程序包 pgfplots 错误无法读取图中的表格文件

程序包 pgfplots 错误无法读取图中的表格文件

您好,以下 tikz 图片本身可以工作,但是当我将其放入如下代码中的图形中时,会出现此错误:

包 pgfplots 错误:!包 pgfplots 错误:无法读取表格文件““xyz 10 -1 -1 10 1 -1 1 0 1 1 10 -1 1 10 -1 -1””在“搜索路径=”中。






declare function={squarex(\t) =         
    (\t < 0.25) ? 1 : (             
        (\t < 0.5) ? (1 - (\t-0.25) * 8) : (                 
            (\t < 0.75) ? -1 : (-1 + (\t - 0.75) * 8)         
declare function={squarey(\t) =         
    (\t < 0.25) ? (-1 + \t*8) : (             
        (\t < 0.5) ? 1 : (                 
            (\t < 0.75) ? (1 - (\t - 0.5) * 8) : -1         
axis equal image,      
z buffer=sort,
hide axis,      
domain=0:1, y domain = 0:10, samples y = 25,     
ylabel =y, xlabel=x,     clip=false 
\addplot3 [     
z buffer=none, domain=0:330, samples y=1,     
ultra thick, black, -latex] (     
{sin(x)*1.5},     {cos(x)*1.5} 
\addplot3 [surf, shader=flat, fill=black!10, draw=black] (     
{squarex(x) * cos(y*9) - squarey(x) * sin(y*9)},     
{squarex(x) * sin(y*9) + squarey(x) * cos(y*9)} 
\addplot3 [z buffer=auto, fill=black!30, draw=black] table { 
x y z 
10 -1 -1 
10 1 -1 
10 1 1 
10 -1 1 
10 -1 -1 
\addplot3 [     
z buffer=auto, domain=-60:270, samples y=1,     
ultra thick, black, latex-] (     
{cos(x)*1.5} );
\draw [ultra thick,-latex] (3.5,0,2) -- (6.5,0,2);
\node[rotate=-12] (label) at (5,0,2.7) {wave motion};

}\hfill{}\subfloat[]{Other figure goes here


\caption{Torsional wave. a) a cuboid figure undergoing torsional         distortion
b) the bending and bucking in this bridge is caused by torsional waves}


编辑:我没有制作 tikz 图像,它改编自这里







x y z 
10 -1 -1 
10 1 -1 
10 1 1 
10 -1 1 
10 -1 -1 

declare function={squarex(\t) =         
    (\t < 0.25) ? 1 : (             
        (\t < 0.5) ? (1 - (\t-0.25) * 8) : (                 
            (\t < 0.75) ? -1 : (-1 + (\t - 0.75) * 8)         
declare function={squarey(\t) =         
    (\t < 0.25) ? (-1 + \t*8) : (             
        (\t < 0.5) ? 1 : (                 
            (\t < 0.75) ? (1 - (\t - 0.5) * 8) : -1         
axis equal image,      
z buffer=sort,
hide axis,      
domain=0:1, y domain = 0:10, samples y = 25,     
ylabel =y, xlabel=x,     clip=false 
\addplot3 [     
z buffer=none, domain=0:330, samples y=1,     
ultra thick, black, -latex] (     
{sin(x)*1.5},     {cos(x)*1.5} 
\addplot3 [surf, shader=flat, fill=black!10, draw=black] (     
{squarex(x) * cos(y*9) - squarey(x) * sin(y*9)},     
{squarex(x) * sin(y*9) + squarey(x) * cos(y*9)} 
\addplot3 [z buffer=auto, fill=black!30, draw=black] table {mytable.dat};
\addplot3 [     
z buffer=auto, domain=-60:270, samples y=1,     
ultra thick, black, latex-] (     
{cos(x)*1.5} );
\draw [ultra thick,-latex] (3.5,0,2) -- (6.5,0,2);
\node[rotate=-12] (label) at (5,0,2.7) {wave motion};

}\hfill{}\subfloat[]{Other figure goes here.}

\caption{Torsional wave. a) a cuboid figure undergoing torsional         distortion
b) the bending and bucking in this bridge is caused by torsional waves}



Torbjørn 抢在我之前添加了替代方案,因此他的答案或以下代码产生相同的输出。





declare function={squarex(\t) =         
    (\t < 0.25) ? 1 : (             
        (\t < 0.5) ? (1 - (\t-0.25) * 8) : (                 
            (\t < 0.75) ? -1 : (-1 + (\t - 0.75) * 8)         
declare function={squarey(\t) =         
    (\t < 0.25) ? (-1 + \t*8) : (             
        (\t < 0.5) ? 1 : (                 
            (\t < 0.75) ? (1 - (\t - 0.5) * 8) : -1         
axis equal image,      
z buffer=sort,
hide axis,      
domain=0:1, y domain = 0:10, samples y = 25,     
ylabel =y, xlabel=x,     clip=false 
\addplot3 [     
z buffer=none, domain=0:330, samples y=1,     
ultra thick, black, -latex] (     
{sin(x)*1.5},     {cos(x)*1.5} 
\addplot3 [surf, shader=flat, fill=black!10, draw=black] (     
{squarex(x) * cos(y*9) - squarey(x) * sin(y*9)},     
{squarex(x) * sin(y*9) + squarey(x) * cos(y*9)} 
\addplot3 [z buffer=auto, fill=black!30, draw=black] table[row sep=crcr] { 
x y z \\
10 -1 -1\\ 
10 1 -1 \\
10 1 1 \\
10 -1 1 \\
10 -1 -1 \\
\addplot3 [     
z buffer=auto, domain=-60:270, samples y=1,     
ultra thick, black, latex-] (     
{cos(x)*1.5} );
\draw [ultra thick,-latex] (3.5,0,2) -- (6.5,0,2);
\node[rotate=-12] (label) at (5,0,2.7) {wave motion};

}\hfill{}\subfloat[]{Other figure goes here


\caption{Torsional wave. a) a cuboid figure undergoing torsional         distortion
b) the bending and bucking in this bridge is caused by torsional waves}



每行末尾加上table[row sep=\\]\\就可以了(至少对我来说)。





declare function={squarex(\t) =         
    (\t < 0.25) ? 1 : (             
        (\t < 0.5) ? (1 - (\t-0.25) * 8) : (                 
            (\t < 0.75) ? -1 : (-1 + (\t - 0.75) * 8)         
declare function={squarey(\t) =         
    (\t < 0.25) ? (-1 + \t*8) : (             
        (\t < 0.5) ? 1 : (                 
            (\t < 0.75) ? (1 - (\t - 0.5) * 8) : -1         
axis equal image,      
z buffer=sort,
hide axis,      
domain=0:1, y domain = 0:10, samples y = 25,     
ylabel =y, xlabel=x,     clip=false 
\addplot3 [     
z buffer=none, domain=0:330, samples y=1,     
ultra thick, black, -latex] (     
{sin(x)*1.5},     {cos(x)*1.5} 
\addplot3 [surf, shader=flat, fill=black!10, draw=black] (     
{squarex(x) * cos(y*9) - squarey(x) * sin(y*9)},     
{squarex(x) * sin(y*9) + squarey(x) * cos(y*9)} 
\addplot3 [z buffer=auto, fill=black!30, draw=black] table[row sep=\\] {%
x y z \\
10 -1 -1\\ 
10 1 -1 \\
10 1 1 \\
10 -1 1 \\
10 -1 -1 \\
\addplot3 [     
z buffer=auto, domain=-60:270, samples y=1,     
ultra thick, black, latex-] (     
{cos(x)*1.5} );
\draw [ultra thick,-latex] (3.5,0,2) -- (6.5,0,2);
\node[rotate=-12] (label) at (5,0,2.7) {wave motion};

}\hfill{}\subfloat[]{Other figure goes here


\caption{Torsional wave. a) a cuboid figure undergoing torsional         distortion
b) the bending and bucking in this bridge is caused by torsional waves}

