
% Change basis from A to B

% Draw basis B
\draw[blue,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0) node[shift={(0.1,0,0)}] {$e_{x'}$};
\draw[red,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,1,0) node[shift={(0,0.1,0)}] {$e_{y'}$};
\draw[green,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,1) node[shift={(0,0,0.1)}] {$e_{z'}$};

% Draw X in B
\draw[red,thick,-Circle] (0,0,0) -- (\xb,\yb,\zb)
 node[right,font=\tiny] {$X_b$};







\draw[red,fill=red,opacity=0.5] (\xc,\yc,\zc) circle (1pt);



3D 坐标

代码中有些地方有两个坐标,有些地方有三个。如果我把它们都改成 3D,就会得到


  % Definition and projection on the screen of basis A
  \coordinate (Ax) at (1,0,0);
  \coordinate (Ay) at (0,1,0);
  \coordinate (Az) at (0,0,1);

  % Draw basis A
  \draw[blue,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (Ax) node[shift={(0.1,0,0)}] {$e_x$};
  \draw[red,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (Ay) node[shift={(0,0.1,0)}] {$e_y$};
  \draw[green,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (Az) node[shift={(0,0,0.1)}] {$e_z$};

  % Define angles
  % Rotation matrix from basis A (canonical) and basis B (R = Rx(-\alpha)*Rz(-\beta))

  % Point X in basis A

  % Change basis from natural tikz (with fake perspective) to A
    % Draw X in A
    \draw (0,0,0) -- (\xa,\ya,\za) node {\tiny $\bullet$} node[right] {\tiny $X_a$};

  % Point X in basis B (Xb = R*Xa)


  % Projection of B on the screen
  \coordinate (Bx) at (\Rxx,\Rxy,\Rxz);
  \coordinate (By) at (\Ryx,\Ryy,\Ryz);
  \coordinate (Bz) at (\Rzx,\Rzy,\Rzz);

  % Change basis from A to B
    % Draw basis B
    \draw[blue,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0) node[shift={(0.1,0,0)}] {$e_{x'}$};
    \draw[red,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,1,0) node[shift={(0,0.1,0)}] {$e_{y'}$};
    \draw[green,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,1) node[shift={(0,0,0.1)}] {$e_{z'}$};
    % Draw X in B
    \draw (0,0,0) -- (\xb,\yb,\zb) node {\tiny $\bullet$} node[right] {\tiny $X_b$};
    \draw[red,fill=red,opacity=0.5] (\xc,\yc,\zc) circle (1pt);

