在文本下放置 tikz

在文本下放置 tikz

我画了两张 tikz 图片,并将它们并排放置。我遇到的问题是如何将它们放置在“上述评论完成了我们实现 Green 方法所需的所有步骤”文本的正下方(请参阅下面的命令)。您能给我一些建议吗?


mynode/.style={draw,circle,inner sep=1.9pt,outer sep=1.9pt,fill=white}
          The above remarks completes all the steps we need for Green's approch. 

    \node [mynode] (u) at (0,0) {};
    \node [mynode,below left  = of u,label=above:$\scriptsize J_{i}$] (e)  {};
    \node [mynode,below right = of u] (f) {};
    \node [mynode,below right = of e] (d) {};
    \node [mynode,above right = of u] (r) {};
    \node [mynode,above left = of e] (m) {};
    \node [mynode,above right = of m] (s) {};
    \node [mynode,above right = of s] (w) {};
    \node [mynode,above right = of f] (k) {};

    \draw (u) -- (e) 
        (u) -- (f) 
        (e) -- (d) 
        (f) -- (d)
        (r) -- (u)
        (m) -- (e)
        (m) -- (s)
        (w) -- (s)
        (w) -- (r)
        (k) -- (f)
        (r) -- (k)
        (s) -- (u);
    \begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=.70cm,y=.70cm]
   \fill[line width=0.4pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.002,5.) -- (4.,4.) -- (9.,3.986) -- (9.,5.) -- cycle;
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (2.,6.)-- (6.,6.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (2.,6.)-- (2.,5.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (2.,5.)-- (6.,5.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (6.,5.)-- (6.,6.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.,5.)-- (9.,5.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.,5.)-- (4.,2.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.,2.)-- (9.,2.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (9.,2.)-- (9.,5.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (2.,5.)-- (1.,5.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.,5.)-- (1.,3.36);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.,3.36)-- (4.,3.36);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.,3.36)-- (4.,1.34);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.,1.34)-- (2.04,1.34);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (2.04,3.36)-- (2.04,1.34);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (2.04,3.36)-- (0.,3.37);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,3.37)-- (0.,0.422);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.422)-- (2.396,0.422);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (2.396,0.422)-- (2.396,1.34);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (2.396,0.422)-- (6.818,0.4);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (6.818,0.4)-- (6.818,2.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (9.,2.)-- (8.996,-0.436);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (8.996,-0.436)-- (6.818,-0.436);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (6.818,-0.436)-- (6.818,0.4);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (6.818,-0.436)-- (6.818,-1.228);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (6.818,-1.228)-- (1.054,-1.228);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.794,-1.228)-- (4.816,-2.46);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.816,-2.46)-- (2.286,-2.46);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (2.286,-2.46)-- (2.286,-1.228);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.054,-1.228)-- (1.054,0.422);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.,4.)-- (9.,3.986);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.234,5.)-- (5.234,2.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (6.422,5.)-- (6.444,2.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (7.61,5.)-- (7.61,2.);
   \draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.,3)-- (9.,3);
   \draw (9.0,4.80) node[anchor=north west] {$\tiny R_{e_{i}}$};
   \draw (8.138,4.2) node[anchor=north west] {$\vdots$};
   \draw (6.928,4.2) node[anchor=north west] {$\vdots$};
   \draw (5.762,4.2) node[anchor=north west] {$\vdots$};
   \draw (4.53,4.2) node[anchor=north west] {$\vdots$};

