






示例 1 – 没有数字

% SHOULD GIVE "0.75\textheight"

示例 2 – 上图


\begin{figure}[t] \rule{3cm}{3cm} \caption{A black square} \end{figure}

% SHOULD GIVE "0.54\textheight"

示例 3 – 上图和下图


\begin{figure}[t] \rule{2cm}{2cm} \caption{A small black square} \end{figure}

\begin{figure}[b] \rule{3cm}{3cm} \caption{A black square} \end{figure}

% SHOULD GIVE "flag: figure/footnote at the bottom of the last page" and "0.37\textheight" OR "0\textheight"

示例 4 – 图表在顶部,脚注在底部


Random text\footnote{A random footnote.}.

\begin{figure}[t] \rule{3cm}{3cm} \caption{A small black square} \end{figure}

% SHOULD GIVE "flag: figure/footnote at the bottom of the last page" and "0.50\textheight" OR "0\textheight"



可以使用\pdflastypos而不是 tikz 来实现这一点。您甚至可以通过\lastpagegap在读取辅助文件时而不是在结束时进行计算将其减少到 2 次运行。


\newlength{\lastpagegap}% reserve global name

  \hrule height0pt %terminate last paragraph, it needed
  \noindent\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \coordinate (lastpage) at (pic cs:lastpage);
    \global\advance\lastpagegap by \ht\strutbox
    %\node[above right]{\the\lastpagegap};
  \write\@auxout{\string\global\string\lastpagegap=\the\lastpagegap}% store in aux file



Random text\footnote{A random footnote.}.

\begin{figure}[t] \rule{3cm}{3cm} \caption{A small black square} \end{figure}



这是一个使用\pagegoal和 的解决方案\pagetotal。宏\getremainingheight将命令写入辅助文件,该文件将剩余高度写入另一个辅助文件(这里\jobname.xyz,我标记了每个以源结尾的文件,因为找到它们有点困难)。文件中的高度最终确定后,文件中的值即有效,因此在大多数情况下,在第一次运行后有效。

无需对浮点数和/或脚注做任何特殊处理,因为 TeX/LaTeX 已经做到了这一点。而且由于 的​​钩子\AtEndDocument几乎在 的开头执行\end{document},因此可以将宏放入 中\AtEndDocument


\newpage如果由于某种原因,末尾有一个或类似的内容(可能隐藏在某些宏中),则会报告剩余高度为 0pt(您可以轻松更改此高度)。这无法避免,因为新页面已在\getremainingheight调用时启动。但我实现了一个标志\ifendonnewpage,其状态也写入辅助文件。

我还自由地实现了一个附加功能:您可以设置一个\minimumheight。如果剩余高度小于该高度,则报告高度 0pt。


% write information about free space to \jobname.xyz
    %                                 ^^^
    %                     ^^^         ^^^
    % in case a new page just started report a remaining height of 0pt
        \advance\remainingheight by -\pagetotal
        \advance\remainingheight by -\lineskip
    % if not enough space, report 0pt remaining space
        % important, otherwise the remaining height reported would be slightly too large
    % write to own aux file via main aux
    %                                           ^^^
    %                                           ^^^
% just load the file to show the values in this document
% this will of course need two runs
%                                            ^^^
% just for testing, will of course produce a third page, if the
% remaining height is less then \baselineskip
%    \ifdim\remainingheight>0pt\rule{10pt}{\remainingheight}\fi

% set minimum space to be reported, less then that will be reported as 0pt


Remaining height: \the\remainingheight; ended on new page: \ifendonnewpage yes\else no\fi

Random text\footnote{A random footnote.}.

% see what happens if page is full
%One more line to fill the page.

\begin{figure}[t] \rule{2cm}{2cm} \caption{A small black square} \end{figure}

\begin{figure}[b] \rule{3cm}{3cm} \caption{A black square} \end{figure}

% this will produce a float page, which is not recognized at all
%\begin{figure}[p] \rule{4cm}{4cm} \caption{A big black square} \end{figure}

% see what happens, if there is a newpage at the end
