使用 Biblatex 的数字样式引用同姓氏的多位作者

使用 Biblatex 的数字样式引用同姓氏的多位作者


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  I want to cite \textcite{Robinson1959} and \textcite{Robinson1951}.



  author     = {Julia Robinson},
  title      = {The undecidability of algebraic rings and fields},
  journal    = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.},
  year       = {1959},
  volume     = {10},
  number     = {6},
  pages      = {950--957},
  month      = {jun},
  issn       = {0002-9939},
  publisher  = {American Mathematical Society ({AMS})},
  fjournal   = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society},
  mrclass    = {02.00},
  mrnumber   = {0112842},
  mrreviewer = {R. M. Martin},

  author     = {Raphael M. Robinson},
  title      = {Arithmetical definability of field elements},
  journal    = {J. Symbolic Logic},
  year       = {1951},
  volume     = {16},
  number     = {02},
  pages      = {125--126},
  month      = {jun},
  issn       = {0022-4812},
  publisher  = {Cambridge University Press ({CUP})},
  fjournal   = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic},
  mrclass    = {02.0X},
  mrnumber   = {0042357},
  mrreviewer = {P. Lorenzen},

我想\textcite{Robinson1959}打印J. Robinson [1]\textcite{Robinson1951}打印R. Robinson [2],或R.M. Robinson [2]。但是,我目前得到



  1. 修改我想保留的 Bib 数据库(我正在访问一个集中式数据库)并
  2. 是基于 Bibtex 和 LaTeX 构建的(我使用 Biblatex 与 Biber 和 XeLaTeX)。

我也知道apa-风格自动具有此行为。因此,我非常确定应该能够使用某种\ateverybibitemmakro 来实现此目的。


你正在寻找uniquename选项。本质上你想要的是biblatex,authoryear 样式:文内引用显示某些参考书目条目的名字首字母含有 Biber 的文献会产生奇怪的引用:名字出现不规律

该选项可以采用多个值,在我看来最自然的设置是uniquename=full。请参阅第 63 页和 §4.11.4名称歧义消除(第 281-284 页)文档biblatex了解其他可能的值和更多详细信息。



\usepackage[style=numeric,backend=biber,uniquename= full]{biblatex}
  author     = {Julia Robinson},
  title      = {The undecidability of algebraic rings and fields},
  journal    = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.},
  year       = {1959},
  volume     = {10},
  number     = {6},
  pages      = {950--957},
  month      = jun,
  issn       = {0002-9939},
  publisher  = {American Mathematical Society ({AMS})},
  fjournal   = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society},
  mrclass    = {02.00},
  mrnumber   = {0112842},
  mrreviewer = {R. M. Martin},

  author     = {Raphael M. Robinson},
  title      = {Arithmetical definability of field elements},
  journal    = {J. Symbolic Logic},
  year       = {1951},
  volume     = {16},
  number     = {02},
  pages      = {125--126},
  month      = jun,
  issn       = {0022-4812},
  publisher  = {Cambridge University Press ({CUP})},
  fjournal   = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic},
  mrclass    = {02.0X},
  mrnumber   = {0042357},
  mrreviewer = {P. Lorenzen},


  I want to cite \textcite{Robinson1959} and \textcite{Robinson1951}.



我想引用J. Robinson[1]和RM Robinson[2]。

请注意,您应该写成month = jun,和 而不是month = {jun},。从技术上讲,三个字母的月份缩写应为@strings ,并且@strings 必须用大括号括起来。使用代替biblatex会更好,但为了向后兼容传统样式,/组合有其优点。date = {1959-06},year = {1959}, month = jun,.bstmonthyear
