在 moderncv 中添加“出版物(续)”

在 moderncv 中添加“出版物(续)”

在此处输入图片描述 我正在写简历。我的出版物清单需要放在第二页。我想在第二页的顶部加上标题“出版物(续)”。


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% personal data
\title{Curriculum Vitae}                               



 # "\providecommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1}%" 

   author       = {N. D. Birell and P. C. W. Davies},
   year         = 1982,
   title        = {Quantum Fields in Curved Space},
   publisher    = {Cambridge University Press}

   author       = "R. P. Feynman",
   year         = "1954",
   journal      = "Phys.\ Rev.",
   volume       = "94",
   pages        = "262",

   author       = "A. Einstein and {\relax Yu} Podolsky and N. Rosen", 
   year         = "1935", 
   journal      = "Phys.\ Rev.", 
   volume       = "47", 
   pages        = "777",

   author       = "Berman, Jr., G. P. and Izrailev, Jr., F. M.",
   title        = "Stability of nonlinear modes",
   journal      = "Physica D",
   volume       = "88", 
   pages        = "445",
   year         = "1983",

   author       = "E. B. Davies and L. Parns", 
   title        = "Trapped modes in acoustic waveguides", 
   journal      = "Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math.", 
   volume       = "51", 
   pages        = "477--492", 
   year         = "1988", 

   author       = "Edward Witten",
   eprint       = "hep-th/0106109",
   year         = "2001", 

   author       = "E. Beutler", 
   editor       = "E. Beutler and M. A. Lichtman and B. W. Coller and T. S. Kipps", 
   title        = "Williams Hematology", 
   chapter      = "7", 
   pages        = "654--662",
   publisher    = "McGraw-Hill", 
   year         = "1994", 

   edition      = "5", 
   address      = "New York", 
   volume       = "2", 


您可以使用两个具有不同标题的独立参考书目多围兜包。不过,这需要将aipsamp.bib文件拆分成两个单独的文件。使用\renewcommand*{\bibliographyhead}[1]{}参考部分标题可以删除,并使用自己的标题。(感谢 Howie 的这个好建议。)


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% Second parameter can be anything, as the headings are added separately
\newcites{second}{ }%  \citesecond, \nocitesecond, ...

\title{Curriculum Vitae}                               

    % Remove regular reference section headings

    % Manually add reference section heading

    % Manually add second reference section heading
    \section{Publications (continued)}

渲染后的 LaTeX
