我有 3 线网络的代码。但我无法操纵它的新图。
\newcommand\wireheight{2} % height of one segment
\newcommand\wirewidth{1} % width of a segment
\newcommand\wiredist{0.5} % distance between wires
\pgfmathsetmacro\pairdist{2*(\wirewidth+\wiredist)} % distance between pairs of wires
% \wire[options]{name}{start}{height}{width}
(#3) coordinate (#2-0)
-- ++(0,#4) coordinate (#2-1)
-- ++(#5,0) coordinate (#2-2)
-- ++(0,#4) coordinate (#2-3)
-- ++(-#5,0) coordinate (#2-4)
-- ++(0,#4) coordinate (#2-5)
-- ++(#5,0) coordinate (#2-6)
-- ++(0,0.5*#4) coordinate (#2-7);
\begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners,>=stealth, shorten >=1pt, shorten <=1pt]
\foreach \i in {0,...,2}
但我正在尝试更改参数来实现这一点。在位置 1 和 2 处,红色和绿色颜色较深,但黑色没有。在上图中,在 3 处,红色和绿色颜色较浅(黑色不变)。
尝试改变坐标,这样你就能看到修饰符如何影响,这样你就可以被visual tikz 7.6 链接
% New command to draw a single shape with named coordinates ans some controls like colors
\def\Wire(#1)#2[#3](#4){% This draw one cell #1:position #2:color #3: Identifier #4: scale only 1 or -1
\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)},xscale=#4]% To modify the shape you must redefine the drawing within scope
\draw[fill,#2] (0,0)%Starting point
to ++(0,-1) % when use ++ you find a point relative to the starting point but shifted ++(xshift,yshift)
to [in=90, out=-90]++(-2,-1) coordinate (a#3) %line direction from initial node in -90 degree direction and comes to the second in 90 direction, drawing a curved path.
to ++(0,-2) coordinate (b#3)
to [in=90, out=-90]++(2,-1) coordinate (c#3)
to ++(0,-0.5) coordinate (d#3)
to [in=90, out=-90]++(-1,-1.5) coordinate (e#3)
to ++(0,-0.1) coordinate (f#3)
to [in=90, out=-90]++(1,-1.5) coordinate (g#3)
to ++(0,-1) coordinate (h#3)
to ++(-0.1,0)%go reverse shifted 0.1
to ++(0,1)
to [in=-90, out=90]++(-1+0.08,1.5)% +0.08 to get 0.02 of shifting in this point
to ++(0,0.1)
to [in=-90, out=90]++(1-0.08,1.5) %- 0.08 to compensate the value substracted and return to 0.1 shift value.
to ++(0,0.5)
to [in=-90, out=90]++(-2,1) % idem
to ++(0,2)
to [in=-90, out=90]++(2+0.08,1)
to ++(0,1)
to cycle;
\draw[draw=none] (a#3) -- (b#3) node [midway](text1){};\draw(text1)++(0.4,0) node[#2]{\sf 3};
\draw[draw=none] (c#3) -- (d#3) node [midway](text2){};\draw(text2)++(-0.4,0) node[#2]{\sf 2};
\draw[draw=none] (g#3) -- (h#3) node [midway](text3){};\draw(text3)++(-0.4,0) node[#2]{\sf 1};
\def\cell(#1)[#2]{%#1:position, #2:ID
\Wire(0,0){myred}[L#2](1)% All the cordinates are labeled as L(identifier) result in aL1,bL1 ... aL2,hL2...
\draw[thick] (0.25,0) -- ++(0,-9.6); % the middle line
\Wire(0.5,0){mygreen}[R#2](-1) %All the cordinates are labeled as R(identifier) result in aR1,bR1 ... aR2,hR2...
%Start drawing the thing...
\draw node at (0.25,0.5) {\sf Command; \verb+\cell(0,0)[1]+};
\draw node at (-4.75,0.5) {\sf Command; \verb+\cell(-5,0)[2]+};
\draw node at (5.25,0.5) {\sf Command; \verb+\cell(5,0)[3]+};
\draw node (comment1) at (7.5,-10.5) {\sf Command; \verb+\Wire(10,0){blue}[L4](1)+};
%Demostration nodes:
\draw[-Stealth,shorten >= 5pt,] (comment1) -- (hL4);
\draw[-Stealth,shorten >= 2pt,shorten <= 2pt] (fR2) -- (fL1) node [midway,align=center,anchor=south]{Node IDs \\ available};
%Find nodes
\draw node[anchor=east] at (bR1) {\sf Node \verb+bR1+} (bR1)[fill=red] circle (2pt);
\draw node[anchor=east] at (aR2) {\sf Node \verb+aR2+} (aR2)[fill=red] circle (2pt);
\draw node[anchor=west] at (aL2) {\sf Node \verb+aL2+} (aL2)[fill=red] circle (2pt);
\draw node[anchor=east] at (eL3) {\sf Node \verb+eL3+} (eL3)[fill=red] circle (2pt);
\draw node[anchor=east] at (fL4) {\sf Node \verb+fL4+} (fL4)[fill=red] circle (2pt);
更新的 MWE:
% New command to draw a single shape with named coordinates ans some controls like colors
\def\Wire(#1)#2[#3](#4){% This draw one cell #1:position #2:color #3: Identifier #4: scale only 1 or -1
\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)},xscale=#4]% To modify the shape you must redefine the drawing within scope
\draw[fill,#2] (0,0)%Starting point
to ++(0,-1) % when use ++ you find a point relative to the starting point but shifted ++(xshift,yshift)
to [in=90, out=-90]++(-2,-1) coordinate (a#3) %line direction from initial node in -90 degree direction and comes to the second in 90 direction, drawing a curved path.
to ++(0,-2) coordinate (b#3)
to [in=90, out=-90]++(2,-1) coordinate (c#3)
to ++(0,-0.5) coordinate (d#3)
to [in=90, out=-90]++(-1,-1.5) coordinate (e#3)
to ++(0,-0.1) coordinate (f#3)
to [in=90, out=-90]++(1,-1.5) coordinate (g#3)
to ++(0,-1) coordinate (h#3)
to ++(-0.1,0)%go reverse shifted 0.1
to ++(0,1)
to [in=-90, out=90]++(-1+0.08,1.5)% +0.08 to get 0.02 of shifting in this point
to ++(0,0.1)
to [in=-90, out=90]++(1-0.08,1.5) %- 0.08 to compensate the value substracted and return to 0.1 shift value.
to ++(0,0.5)
to [in=-90, out=90]++(-2,1) % idem
to ++(0,2)
to [in=-90, out=90]++(2+0.08,1)
to ++(0,1)
to cycle;
\draw[draw=none] (a#3) -- (b#3) node [midway](text1){};\draw(text1)++(0.4,0) node[#2]{\sf 3};
\draw[draw=none] (c#3) -- (d#3) node [midway](text2){};\draw(text2)++(-0.4,0) node[#2]{\sf 2};
\draw[draw=none] (g#3) -- (h#3) node [midway](text3){};\draw(text3)++(-0.4,0) node[#2]{\sf 1};
\clip (0,0)%Starting point
to ++(0,-1) % when use ++ you find a point relative to the starting point but shifted ++(xshift,yshift)
to [in=90, out=-90]++(-2,-1) %line direction from initial node in -90 degree direction and comes to the second in 90 direction, drawing a curved path.
to ++(0,-2)
to [in=90, out=-90]++(2,-1)
to ++(0,-0.5)
to [in=90, out=-90]++(-1,-1.5)
to ++(0,-0.1)
to [in=90, out=-90]++(1,-1.5)
to ++(0,-1)
to ++(-0.1,0)%go reverse shifted 0.1
to ++(0,1)
to [in=-90, out=90]++(-1+0.08,1.5)% +0.08 to get 0.02 of shifting in this point
to ++(0,0.1)
to [in=-90, out=90]++(1-0.08,1.5) %- 0.08 to compensate the value substracted and return to 0.1 shift value.
to ++(0,0.5)
to [in=-90, out=90]++(-2,1) % idem
to ++(0,2)
to [in=-90, out=90]++(2+0.08,1)
to ++(0,1)
to cycle;
\fill[inner color=black,outer color=#2](text1) circle (1.5cm);
\fill[inner color=black,outer color=#2](text2) circle (1.5cm);
\fill[inner color=black,outer color=#2](text3) circle (1.5cm);
\def\cell(#1)[#2]{%#1:position, #2:ID
\Wire(0,0){red}[L#2](1)% All the cordinates are labeled as L(identifier) result in aL1,bL1 ... aL2,hL2...
\draw[thick] (0.25,0) -- ++(0,-9.6); % the middle line
\Wire(0.5,0){green}[R#2](-1) %All the cordinates are labeled as R(identifier) result in aR1,bR1 ... aR2,hR2...
%Start drawing the thing...
\draw node at (0.25,0.5) {\sf Command; \verb+\cell(0,0)[1]+};
\draw node at (-4.75,0.5) {\sf Command; \verb+\cell(-5,0)[2]+};
\draw node at (5.25,0.5) {\sf Command; \verb+\cell(5,0)[3]+};
\draw node (comment1) at (7.5,-10.5) {\sf Command; \verb+\Wire(10,0){blue}[L4](1)+};
%Demostration nodes:
\draw[-Stealth,shorten >= 5pt,] (comment1) -- (hL4);
\draw[-Stealth,shorten >= 2pt,shorten <= 2pt] (fR2) -- (fL1) node [midway,align=center,anchor=south]{Node IDs \\ available};
%Find nodes
\draw node[anchor=east] at (bR1) {\sf Node \verb+bR1+} (bR1)[fill=red] circle (2pt);
\draw node[anchor=east] at (aR2) {\sf Node \verb+aR2+} (aR2)[fill=red] circle (2pt);
\draw node[anchor=west] at (aL2) {\sf Node \verb+aL2+} (aL2)[fill=red] circle (2pt);
\draw node[anchor=east] at (eL3) {\sf Node \verb+eL3+} (eL3)[fill=red] circle (2pt);
\draw node[anchor=east] at (fL4) {\sf Node \verb+fL4+} (fL4)[fill=red] circle (2pt);
PSD:第 84 行的一些拼写错误已更正,第一个 MWE;感谢@manooooh。
我尝试使用Tikz:对路径进行着色而不进行任何填充和 是否可以定义填充中顶部、底部和中间颜色的位置?,但没有成功。
\newcommand\wireheight{2} % height of one segment
\newcommand\wirewidth{1} % width of a segment
\newcommand\wiredist{0.5} % distance between wires
\pgfmathsetmacro\pairdist{2*(\wirewidth+\wiredist)} % distance between pairs of wires
% \wire[options]{name}{start}{height}{width}
(#5) coordinate (#4-0)
-- ++(0,#6) coordinate (#4-1)
-- ++(#7,0) coordinate (#4-2)
-- ++(0,#6) coordinate (#4-3)
-- ++(-#7,0) coordinate (#4-4)
-- ++(0,#6) coordinate (#4-5)
-- ++(#7,0) coordinate (#4-6)
-- ++(0,0.5*#6) coordinate (#4-7);
\IfBooleanF{#1}{\draw[#2,#3!80!black]($(#4-0)+(0,5pt)$) -- ($(#4-1)-(0,5pt)$) node [pos=.5, #8] {1} ($(#4-4)+(0,5pt)$) -- ($(#4-5)-(0,5pt)$) node [pos=.5, #8] {2};}
\begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners=5pt,>=stealth, shorten >=1pt, shorten <=1pt]
\foreach \i in {0,...,2}
\newcommand\wireheight{2} % height of one segment
\newcommand\wirewidth{1} % width of a segment
\newcommand\wiredist{0.5} % distance between wires
\pgfmathsetmacro\pairdist{2.2*(\wirewidth+\wiredist)} % distance between pairs of wires
% \wire[options]{name}{start}{height}{width}
(#5) coordinate (#4-0)
-- ++(0,#6) coordinate (#4-1)
-- ++(#7,0) coordinate (#4-2)
-- ++(0,#6) coordinate (#4-3)
-- ++(-.8*#7,0) coordinate (#4-4)
-- ++(0,.5*#6) coordinate (#4-5)
-- ++(.8*#7,0) coordinate (#4-6)
-- ++(0,#6) coordinate (#4-7)
-- ++(-#7,0) coordinate (#4-8)
-- ++(0,.5*#6) coordinate (#4-9);
\IfBooleanF{#1}{\draw[#2,#3!80!black]($(#4-0)+(0,5pt)$) -- ($(#4-1)-(0,5pt)$) node [pos=.5, #8] {1} ($(#4-4)+(0,5pt)$) -- ($(#4-5)-(0,5pt)$) node [pos=.5, #8] {2} ($(#4-6)+(0,5pt)$) -- ($(#4-7)-(0,5pt)$) node [pos=.5, #8] {3};}
\begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners=5pt,>=stealth, shorten >=1pt, shorten <=1pt]
\foreach \i in {0,...,2}
您必须使用 3 个定义的线长度以及命令中定义的坐标\wire
\newcommand\wireheight{2} % height of one segment
\newcommand\wirewidth{1.2} % width of a segment
\newcommand\wiredist{0.5} % distance between wires
\pgfmathsetmacro\pairdist{2.2*(\wirewidth+\wiredist)} % distance between pairs of wires
% \wire*[options]{color}{name}{start}{height}{width}[side for label]
(#5) coordinate (#4-0)
-- ++(0,#6) coordinate (#4-1)
-- ++(.6*#7,0) coordinate (#4-2)
-- ++(0,#6) coordinate (#4-3)
-- ++(-.4*#7,0) coordinate (#4-4)
-- ++(0,.5*#6) coordinate (#4-5)
-- ++(.8*#7,0) coordinate (#4-6)
-- ++(0,#6) coordinate (#4-7)
-- ++(-#7,0) coordinate (#4-8)
-- ++(0,.5*#6) coordinate (#4-9);
\IfBooleanF{#1}{\draw[#2,#3!80!black]($(#4-0)+(0,5pt)$) -- ($(#4-1)-(0,5pt)$) node [pos=.5, #8] {1} ($(#4-4)+(0,5pt)$) -- ($(#4-5)-(0,5pt)$) node [pos=.5, #8] {2};
\node at ($(#4-6)!.5!(#4-7)$) [#3!80!black, #8] {3};
\begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners=5pt,>=stealth, shorten >=1pt, shorten <=1pt]
\foreach \i in {0,...,2}