我想用 LaTeX 为我的课程创建一份详细的课程指南,其中列出了每节课的详细课程目标。我还想使用同一文档嵌入教学笔记。这样,我便拥有一份文档,它既是发给学生的课程指南,也是教师可以用来授课的教学指南。
这文档条包裹是一种从一个(一组)主文件派生出不同 .tex 输入文件的方法。在主文件中,您可以放置所谓的标签。这些标签用于确定主文件中标记的文本部分将被复制到哪些派生文件。
% Section with docstrip directives for generating different
% .tex-input-files:
\input docstrip
Course Guide, release only for teachers, with teaching notes embedded.
Use pdflatex/pdftexify for compiling this file.
Course Guide, release for students, no teaching notes embedded.
Use pdflatex/pdftexify for compiling this file.
% Here you can probably insert \write18-calls suitable for your platform
% for calling pdflatex from console for compiling the files
% just generated -- something like:
% \immediate\write18{pdflatex teacher.tex}
% \immediate\write18{pdflatex students.tex}
% \immediate\write18{pdftexify teacher.tex}
% \immediate\write18{pdftexify students.tex}
\csname stop\endcsname % <- end this TeX-run in case you used (pdf)LaTeX
% for generating the files.
\bye % <- end this TeX-run in case you used (pdf)TeX for generating the
% % files.
% Section containing the actual LaTeX document, with tags for
% generating different variants with different target groups
This is both for students and for teachers.
This is for teachers only.
This is for students only.
This is both for students and for teachers also.
%% This is file `teacher.tex',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% test.tex (with options: `teacher')
%% ____________________________
%% Course Guide, release only for teachers, with teaching notes embedded.
%% Use pdflatex/pdftexify for compiling this file.
This is both for students and for teachers.
This is for teachers only.
This is both for students and for teachers also.
%% This is file `students.tex',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% test.tex (with options: `students')
%% ____________________________
%% Course Guide, release for students, no teaching notes embedded.
%% Use pdflatex/pdftexify for compiling this file.
This is both for students and for teachers.
This is for students only.
This is both for students and for teachers also.