

我想为整个文档创建一条虚线,该虚线应在页边距后开始(在我的示例中,我将其设置为距纸张左边缘 3 厘米)。我发现这个帖子并尝试通过用ruledashrule 替换来将其用于我的代码,但他告诉我包括它在内的代码存在以下错误:

Missing number, treated as zero. \lipsum[1-10]
Missing number, treated as zero. \lettergroup{\begin{turn}{270} B \end{turn}}
Missing number, treated as zero. \lettergroup{C}
Missing number, treated as zero. \lettergroup{D}
Missing number, treated as zero. \lettergroup{E}
Missing number, treated as zero. \lettergroup{F}
Missing number, treated as zero. \lettergroup{G}
Missing number, treated as zero. \end{document}
usage of obsolete package!(scrpage2) Package `scrpage2' is obsolete.
seems you are using a constant headheight.
Font shape `OT1/cmss/bx/sl' undefined(Font) using `OT1/cmss/bx/n' instead
Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted.
Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.

遗憾的是,我不知道 TeX 试图通过该错误告诉我什么。


% everypage

% for some blindtext



%This part usually works but fails as I insert the code above
\lettergroup{\begin{turn}{270} A \end{turn}}





% load TikZ to draw the boxes

% use scrpage2 or whatever you want to add
% the boxes to the header to make them appear
% on every page

% rotation of letters for some cool styles

% format colors

\definecolor{pagebackground}{RGB}{243, 244, 239}%243, 239, 244}

%format page-background

% new counter to hold the current number of the 
% letter to determine the vertical position
% newcounter to set the number of thumbs fitting vertical
% and setting the height of a boxes
% some margin settings
% calculate the box height by dividing the page height
% box width
% style the boxes
        minimum height=\thumbheight,
        text width=\thumbwidth,
        outer sep=0pt,
        inner xsep=1.5em,
% create two new commands to make the thumbs
% that makes it easy to use them im different header elements,
% like in the plain and normal page style etc.
     % see pgfmanual.pdf for more information about this part
     \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
         \node [thumb,align=left,anchor=north west,] at ($%
             (current page.north west)-%
         $) {#1};
     \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
         \node [thumb,align=right,anchor=north east,] at ($%
             (current page.north east)-%
         $) {#1};
% create a new command to set a new lettergroup
    % but I recommend to start a new page
    % set a title (optional)
    %{\Huge\bfseries\sffamily #1}\par\bigskip
    % check if we reached the last vertical position and reset it
    % check if we reached the last vertical position and reset it
    % use one head or foot element to put in the box
    % it doesn't matter which you use since the box
    % is positioned on the page absolutely

% customize sections format


%suppress page numbering

% My routine starts here

% everypage

% for some blindtext



\lettergroup{\begin{turn}{270} A \end{turn}}


\lettergroup{\begin{turn}{270} B \end{turn}}








首先,我最小化了你的例子。所有的 TiZ 内容和部分格式等与问题无关。剩余代码存在多个问题:

  • 没有定义任何\pageheigth内容\pageheight
  • \hdashrule和的语法textblock都是错误的;
  • \pagenumbering{gobble}如果你想做你想做的事,你就不能做,\ifnum\thepage<1因为你已经吞噬了\thepage你要求 TeX 进行测试;
  • \hdashrule产生水平虚线规则 - 而不是垂直虚线规则。


  • 我使用\paperheight,但你可能想要textheight
  • 我修改了语法\hdashruletextblock因此代码可以编译并在第一页之后的左边距产生一条虚线垂直线,但您需要使用它作为模板并替换您想要的值;
  • 我去掉了狼吞虎咽;
  • 我改变了规则。


请注意,您的原始代码也导致了许多来自 KOMA 的警告。KOMA 脚本包与geometry或不能很好地兼容titlesec,因此请考虑使用 KOMA 建议的或用于titleps页眉和页脚的脚本包。



% rotation of letters for some cool styles

% everypage

% for some blindtext






