你当然能用 Ti 做钾Z 但这里不需要它。(编辑:固定间距,非常感谢@Troy!)
\multicolumn{2}{c}{}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Player 1}\\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{}& \multicolumn{1}{l}{A} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{B}\\
\multirow{2}{*}{\rotatebox[origin = r]{90}{Player 2}}
& B &\begin{tabular}{*3{@{}c@{}}}
& & 4\\
& (3) & \\
1 & &
\end{tabular} &
& & 5\\
& (1) & \\
2 & &
& A &\begin{tabular}{*3{@{}c@{}}}
& & 6\\
& (5) & \\
1 & &
\end{tabular} &
& & 2\\
& (3) & \\
2 & &
只是为了完整性:Ti钾Z 版本。就此目的而言,恕我直言,这有点矫枉过正,但如果您打算添加功能,这可能是更好的选择。
\matrix (mat) [matrix of nodes,ampersand replacement=\&,nodes={draw,inner sep=4pt},
column sep=-\pgflinewidth,row sep=-\pgflinewidth]{
& & 4\\
& (3) & \\
1 & &
\end{tabular}} \& {\begin{tabular}{*3{@{}c@{}}}
& & 5\\
& (1) & \\
2 & &
\end{tabular}} \\
& & 6\\
& (5) & \\
1 & &
\end{tabular}} \& {\begin{tabular}{*3{@{}c@{}}}
& & 2\\
& (3) & \\
2 & &
\end{tabular}} \\
\node [above=1pt of mat-1-1.north west,anchor=south west] (A1) {A};
\node [above=1pt of mat-1-2.north east,anchor=south east] (B1) {B};
\node [left=1pt of mat-1-1,anchor=east] (A2) {A};
\node [left=1pt of mat-2-1,anchor=east] (B2) {B};
\path ([yshift=4pt]A1.north) -- ([yshift=4pt]B1.north) node[midway]{Player 1};
\path ([xshift=-4pt]B2.west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]A2.west) node[midway,rotate=90]{Player 2};
\newcommand\mc[3]{\hfill #1\par % cell's content at top right
(#2)\par % cell's content on the midle
#3\hfill\mbox{}}% cell's content at bottom left
\begin{tabular}{cc | *{2}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}S{m{12mm}}|}}
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Player 1} \\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{A}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{B} \\
\multirow{4}{*}{\rotatebox[origin = c]{90}{Player 2}}
& A & \mc{4}{3}{1} & \mc{5}{1}{2} \\
& B & \mc{6}{5}{1} & \mc{2}{3}{2} \\