我提供了(简单的)代码来说明我在 GitHub 帐户上尝试执行的操作(在此处放置代码会使帖子难以阅读)。请查看此链接
上述链接所给出的问题的答案适用于“整个元素”列表。我的意思是:例如,整个段落、整个项目列表或整个表格。例如,您可以确保段落和表格(即:2 个“整个元素”)打印在同一页上。
例如:我想确保标题(即一个段落 - “整个元素”)以及至少前两行下表(元素的某些部分)将打印在同一页上吗?
% See https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/94699/absolutely-definitely-preventing-page-break
这个根本问题似乎与 LaTeX 代码本身的语法有关:“begin/end”语句必须平衡。因此,您不能干扰“整个元素”(完整表格的完整列表)的结构。您不得不将其拆分成更小的部分。
任何想法 ?
% See http://borntocode.fr/latex-customisation-de-listes-a-puces/
\begin{itemize}[topsep=0pt, itemsep=1pt, parsep=0pt, partopsep=0pt]%
% See https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/94699/absolutely-definitely-preventing-page-break
% Nothing prevents the title to be printed on one page and the 10 items on
% the next page. I would like to make sure that the title and, at least 2
% items, will be printed on the same page.
\item Iten 1
\item Iten 2
\item Iten 3
\item Iten 4
\item Iten 5
\item Iten 6
\item Iten 7
\item Iten 8
\item Iten 9
\item Iten 10
\item Iten 11
\item Iten 12
\item Iten 13
\item Iten 14
\item Iten 15
\item Iten 16
\item Iten 17
\item Iten 18
% One solution, that works for the list.
% But, please note: I create 2 lists instead of one.
\begin{packed_enum} % <= first list
\item Iten 1
\item Iten 2
\begin{packed_enum} % <= second list
\item Iten 3
\item Iten 4
\item Iten 5
\item Iten 6
\item Iten 7
\item Iten 8
\item Iten 9
\item Iten 10
\item Iten 11
\item Iten 12
\item Iten 13
\item Iten 14
\item Iten 15
\item Iten 16
\item Iten 17
\item Iten 18
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% I define fiew environments.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% See https://www.sharelatex.com/learn/Tables
% See https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/94699/absolutely-definitely-preventing-page-break
% 1. Nothing prevents the title to be printed on one page and the 5 lines of
% the table to be printed on the next page. I would like to make sure that
% the title and, at least 2 lines, will be printed on the same page.
% 2. The table cannot be broken. All rows are printed the one after the other...
% even if the end of the text area is reached.
a & ~ & experience 0 \\
aa & ~ & experience 1 \\
aaa & ~ & experience 2 \\
a & ~ & experience 3 \\
aa & ~ & experience 4 \\
aaa & ~ & experience 5 \\
a & ~ & experience 6 \\
aa & ~ & experience 7 \\
aaa & ~ & experience 8 \\
a & ~ & experience 9 \\
aa & ~ & experience 10 \\
aaa & ~ & experience 11 \\
a & ~ & experience 12 \\
aa & ~ & experience 13 \\
aaa & ~ & experience 14 \\
a & ~ & experience 15 \\
aa & ~ & experience 16 \\
aaa & ~ & experience 17 \\
% One solution may be to split the table into smaller tables.
% But this solution does not work **well**.
% The widths of the columns are not fixed.
% Therefore the tables may have different widths for the same columns.
a & ~ & experience 0 \\
aa & ~ & experience 1 \\
aaa & ~ & experience 2 \\
a & ~ & experience 3 \\
a & ~ & experience 4 \\
a & ~ & experience 5 \\
a & ~ & experience 6 \\
a & ~ & experience 7 \\
a & ~ & experience 8 \\
a & ~ & experience 9 \\
a & ~ & experience 10 \\
a & ~ & experience 11 \\
a & ~ & experience 12 \\
a & ~ & experience 13 \\
a & ~ & experience 14 \\
a & ~ & experience 15 \\
a & ~ & experience 16 \\
a & ~ & experience 17 \\
% This file contains LaTeX configuration for all CV.
\ProvidesClass{class}[1995/10/30 Standard LaTeX minimal class]
% This class "article" defines many important things.
% See https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/440462/hline-does-not-produce-anything/440468#440468
% [geometry] This package provides a flexible and easy interface to page dimensions.
% We set the dimensions of the left and right margins.
% We set the dimensions of the top and bottom margins.
% We (must) redefine the font size named "normalsize" (this is mandatory).
% Please note that LaTeX defines other names for font sizes (for example: tiny, small...).
% See https://www.sharelatex.com/learn/Font_sizes,_families,_and_styles#Reference_guide
% WARNING: Make sure to redefine the command "\normalsize" before loading the package "fontspec".
% This package allows the use of formatting features that are required to draw tables.
% This package provides flexibility for fine-tuning the enumerated lists.
% See https://texfaq.org/FAQ-complist
% This package is really awasome.
% This will print a frame around the text area.
# This document illustrates the use of the "make" tool to produce PDF files from LaTeX sources.
# Generate the PDF file: make all
# Clean all the temporary files: make clean
# Remove all temporary files, including the PDF file: make clear
LATEX_EXE = /usr/bin/lualatex
LATEX_OPTIONS = -halt-on-error -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode --output-format=pdf
PDF_VIEWER = xdg-open
list.pdf: list.tex class.cls
table.pdf: table.tex class.cls
all: list.pdf table.pdf
rm -f *.log *.out *.aux
clear: clean
rm -f *.pdf