我想模拟这个触发器的工作。如何对 jk 的每种可能组合进行模拟,例如when j -> 0, k -> 1, Q = 0, Q_n = 0
when j -> 0, k -> 1, Q = 0, Q_n = 1
\path (0,0) rectangle (10,7); % Use this to set the dimensions to approximately the page size
\node(J) at (1,0) {$J$};
\node[nand gate US,draw,logic gate inputs = nnn,thick] at ($(J)+(2,0)$) (Nand1){};
\node(K) at ($(J)+(0,-2.5)$) {$K$};
\node[nand gate US, draw, logic gate inputs = nnn,thick] at ($(K)+(2,0)$) (Nand2) {};
\onslide<2>{\node(in1) at ($(J)+(0.5,0.5)$) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{1}}} ;};
\onslide<3>{\node(in1) at ($(K)+(0.5,0.5)$) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{0}}} ;};
\node[nand gate US, draw, logic gate inputs = nnn, thick,anchor=input 1] at ($(Nand1)+(3,0)$) (Nand3) {};
\node[nand gate US, draw, logic gate inputs = nnn, thick, anchor = input 3] at ($(Nand2)+(3,0)$) (Nand4) {};
\draw(J) |- (Nand1.input 2);
\draw(K) |- (Nand2.input 2);
\path (J) -- (K) node[midway] (CLK) {$CLK$};
\draw (Nand1.input 3) --++(180:5mm) coordinate (aux) |- (CLK);
\draw (CLK-|aux)|- (Nand2.input 1);
\draw(Nand1.output) |- (Nand3.input 1);
\draw(Nand2.output) |- (Nand4.input 3);
\draw (Nand3.output) -- ([xshift=2cm]Nand3.output);
\draw (Nand4.output) -- ([xshift=2cm]Nand4.output);
\draw (Nand3.output) --++(0:2cm) node[right](Q) {$Q_n$} coordinate[pos=.25] (aux1) coordinate[pos=.5] (aux2);
\draw (Nand4.output) --++(0:2cm) node[right] (QN) {$\overline{Q_n}$} coordinate[pos=.25] (aux3) coordinate[pos=.75] (aux4);
\onslide<2>{\node(out1) at ($(Q)+(0.5,0.5)$) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{1}}} ;};
\onslide<2>{\node(out2) at ($(QN)+(0.5,0.5)$) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{1}}} ;};
\draw (Nand2.input 3)--(Nand2.input 3-|aux)--++(-90:5mm)-|(aux2);
\draw (Nand1.input 1)--(Nand1.input 1-|aux)--++(90:5mm)-|(aux4);
\draw(Nand4.input 1) --++(180:5mm) --++(90:3mm) -- ([yshift = -3mm]aux1) --(aux1);
\draw(Nand3.input 3) --++(180:5mm) --++(-90:3mm) -- ([yshift = 3mm]aux3) --(aux3);
\foreach \i in {CLK-|aux,aux1,aux2,aux3,aux4}
\filldraw (\i) circle (1.5pt);
我很确定我没有正确组合,但我认为你会发现调整参数以visible on=<...>
达到你的目的很简单。这个小技巧来自克劳迪奥·菲安德里诺的神奇 aobs 库(texdoc aobs
\usetikzlibrary{overlay-beamer-styles} %<-added
\path (0,0) rectangle (10,7); % Use this to set the dimensions to approximately the page size
\node(J) at (1,0) {$J$};
\node[nand gate US,draw,logic gate inputs = nnn,thick] at ($(J)+(2,0)$) (Nand1){};
\node(K) at ($(J)+(0,-2.5)$) {$K$};
\node[nand gate US, draw, logic gate inputs = nnn,thick] at ($(K)+(2,0)$) (Nand2) {};
\node[nand gate US, draw, logic gate inputs = nnn, thick,anchor=input 1] at ($(Nand1)+(3,0)$) (Nand3) {};
\node[nand gate US, draw, logic gate inputs = nnn, thick, anchor = input 3] at ($(Nand2)+(3,0)$) (Nand4) {};
\draw(J) |- (Nand1.input 2);
\draw(K) |- (Nand2.input 2);
\path (J) -- (K) node[midway] (CLK) {$CLK$};
\draw (Nand1.input 3) --++(180:5mm) coordinate (aux) |- (CLK);
\draw (CLK-|aux)|- (Nand2.input 1);
\draw(Nand1.output) |- (Nand3.input 1);
\draw(Nand2.output) |- (Nand4.input 3);
\draw (Nand3.output) -- ([xshift=2cm]Nand3.output);
\draw (Nand4.output) -- ([xshift=2cm]Nand4.output);
\draw (Nand3.output) --++(0:2cm) node[right](Q) {$Q_n$} coordinate[pos=.25] (aux1) coordinate[pos=.5] (aux2);
\draw (Nand4.output) --++(0:2cm) node[right] (QN) {$\overline{Q_n}$} coordinate[pos=.25] (aux3) coordinate[pos=.75] (aux4);
\node[visible on=<{2,3}>](out1) at ($(Q)+(0.5,0.5)$) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{0}}};
\node[visible on=<{4,5}>](out1) at ($(Q)+(0.5,0.5)$) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{1}}};
\node[visible on=<{2,4}>](out2) at ($(QN)+(0.5,0.5)$) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{0}}};
\node[visible on=<{3,5}>](out2) at ($(QN)+(0.5,0.5)$) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{1}}};
\node[visible on=<{2,3}>](in1) at ($(J)+(0.5,0.5)$) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{0}}};
\node[visible on=<{4,5}>](in1) at ($(J)+(0.5,0.5)$) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{1}}};
\node[visible on=<{2,4}>](in1) at ($(K)+(0.5,0.5)$) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{0}}};
\node[visible on=<{3,5}>](in1) at ($(K)+(0.5,0.5)$) {\textcolor{red}{\textbf{1}}};
\draw (Nand2.input 3)--(Nand2.input 3-|aux)--++(-90:5mm)-|(aux2);
\draw (Nand1.input 1)--(Nand1.input 1-|aux)--++(90:5mm)-|(aux4);
\draw(Nand4.input 1) --++(180:5mm) --++(90:3mm) -- ([yshift = -3mm]aux1) --(aux1);
\draw(Nand3.input 3) --++(180:5mm) --++(-90:3mm) -- ([yshift = 3mm]aux3) --(aux3);
\foreach \i in {CLK-|aux,aux1,aux2,aux3,aux4}
\filldraw (\i) circle (1.5pt);