因此,我尝试使用 排版一篇文章,\LaTeX
。为了使事情变得简单,我做了一些宏。一切正常,只是我似乎无法得到任何(音乐)垂直小节线(除了微小的点)。一无所获,我用 vanilla 重写了我的宏\TeX
,但... 一无所获。我的文档是有点喜欢:
% Emits a pitchless duration (stems up). Hides the ugliness of musixtex.
% Usage: \beat{duration}
% Where: duration in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64].
{\wh{i}} % whole
{\hu{i}} % half
{\qu{i}} % quarter
{\cu{i}} % eighth
{\ccu{i}} % sixteenth
{\cccu{i}} % thirty-second
\else{{\ccccu{i}}}\fi % sixty-fourth
% Emits a single measure.
% Usage: \measure{notes}
% Where: notes is a sequence of \beat{?} or \rest{?}
\def\measure#1{\Notes #1\en\bar}
% Null clef.
% Emits a single-line staff rhythmic example with one or
% more measures.
% Usage: \rhythm{num}{den}{measures}
% Where: num, den are the meter.
% measures is one or more \measure{notes}
\title{Rhythmic Whatnot}
Stuff about rhythmic structure with machine learning.
Waffle on forever. For example, with $n = 4$ and $\left\{2, 1, 1\right\}$, then:
Therefore, it is obvious.
这是与 相关的错误MusiXTeX(c) 1.27 <2017-12-26>
,已在 中修复MusiXTeX(c) 1.28 <2018-05-07>
完整 MWE(版本 1.27):
% to fix a bug in musixtex version <1.28
% end fix
% Emits a pitchless duration (stems up). Hides the ugliness of musixtex.
% Usage: \beat{duration}
% Where: duration in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64].
{\wh{i}} % whole
{\hu{i}} % half
{\qu{i}} % quarter
{\cu{i}} % eighth
{\ccu{i}} % sixteenth
{\cccu{i}} % thirty-second
\else{{\ccccu{i}}}\fi % sixty-fourth
% Emits a single measure.
% Usage: \measure{notes}
% Where: notes is a sequence of \beat{?} or \rest{?}
\def\measure#1{\Notes #1\en\bar}
\def\measuree#1{\Notes #1\en}
% Null clef.
% Emits a single-line staff rhythmic example with one or
% more measures.
% Usage: \rhythm{num}{den}{measures}
% Where: num, den are the meter.
% measures is one or more \measure{notes}
\title{Rhythmic Whatnot}
Stuff about rhythmic structure with machine learning.
Waffle on forever. For example, with $n = 4$ and $\left\{2, 1, 1\right\}$, then:
Therefore, it is obvious.
% version 1.28 % defined % \z[left|right|leftright]repeat, for use *within* a bar % \zz...repeat, to force to the end of a system % corrected definition of \C@Inter for \nblines < 4
\def\C@Inter{% RDT: corrected to work if \nblines > 6 (version 1.23)
在第 1831 行 (v1.27) 或第 1838 行 (v1.28) 中,可以找到以下内容diff
< \ifnum\nblines=\thr@@
> \ifnum\nblines<\f@ur
不确定为什么@egreg似乎已经得到了想要的(?)结果,但我找到了一个解决方法MusiXTeX(c) 1.27 <2017-12-26>
% Emits a pitchless duration (stems up). Hides the ugliness of musixtex.
% Usage: \beat{duration}
% Where: duration in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64].
{\wh{i}} % whole
{\hu{i}} % half
{\qu{i}} % quarter
{\cu{i}} % eighth
{\ccu{i}} % sixteenth
{\cccu{i}} % thirty-second
\else{{\ccccu{i}}}\fi % sixty-fourth
% Emits a single measure.
% Usage: \measure{notes}
% Where: notes is a sequence of \beat{?} or \rest{?}
\def\measure#1{\Notes #1\en\bar}
\def\measuree#1{\Notes #1\en} % <-- added
% Null clef.
% Emits a single-line staff rhythmic example with one or
% more measures.
% Usage: \rhythm{num}{den}{measures}
% Where: num, den are the meter.
% measures is one or more \measure{notes}
\startextract\setlines1{5}% <-- added
\title{Rhythmic Whatnot}
Stuff about rhythmic structure with machine learning.
Waffle on forever. For example, with $n = 4$ and $\left\{2, 1, 1\right\}$, then:
\measuree{\beat{8}\beat{8}\beat{4}}% <-- changed
Therefore, it is obvious.