使用 IEEE 标准在 Beamer 中引用

使用 IEEE 标准在 Beamer 中引用

我正在使用beamer,我需要有 IEEE Trans. 样式来引用 中的论文\footfullcite。我的编译结果是这样的:

如您所见,这不是 IEEE 标准格式(不需要 ISSN 等)。此外,我希望引用作者姓名,而不是“数字/字母顺序”。您能帮我做吗?谢谢。


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%   title = "Cyclostationarity: Half a century of research",
%   journal = "Signal Processing",
%   volume = "86",
%   number = "4",
%   pages = "639 - 697",
%   year = "2006",
%   author = "William A. Gardner and Antonio Napolitano and Luigi Paura",
%   keywords = "Cyclostationarity, Almost-cyclostationary time series, Almost-cyclostationary processes, Bibliography"

\frametitle{\textbf{What is Cyclostationarity?} - 1}

\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[square]
    \item There is a special type of non-stationary stochastic processes when their statistical properties vary periodically with time called {\color{Blue}cyclostationary} processes~{\color{red} [Gardner'06]}. 

\tiny {\color{red} [Gardner'06]} {W. A. Gardner et al., ``Cyclostationarity: Half a century of research," Signal Processing, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 639 – 697, 2006.}





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\frametitle{\textbf{What is Cyclostationarity?} - 1}

    \item There is a special type of non-stationary stochastic processes when their statistical properties vary periodically with time called cyclostationary processes \supercite{sigfridsson}. 

引用标签为 [SR98],脚注(无编号)内容为:[SR98] E. Sigfridsson 和 U. Ryde,“从静电势和矩得出原子电荷的方法比较”,计算化学杂志,第 19 卷,第 4 期,第 377-395 页,1998 年。doi:10.1002/(SICI)1096-987X(199803)19:4<377::AID-JCC1>3.0.CO;2-P。
