我在设置 pgfplots 中的绘图限制时遇到了问题。以下脚本(来自答案这里)
\pgfmathsetmacro{\XMax}{1.1e-3} %changing this to 1.05e-3 gives error
x y dydx
0.96e-3 2 1
0.98e-3 1 -1
0.99e-3 3 0.5
% get number of rows in table
% subtract 1 because row indexing starts at zero
\pgfplotsinvokeforeach{0,...,\NumRows}{ % loop over rows
% extract the data from the table
% calculate start and end of domain for line
% plot
\addplot +[domain=\DomainStart:\DomainEnd,mark=none,thick,samples=2] {\Y + \DYDX * (x-\X)};
但是将 Xmax 的值更改为 1.05e-3 会出现以下错误。
Package pgfplots Warning: running in backwards compatibility mode (unsuitable tick labels; missing features). Consider writing \pgfplotsset{compat=1.14} into your preamble.
on input line 4.
Runaway definition?
./a.tex:40: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000].
\pgfplotsapplistXXpushback@smallbufoverfl ...toka
\the \t@pgfplots@tokb \the...
l.40 }
./a.tex:40: ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
Transcript written on /Users/manav/Desktop/.texpadtmp/a.log.
为什么输出对 xmax 限制如此敏感?有什么办法可以强制执行此限制而不会出现错误吗?
在使用 时,有时会遇到这样的问题pgf
,因为数值能力有点有限。就像在为什么 tikz 计算失败?,似乎使用包\fpeval
进行计算在这里也有效。我还使用它来计算线条端点的 y 值,并用它\addplot coordinates
%% the following only for example
% the filecontents environment writes its content to the specified file
x y dydx
0.96e-3 2 1
0.98e-3 1 -1
0.99e-3 3 0.5
% get number of rows in table
% subtract 1 because row indexing starts at zero
\pgfplotsinvokeforeach{0,...,\NumRows}{ % loop over rows
% extract the data from the table
% calculate start and end of domain for line
% calculate start and end y-values of line
\edef\YStart{\fpeval{\Y + \DYDX * (\XStart-\X)}}
\edef\YEnd{\fpeval{\Y + \DYDX * (\XEnd-\X)}}
% plot
\addplot +[mark=none,thick] coordinates {(\XStart, \YStart) (\XEnd, \YEnd)};