我想引用一个练习/定理,它在我的文档中用我自己的计数器编号。类似于:正如我们在定理 6.4.3 中看到的,...
然而,我无法适应这一点 - 恐怕还不够好 - 并且我明确表示我没有使用 AMS 定理环境,因为我定义了自己的。
\newcommand{\exercise}[1]{\textbf {Exercise \thechapter.\themyCounter }
#1 \stepcounter{myCounter}
\chapter{First chapter}
\exercise{First exercise}
\exercise{Second exercise}
\exercise{Third exercise}
Here I would like to make a reference to second exercise that would print ”Exercise 2.1" but would change whenever I add/remove an exercise/theorem before the given exercise.
Something like : as we saw in "Exercise 2.1", the sum of integers from 1 to n is $\dfrac{n(n+1)}{2}$
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{book}
\newcommand{\exercise}[1]{\refstepcounter{myCounter}\textbf {Exercice \themyCounter }
\chapter{First chapter}
\exercise{First exercise\label{exo1}}
\exercise{Second exercise\label{exo2}}
\exercise{Third exercise\label{exo3}}
Here I would like to make a reference to second exercice that would print ”Exercice 2.1" but would change whenever I add/remove an exercice/theorem before the given exercice.
Something like : as we saw in "Exercice \ref{exo2}", the sum of integers from 1 to n is $\dfrac{n(n+1)}{2}$
\newcommand\myCounterautorefname{\MyUppercasefork exercise}
\begin{deflist}{\textbf{Exercise 99.999}}%
\chapter{First chapter}
\section*{References with clickable hyperlinks}
\verb|\ref{Ex2.1}|: \ref{Ex2.1}
\verb|\pageref{Ex2.1}|: \pageref{Ex2.1}
{\textbackslash MyUppercasefalse}:}
\verb|\href{\string#myCounter.2.1}{A nice long link to \autoref*{Ex2.1}}|:\\
\href{\string#myCounter.2.1}{A nice long link to \autoref*{Ex2.1}}
\verb|\hyperref[Ex2.1]{A nice long link to \autoref*{Ex2.1}}|:\\
\hyperref[Ex2.1]{A nice long link to \autoref*{Ex2.1}}
\verb|\nameref{Ex2.1}|: \nameref{Ex2.1}
\verb|\autoref{Ex2.1}|: \autoref{Ex2.1}
{\textbackslash MyUppercasetrue}:}
\verb|\nameref{Ex2.1}|: \nameref{Ex2.1}
\verb|\autoref{Ex2.1}|: \autoref{Ex2.1}
\section*{References without clickable hyperlinks}
\verb|\ref*{Ex2.1}|: \ref*{Ex2.1}
\verb|\pageref*{Ex2.1}|: \pageref*{Ex2.1}
{\textbackslash MyUppercasefalse}:}
\verb|\nameref*{Ex2.1}|: \nameref*{Ex2.1}
\verb|\autoref*{Ex2.1}|: \autoref*{Ex2.1}
{\textbackslash MyUppercasetrue}:}
\verb|\nameref*{Ex2.1}|: \nameref*{Ex2.1}
\verb|\autoref*{Ex2.1}|: \autoref*{Ex2.1}
\chapter{Second chapter}
\label{Ex2.1}First exercise of second chapter.
First exercise of second chapter.
First exercise of second chapter.
First exercise of second chapter.
First exercise of second chapter.
First exercise of second chapter.
\exercise{Second exercise of second chapter.}
\exercise{Third exercise of second chapter.}
\exercise{Fourth exercise of second chapter.}
\exercise{Fifth exercise of second chapter.}
\exercise{Sixth exercise of second chapter.}
\exercise{Seventh exercise of second chapter.}
\exercise{Eighth exercise of second chapter.}
\exercise{Nineth exercise of second chapter.}
\exercise{Tenth exercise of second chapter.}