\foreach \X/\Y [count=\Z] in {#1}
\draw[thick,fill=\Y] (0,0) rectangle (\X,1);
\draw[thick,latex-latex] (0,0.5) -- (\X,0.5) node[midway,fill=\Y]{#2};
\draw[thick,fill=\Y] (\lastX,0) rectangle ({\lastX+\X},1);
\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily,fat arrow/.style={->,ultra thick,shorten
>=2pt, shorten <=2pt}]
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=left tiling]
\begin{scope}[yshift=2cm,local bounding box=tiling 1]
\node[anchor=north east] at (tiling 1.south east){Add two squares};
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=tiling 2]
\node[anchor=north east] at (tiling 2.south east){Remove a square};
\begin{scope}[yshift=-2cm,local bounding box=tiling 3]
\node[anchor=north east] at (tiling 3.south east){Replace the square with a tromino};
\begin{scope}[yshift=-4cm,local bounding box=tiling 4]
\node[anchor=north east] at (tiling 4.south east)
{Replace with two squares};
**> \begin{scope}[yshift=-4cm,局部边界框=平铺 5]
\Domino{5/white}{$(n-10)$-tiling} \end{scope} \node[anchor=north east] at (tiling 5.south east) {Replace with a square};**
\draw[decorate,very thick,decoration={brace}]
([xshift=-2pt]tiling 4.south west) --
([xshift=-2pt]tiling 3.north west) --
([xshift=-2pt]tiling 2.north west) coordinate[midway,left=3pt] (X);
\draw[fat arrow] (left tiling) -- (tiling 1.west);
\draw[fat arrow] (left tiling) -- (tiling 2.west);
\foreach \X/\Y [count=\Z] in {#1}
\draw[thick,fill=\Y] (0,0) rectangle (\X,1);
\draw[thick,latex-latex] (0,0.5) -- (\X,0.5) node[midway,fill=\Y]{#2};
\draw[thick,fill=\Y] (\lastX,0) rectangle ({\lastX+\X},1);
\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily,fat arrow/.style={->,ultra thick,shorten
>=2pt, shorten <=2pt}]
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=left tiling]
\begin{scope}[yshift=2cm,local bounding box=tiling 1]
\node[anchor=north east] at (tiling 1.south east){Add two squares};
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=tiling 2]
\node[anchor=north east] at (tiling 2.south east){Remove a square};
\begin{scope}[yshift=-2cm,local bounding box=tiling 3]
\node[anchor=north east] at (tiling 3.south east){Replace the square with a tromino};
\begin{scope}[yshift=-4cm,local bounding box=tiling 4]
\node[anchor=north east] at (tiling 4.south east)
{Replace with two squares};
\begin{scope}[yshift=-6cm,local bounding box=tiling 5]
\node[anchor=north east] at (tiling 5.south east)
{Replace with a square};
\draw[decorate,very thick,decoration={brace}]
([xshift=-2pt,yshift=-2pt]tiling 4.south west) --
([xshift=-2pt,yshift=2pt]tiling 2.north west) coordinate[midway,left=3pt] (X);
\draw[fat arrow] (left tiling) to[out=90,in=180] (tiling 1.west);
\draw[fat arrow] (left tiling) to[out=-90,in=180] (X);
\draw[fat arrow] (left tiling) to[out=-90,in=180] (tiling 5.west);