


我只是想知道,有人知道如何使用 beamer 演示文稿创建这样的幻灯片吗?








\newcommand{\parameter}[1]{\textlangle #1\textrangle}



\title{How to use the ``Goddard'' Beamer theme?}
\subtitle{Version 0.1}
\author{Mohamed Elmorabity}






  beamer-goddard is a \LaTeX{} Beamer theme inspired by the Goddard Fedora~13 theme\footnote{\url{http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F13_Artwork}} and the Anaconda GUI layout\footnote{\url{http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda}}.

  \begin{block}{Comments, suggestions or bug reports ?}
    Please send a mail at: \email{[email protected]}

\section{How to install it?}



  The theme is available as a \filepath{.tar.bz2} or a \filepath{.zip} archive file at
  \item \url{http://melmorabity.fedorapeople.org/beamer/beamer-goddard/beamer-goddard-0.1.tar.bz2}
  \item \url{http://melmorabity.fedorapeople.org/beamer/beamer-goddard/beamer-goddard-0.1.zip}


  Once the archive downloaded and extracted, copy \filepath{texmf} stuff:
  \item[Windows] in \filepath{C:\textbackslash texmf\textbackslash} with Mik\TeX{} or \TeX{}Live
  \item[Unix] with \TeX{}Live:
    \item in \filepath{\textasciitilde/texmf}, for a single user
    \item in \filepath{/usr/share/local/texmf/}, for all users


  \begin{alertblock}{Don't forget to update your ls-R database!}
    \item[Mik\TeX{}] launch the Mik\TeX{} options toolbox
      \item[Windows] launch \command{texhash} in a DOS shell
      \item[Unix] launch \command{texhash} (as root in the theme was installed for all users)

\section{How to use it?}

  \frametitle{How to use it?}

  Just call the theme using \latexcode{\textbackslash usetheme\{Goddard\}} in your preamble

  \begin{block}{A sample \LaTeX{} preamble}




  \frametitle{How to use it?}

  \item[\latexcode{language=\parameter{\emph{language}}}] to change the labels language in the buttons of the progress bar.\\
    Available languages are \latexcode{english}, \latexcode{french}, \latexcode{german}, \latexcode{italian}, \latexcode{portuguese}, \latexcode{spanish}.
  \item[\latexcode{oldstylearrows}] to use old-style arrows in buttons:
      \makeatletter\goddard@newarrow{180}\goddard@newarrow{0}\makeatother{} default\hspace{0.2\textwidth}\makeatletter\goddard@oldarrow{180}\goddard@oldarrow{0}\makeatother{} old-style

% Labels in French, old-style arrows

\subsection{Some tricks\ldots}

  \frametitle{How to use it?}
  \framesubtitle{Some tricks\ldots}

  \begin{block}{Alternating table row colors}
        Fedora 14&Laughlin&Fedora Core 7&Moonshine\\
        Fedora 13&Goddard&Fedora Core 6&Zod\\
        Fedora 12&Constantine&Fedora Core 5&Bordeaux\\
        Fedora 11&Leonidas&Fedora Core 4&Stentz\\
        Fedora 10&Cambridge&Fedora Core 3&Heidelberg\\
        Fedora 9&Sulphur&Fedora Core 2&Tettnang\\
        Fedora 8&Werewolf&Fedora Core 1&Yarrow\\

  \frametitle{How to use it?}
  \framesubtitle{Some tricks\ldots}

  \begin{block}{Alternating table row colors}

    \item Add the \latexcode{[xcolor=table]} option to \latexcode{\textbackslash documentclass\{beamer\}}
    \item Add the following line to your preamble:

  \frametitle{How to use it?}
  \framesubtitle{Some tricks\ldots}

  \begin{block}{Syntaxic coloration in \latexcode{lstlisting} environments}
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* A comment */
int main (int argc, char* argv [])
  printf ("Hello world!");

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


  \frametitle{How to use it?}
  \framesubtitle{Some tricks\ldots}

  \begin{block}{Syntaxic coloration in \latexcode{lstlisting} environments}
    Add the following lines to your preamble:


