








% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.



There are several ways to achive such a layout:

        Use a plain \texttt{align*} environment:
            (T_{5}g)(t) &= g(t-5) &
                g_{5,\frac12}(t) &= (M_{\frac12}T_{5}g)(t) \\
            &&&= g(t-5)e^{2\pi i\left(\frac12\right)t}

        You could also have an equation number on, say, the first line,
        but I~don't think this is what you want:
            (T_{5}g)(t) &= g(t-5) &
                g_{5,\frac12}(t) &= (M_{\frac12}T_{5}g)(t) \\
            &&&= g(t-5)e^{2\pi i\left(\frac12\right)t} \notag

        A slight variation is to replace \texttt{align*} (resp.,
        \texttt{align}) with \texttt{flalign*} (resp., \texttt{flalign}),
        which aligns the two blocks to the text margins:
            (T_{5}g)(t) &= g(t-5) &
                g_{5,\frac12}(t) &= (M_{\frac12}T_{5}g)(t) \\
            &&&= g(t-5)e^{2\pi i\left(\frac12\right)t}

        Note, however, the awful placement of the equation number:
            (T_{5}g)(t) &= g(t-5) &
                g_{5,\frac12}(t) &= (M_{\frac12}T_{5}g)(t) \\
            &&&= g(t-5)e^{2\pi i\left(\frac12\right)t} \notag

        With \texttt{alignat*} (resp., \texttt{alignat}) you are
        responsible for specifying both the number of alignments
        and the horizontal space between them: 
            (T_{5}g)(t) &= g(t-5) &\hspace{4em} % = 4*\quad
                g_{5,\frac12}(t) &= (M_{\frac12}T_{5}g)(t) \\
            &&&= g(t-5)e^{2\pi i\left(\frac12\right)t}

        With equation number(s):
            (T_{5}g)(t) &= g(t-5) &\hspace{4em} % = 4*\quad
                g_{5,\frac12}(t) &= (M_{\frac12}T_{5}g)(t) \\
            &&&= g(t-5)e^{2\pi i\left(\frac12\right)t} \notag

        So far we have seen solutions I'd \emph{deprecate};
        let's see now one I'd \emph{recommend}: use an \texttt{alignedat}
        environment.  With this, you can give a unique equation number
        to the whole block of equations, which is probably what you want:
                (T_{5}g)(t) &= g(t-5) &\hspace{4em}
                    g_{5,\frac12}(t) &= (M_{\frac12}T_{5}g)(t) \\
                &&&= g(t-5)e^{2\pi i\left(\frac12\right)t}

        Should you later change your mind and decide not to number the
        equation, all you have to do is to add two asterisks
        (to \texttt{equation}, not to \texttt{alignedat}):
                (T_{5}g)(t) &= g(t-5) &\hspace{4em}
                    g_{5,\frac12}(t) &= (M_{\frac12}T_{5}g)(t) \\
                &&&= g(t-5)e^{2\pi i\left(\frac12\right)t}



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