\usepackage{subfig} 给出 captionlablelfont 错误

\usepackage{subfig} 给出 captionlablelfont 错误

使用 \usepackage[caption=false]{subfig} 时出现如下图所示的错误 在此处输入图片描述

包含图的第 6 章有以下代码。

        \subfloat[a)]{\includegraphics[width=.35\linewidth, scale=0.5]{registered1.png}}\hspace{4mm}
        \subfloat[b)]{\includegraphics[width=.35\linewidth, scale=0.5]{registered2.png}}
        \caption{FCC of MS bands registered to a) SAR Image de-noised by enhanced Lee filter b)SAR Image de-noised by wavelet filtering}
%%%% This is part of "main" file
\documentclass[12pt,openright,twoside]{thesis}  %12pt is larger than 11pt
      {\normalfont\large}{Chapter \thechapter:}{1em}{}

\newcommand{\tbsp}{\rule{0pt}{12pt}} %used to get a vertical distance after \hline
%\setlength{\topmargin}{0in}    %use this setting if the printer makes the the top margin 1/2 inch instead of 1 inch


\titleformat{\chapter}[display]% NEW
    {\fontfamily{ptm}\huge\bfseries\centering}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{5pt}{\huge}% NEW
\titlespacing*{\chapter}{0pt}{30pt}{20pt}% NEW


\include{Titlepage} %(must be first, required, non-numbered)
\include{Abstract} %(must follow Abstract, required, non-numbered)

%Pages from this point start at lower-case Roman number ii)

%\include{Preface}  %(if present, start at lower-case Roman number ii)
%\include{Foreword} %(if present, lower-case Roman)
%\include{Dedication} %(if present, lower-case Roman)
\include{Acknowledgments} %(if present, lower-case Roman)

\tableofcontents %(required, lower-case Roman)
%\listoftables %(if present, lower-case Roman)
\listoffigures %(if present, lower-case Roman)
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations}


%Pages from this point start at Arabic numeral 1
      {\normalfont\large}{Appendix \thechapter:}{1em}{}
%When using Bibtex, delete the previous line and use the following
%three lines.  

%\bibliography{Galactic,Dottie} %replace "Galactic,Dottie" with the
%                 file name(s) of your bib file(s)




您正在使用名为 的文档类thesis。以前,该caption包假定thesis使用 CTAN [1] 上可用的文档类,但thesis也有许多私有文档类。您正在使用此类,因此该caption包尝试使用 CTANthesis类中的命令,例如 ,\cph@font但会失败。

我于 2009/11/15 修复了这个问题。


1) 更新您的 TeX 安装。很抱歉,我无法支持caption超过 8 年的旧版本。如果更新 TeX 不适合您,请尝试:

2)\captionsetup{format=plain,labelfont={},textfont={}}在 后添加\usepackage[caption=false]{subfig}。我还没有测试过,但它可能会起作用。如果不行,请尝试:


