自定义 BibLaTeX bib 有两个块和作者彼此之下?

自定义 BibLaTeX bib 有两个块和作者彼此之下?

我想用 BibLaTeX 创建自定义参考书目。我已经几乎达到要求的程度,但我无法将参考书目分成两列,也不知道如何在每列下方写上作者。



我的代码: %!TEX root = ../root.tex

% Formats the bibliography environment


% Adds ":" after authors.

% Commas between units

% Delimiter between multiple authors:

% Delimiter between last two authors:

% More space between entries

% Lastname, Firstname for all authors

% Remove url prefix

% o.J. if no date is given
\newcommand{\mkbibnodate}{\addcomma \space o\adddot J\adddot}

% Makes title in this Format: (Shorttitle) Title

% Bibliography style online, modified

% Bibliography style book, modified





    author      = {Jesus Bisbal and Deirdre Lawless and Bing Wu and Jane Grimson and Vincent Wade and Ray Richardson and Donie O'Sullivan},
    title       = {A Survey of Research into Legacy System Migration},
    shorttitle  = {Legacy Migration},
    institution = {Trinity College},
    publisher   = {Trinity College},
    year        = {1997},
    url         = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=},
    urldate     = {2018-07-11}

    author      = {Michael L. Brodie and Michael Stonebraker},
    title       = {DARWIN: On the Incremental Migration of Legacy Information Systems 1},
    shorttitle  = {Incremental Migration},
    year        = {1993},
    institution = {University of California},
    publisher   = {University of California},
    month       = {3},
    urldate     = {2018-07-11},
    url         = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=}

    author      = "{Microsoft Corporation}",
    title       = {Porting to .NET Core from .NET Framework},
    shorttitle  = {Porting in .NET},
    date        = {2016-06-20},
    url         = {https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/porting/},
    urldate     = {2018-06-26}
    author      = "{Microsoft Corporation}",
    title       = {.NET Framework Versions and Dependencies},
    shorttitle  = {.NET Framework Initial Release},
    date        = {2018-05-31},
    urldate     = {2018-07-09},
    url         = {https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies}

    author      = "{Microsoft Corporation}",
    title       = {What is .NET?},
    shorttitle  = {What is .NET?},
    date        = {2018-07-06},
    urldate     = {2018-07-06},
    url         = {https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/what-is-dotnet}

    author      = "{Microsoft Corporation}",
    title       = {What is Azure IoT Edge},
    shorttitle  = {Azure IoT Edge},
    date        = {2018-06-12},
    urldate     = {2018-07-02},
    url         = {https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/iot-edge/about-iot-edge}

    author      = "{Microsoft Corporation}",
    title       = {.NET API analyzer},
    shorttitle  = {.NET API analyzer},
    date        = {2018-07-02},
    urldate     = {2018-05-31},
    url         = {https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/dotnet/standard/analyzers/api-analyzer}


% Adds ":" after authors.

% Commas between units

% Delimiter between multiple authors:

% Delimiter between last two authors:

% More space between entries

% Lastname, Firstname for all authors

% Remove url prefix

% o.J. if no date is given
\newcommand{\mkbibnodate}{\addcomma \space o\adddot J\adddot}

% Makes title in this Format: (Shorttitle) Title

% Bibliography style online, modified

% Bibliography style book, modified





Biber/BibLaTeX 版本:最新版本



\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authortitle, autocite=footnote, dashed=false, maxnames=99]{biblatex}







% sortname labels (a robust style should add provision for missing  labelnames)
    {\printtext[bold]{No name given.}%
     \PackageWarning{biblatex}{No labelname for entry \thefield{entrykey},\MessageBreak
       we need to think of something else}}


% demo new tabular bibliography format
% I strongly prefer left-aligned with fixed width (L)
% over justified (p) here
% longtable for tables that break over pages
  {\anchorlang{\usebibmacro{sortname}} &
   \driver{\usebibmacro{tabular:omitsortname}} \\}


    author      = {Jesus Bisbal and Deirdre Lawless and Bing Wu and Jane Grimson and Vincent Wade and Ray Richardson and Donie O'Sullivan},
    title       = {A Survey of Research into Legacy System Migration},
    shorttitle  = {Legacy Migration},
    institution = {Trinity College},
    publisher   = {Trinity College},
    year        = {1997},
    url         = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=},
    urldate     = {2018-07-11}

    author      = {Michael L. Brodie and Michael Stonebraker},
    title       = {DARWIN: On the Incremental Migration of Legacy Information Systems 1},
    shorttitle  = {Incremental Migration},
    year        = {1993},
    institution = {University of California},
    publisher   = {University of California},
    month       = {3},
    urldate     = {2018-07-11},
    url         = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=}

    author      = {{Microsoft Corporation}},
    title       = {Porting to .NET Core from .NET Framework},
    shorttitle  = {Porting in .NET},
    date        = {2016-06-20},
    url         = {https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/porting/},
    urldate     = {2018-06-26}



这是一个基于的解决方案奥黛丽回答使用 biblatex 的表格书目。由于内部宏的更改,Audrey 的答案的代码略有更改。我还对您的代码进行了现代化改造,并尽可能缩短了代码。

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authortitle, autocite=footnote, dashed=false, maxnames=99]{biblatex}






% user-level command for printing tabular bibliography

% underlying macros
  % copy filtered list of entries to internal list macro
  % tabular output for each item in list macro
  \def\do##1{\bbx@tab@label{##1} & \bbx@tab@item{##1}\\}%
  \endgroup% this closed a goup opened by \printbibtabular



% user-level command for defining tabular bibliography format


% sortname labels (a robust style should add provision for missing labelnames)
    {\printtext[bold]{No name given.}%
     \PackageWarning{biblatex}{No labelname for entry \thefield{entrykey},\MessageBreak
       we need to think of something else}}

% bibitem hook to suppress redundant sortname list


% demo new tabular bibliography format
% I strongly prefer left-aligned with fixed width (L)
% over justified (p) here
% longtable for tables that break over pages


    author      = {Jesus Bisbal and Deirdre Lawless and Bing Wu and Jane Grimson and Vincent Wade and Ray Richardson and Donie O'Sullivan},
    title       = {A Survey of Research into Legacy System Migration},
    shorttitle  = {Legacy Migration},
    institution = {Trinity College},
    publisher   = {Trinity College},
    year        = {1997},
    url         = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=},
    urldate     = {2018-07-11}

    author      = {Michael L. Brodie and Michael Stonebraker},
    title       = {DARWIN: On the Incremental Migration of Legacy Information Systems 1},
    shorttitle  = {Incremental Migration},
    year        = {1993},
    institution = {University of California},
    publisher   = {University of California},
    month       = {3},
    urldate     = {2018-07-11},
    url         = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=}

    author      = {{Microsoft Corporation}},
    title       = {Porting to .NET Core from .NET Framework},
    shorttitle  = {Porting in .NET},
    date        = {2016-06-20},
    url         = {https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/porting/},
    urldate     = {2018-06-26}





