


  • 它可能很长(即超过一页),所以我需要使用 longtable
  • 它可能有(也可能没有)长排。

我在长排上遇到了问题,这就是我得到的: 在此处输入图片描述

我知道我错在哪里了。 \multirow 在表格或类似环境中设置一段文本,跨越多行。如果行小于一段文本,我们会遇到这个问题:


    %% Captions setup
    \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{gosttable}{Table #2} 
    \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{Continued table #2}
    \captionsetup[table]{labelformat=gosttable, margin={6ex,0pt}, indention=-5ex}


    \caption{Tabel 1} 
    \label{tab:Tabel1}  \\ 
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.381818\textwidth}{\textbf{Description}
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.145455\textwidth}{\textbf{Where is reflected}
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.145455\textwidth}{\textbf{The way to achieve}
    }}\\ \hline 
    \captionsetup{labelformat=continued}\caption{} \\
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.381818\textwidth}{\textbf{Description}
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.145455\textwidth}{\textbf{Where is reflected}
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.145455\textwidth}{\textbf{The way to achieve}
    }}\\ \hline 
    Consider additional questions
     & If necessary, consider additional aspects of development, such as the use of previously developed software, attestation of tools
     & Software Transfer Plan 
     & Reflect decisions taken in the plans
    \\ \hline 
    \multirow[lt]{3}{*}{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}Identify software development standards
     \end{minipage}} & \multirow[lt]{3}{*}{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}Identify development standards that will provide security requirements for the system in terms of the software being developed
    \end{minipage}} & Standards for the development of software requirements
     & \multirow[lt]{3}{*}{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}Three standards have been developed
     \end{minipage}}\\* \cline{3-3} 
     &  & Standards for the software design process
     & \\* \cline{3-3} 
     &  & Standards for software encoding
     & \\ \hline 
    \multirow[lt]{2}{*}{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}Coordination of software development plans
    \end{minipage}} & \multirow[lt]{2}{*}{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth} Coordinate the development and modification of software plans. The results of the software planning process are monitored to ensure that the software plans and software development standards meet the requirements of this standard and ensure the coherent implementation of the software lifecycle processes  
     \end{minipage}} & Software Quality Assurance Protocols  
     & \multirow[lt]{2}{*}{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth} Report the verification results in the Verification Report
     \end{minipage}}\\* \cline{3-3} 
     &  & Results of software verification  
     & \\ \hline 

我已经尝试过在表中使用表格,并且这种方法适合这个表格, 在此处输入图片描述


    %% Captions setup
    \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{gosttable}{Table #2} 
    \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{Continued table #2}
    \captionsetup[table]{labelformat=gosttable, margin={6ex,0pt}, indention=-5ex}



    \caption{Процесс планирования ПО} 
    \label{tab:ПроцесспланированияПО}  \\ 
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.381818\textwidth}{\textbf{Description}
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.145455\textwidth}{\textbf{Where is reflected}
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.145455\textwidth}{\textbf{The way to achieve}
    }}\\ \hline 
    \captionsetup{labelformat=continued}\caption{} \\
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.381818\textwidth}{\textbf{Description}
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.145455\textwidth}{\textbf{Where is reflected}
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.145455\textwidth}{\textbf{The way to achieve}
    }}\\ \hline 
    Consider additional questions
    & If necessary, consider additional aspects of development, such as the use of previously developed software, attestation of tools
    & Software Transfer Plan 
    & Reflect decisions taken in the plans
    \\ \hline
    {\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}Identify software development standards 
     \end{minipage} & {\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}dentify development standards that will provide security requirements for the system in terms of the software being developed 
     \end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
    \begin{tabular}{p{\textwidth}@{\hskip 0cm}}
    Standards for the development of software requirements \\ \hline 
    Standards for the software design process \\ \hline 
    Standards for software encoding  
    \end{minipage} & {\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}Three standards have been developed 
    \\ \hline 
    {\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}Coordination of software development plans 
     \end{minipage} & {\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}Coordinate the development and modification of software plans. The results of the software planning process are monitored to ensure that the software plans and software development standards meet the requirements of this standard and ensure the coherent implementation of the software lifecycle processe 
    \end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
    \begin{tabular}{p{\textwidth}@{\hskip 0cm}}
    Software Quality Assurance Protocols \\ \hline  
    Results of software verification
    \end{minipage} & {\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}Report the verification results in the Verification Report 
    \ \hline 

但文档中有不适合的不同类型的表格。例如: 在此处输入图片描述


    %% Captions setup
    \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{gosttable}{Table #2} 
    \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{Continued table #2}
    \captionsetup[table]{labelformat=gosttable, margin={6ex,0pt}, indention=-5ex}



    \caption{table 2} 
    \label{tab:table2}  \\ 
    }}  & \multirowthead{2}{\parbox{0.300000\textwidth}{\centering \textbf{The project to develop on-board software}
    }}\\* \cline{1-2} 
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.300000\textwidth}{\textbf{Field name}
    }} & \\ \hline 
    \captionsetup{labelformat=continued}\caption{} \\
    }}  & \multirowthead{2}{\parbox{0.300000\textwidth}{\centering \textbf{The project to develop on-board software}
    }}\\* \cline{1-2} 
    }} & \thead[c]{\parbox{0.300000\textwidth}{\textbf{Field name}
    }} & \\ \hline 
    \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}Information \vspace*{0pt} 
    \end{minipage}& \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
    \begin{tabular}{p{\textwidth}@{\hskip 0cm}} 
    Description \\ 
    Object's Unique identificator \\ 
    Home page \\ 
    Public \\ 
    Parent project \\ 
    Inherit participants




  • 对于表格,利用文本的所有可用宽度
  • multirow不使用细胞,
  • 由于第三列中的单元格仍保留在列表中,因此它们合并到一个包含列表的单元格中。列表可以有项目符号,但也可以没有项目符号
  • 为列表定义了新的列类型I(itemize)





\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} % <--
\usepackage{array,booktabs, longtable}

% added packages and column definitions
\usepackage{enumitem}       % for nice list
\newlist{tabitemize}{itemize}{1}% <-- defined new list
\setlist[tabitemize]{topsep =0pt,     % <-- new list setup
                     leftmargin = *,
                     %  label      = {}, % uncomment if you don't like to have bullets
                     label  = $\bullet$ ,%   comment if you don't like to have bullets
                     before = \vspace{-\baselineskip},
                     after  = \vspace{-\baselineskip}
\newcolumntype{I}[1]{>{\RaggedRight\tabitemize} p{#1}<{\endtabitemize}}
                               {\begin{tabular}{c}#1\end{tabular}}}  % <-- for columns headers

\caption{Tabel 1}
\label{tab:Tabel1}  \\
    &   \mch{Description}
        &   \mch{Where is\\ reflected}
            &   \mch{The way\\ to achieve}      \\
\caption*{Table~\thetable: Tabel 1}
\label{tab:Tabel1}  \\
    &   \mch{Description}
        &   \mch{Where is\\ reflected}
            &   \mch{The way to\\ achieve}      \\
Consider additional questions
    &   If necessary, consider additional aspects of development, such as the use of previously developed software, attestation of tools
        &   \item   Software Transfer Plan
            & Reflect decisions taken in the plans
    \\ \addlinespace[9pt]
Identify software development standards
    & Identify development standards that will provide security requirements for the system in terms of the software being developed
        &   \item   Three standards have been developed
            \item   Standards for software design process
            \item   Standards for software encoding
            & Standards for the development of software requirements
    \\  \addlinespace[9pt]
Coordination of software development plans
    &   Coordinate the development and modification of software plans. The results of the software planning process are monitored to ensure that the software plans and software development standards meet the requirements of this standard and ensure the coherent implementation of the software lifecycle processes
        &   \item   Software Quality Assurance Protocols
            \item   Results of software verification
            & Report the verification results in the Verification Report





  {\InMyOnecelltrue\begin{tabular}[t]{@{} #1 @{}}#2\end{tabular}}

    \caption{Tabel 1} 
    \label{tab:Tabel1}  \\ 
    Purpose & Description & Where is reflected & The way to achieve\\
    Purpose & Description & Where is reflected & The way to achieve\\
    Consider additional questions
      & If necessary, consider additional aspects of development, such as the
        use of previously developed software, attestation of tools
      & Software Transfer Plan 
      & Reflect decisions taken in the plans
    Identify software development standards
      & Identify development standards that will provide security requirements
        for the system in terms of the software being developed
      & \myonecell{L{\linewidth}}
            Standards for the development of software requirements
            Standards for the software design process
            Standards for software encoding
      & Three standards have been developed
    Coordination of software development plans
      & Coordinate the development and modification of software plans. The
        results of the software planning process are monitored to ensure that
        the software plans and software development standards meet the
        requirements of this standard and ensure the coherent implementation of
        the software lifecycle processes
      & \myonecell{L{\linewidth}}
            Software Quality Assurance Protocols
            Results of software verification  
       & Report the verification results in the Verification Report


