\begin{tikzpicture}[level 1/.style={sibling distance=8cm},level 2/.style={sibling distance=2.50cm},level 3/.style={sibling distance=1.50cm}]
\node {Statistical Testing}[edge from parent fork down]
child { node {External Criteria}
child { node {Rand Statistic}}
child { node { Jaccard Coefficient}}
child { node {Folkes and Mallows Index}}
child { node {Hubert's $\Gamma$ statistic}}
child { node {Normalized $\Gamma$ statistic}}
child { node {Internal Criteria}
child { node {Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient}}
child { node {Hubert's $\Gamma$ statistic}}
child { node {Normalized $\Gamma$ statistic}}
我该如何在 Rand 和统计数据与所有其他数据之间添加一条线,以便有足够的空间来容纳该图表?
我尝试在两者之间添加 \ 但出现错误。
您可以设置text width
节点的,然后会自动换行,这可以避免节点重叠。我个人会使用森林来绘制这样的图表。编辑:已修复overfull hboxes
\usepackage[edges]{forest} % for the second part of the anser
\begin{tikzpicture}[level 1/.style={sibling distance=7.3cm},
level 2/.style={sibling distance=1.8cm,text width=1.8cm,level distance=2.8cm},
level 3/.style={sibling distance=1.50cm}]
\node {Statistical Testing}[edge from parent fork down]
child { node {External Criteria}
child { node {Rand Statistic}}
child { node {\hskip0ptJaccard Coefficient}}
child { node {Folkes and Mallows Index}}
child { node {Hubert's $\Gamma$ statistic}}
child { node {\hskip0ptNormalized $\Gamma$ statistic}}
child { node {Internal Criteria}
child { node {\hskip0ptCophenetic Correlation Coefficient}}
child { node {Hubert's $\Gamma$ statistic}}
child { node {\hskip0ptNormalized $\Gamma$ statistic}}
forked edges,
where level=2{text width=1.7cm}{},
for tree={s sep=1pt}
[Statistical Testing
[External Criteria
[Rand Statistic]
[Jaccard Coefficient]
[Folkes and Mallows Index]
[Hubert's $\Gamma$ statistic]
[\hskip0ptNormalized $\Gamma$ statistic]
[Internal Criteria
[\hskip0ptCophenetic Correlation Coefficient]
[Hubert's $\Gamma$ statistic]
[\hskip0ptNormalized $\Gamma$ statistic]