



\usepackage{showframe} % just for the example


\newtheoremstyle{fctaylor}% name
  {\topsep}%      Space above
  {\topsep}%      Space below
  {\normalfont}%         Body font
  {}%         Indent amount (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
  {\bfseries}% Thm head font
  {}%        Punctuation after thm head
  {0pt}%     Space after thm head: " " = normal interword space;

\AtBeginDocument{\setlength\fctaylortheoremindent{3em}} % <- customize here
\AtBeginDocument{\setlength\fctaylorlabelsep{1em}} % <- customize here

    \@ifnotempty{#3}{ (#3)}%








Something that should show how the text is split across line boundaries
and is correctly indented. And some equivalent conditions:
\item a condition
\item another
\item and another
which show the point made.


Here are the references: \ref{A} and \ref{B}.




除了单击超链接会导航到首页而不是可以找到所引用的定理的位置之外,我还发现 .log 文件包含警告:

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{[email protected]} has been referenced but does no
t exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{[email protected]} has been referenced but does no
t exist, replaced by a fixed one



定理类环境通常将其标签短语放入名为的盒子寄存器中,\@labels并依赖于\everypar将该盒子/该盒子寄存器的内容放入输出文件中。超链接-package 导致在将标签短语放入框寄存器时,还会创建一个新的超链接锚点的名称。超链接-package 也会导致在由于\everypar该盒子被放置时放置锚点。

在您这种不寻常的情况下,该框和锚点都永远不会被放置,因为 -environmentthm确实有另一个嵌套级别,其中标签在 -environment 的可选参数中排版\itemfctayloritemize而底层的 LaTeX 2ε-kernel-macro\@item会使用不涉及\item将具有相关名称的锚点放入输出文件中的内容/指令覆盖 -box\@labels\everypar-hook。因此,您有一个用于 -commands 的锚点名称\label,但在执行类似命令时没有合适的锚点,\ref该命令也会尝试创建指向相应锚点的链接。

当 TeX 引擎(pdflatex 或其他)发现自己试图生成指向不存在的锚点/目标的链接时,它将发出一条警告消息,该消息也会出现在 .log 文件中,并链接到文档第一页上的“虚拟目标/虚拟锚点”。

虽然锚点的名称已经由周围的定理环境创建,但您仍然需要传递将锚点放入该 \list-item 的可选参数中的指令:

\usepackage{showframe} % just for the example


\newtheoremstyle{fctaylor}% name
  {\topsep}%      Space above
  {\topsep}%      Space below
  {\normalfont}%         Body font
  {}%         Indent amount (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
  {\bfseries}% Thm head font
  {}%        Punctuation after thm head
  {0pt}%     Space after thm head: " " = normal interword space;

\AtBeginDocument{\setlength\fctaylortheoremindent{3em}} % <- customize here
\AtBeginDocument{\setlength\fctaylorlabelsep{1em}} % <- customize here

    \@ifnotempty{#3}{ (#3)}%


  % Create the macro holding the textual phrase for `\autoref`:
  % Be aware that this only works when the theorem in question dose not
  % share its counter with an other theorem-like environment defined
  % previously.
    \expandafter\newcommand\csname fctaylor@#2autorefname\endcsname{#4}%
      % Also pass instructions for placing an anchor.
      % The name of the anchor was already created by the
      % fctaylor@#2-environment and saved either in the nacro
      % \@currentHref or in the macro \Hy@dth@currentHref:
      % In case there is a counter, its name is saved in 
      % \dth@counter, otherwise \dth@counter expands to emptiness.






Something that should show how the text is split across line boundaries
and is correctly indented. And some equivalent conditions:
\item a condition
\item another
\item and another
which show the point made.


Here are the references: \ref{A} and \ref{B}

and \autoref{A} and \autoref{B}


似乎通过这些修改,您不会在 .log 文件中收到警告,并且超链接会链接到正确的目的地/锚点。
