svmono + newfloat - 标题:如何调整标题和浮动内容之间的间距

svmono + newfloat - 标题:如何调整标题和浮动内容之间的间距


\documentclass{svmono}% Version 5.5, available from
%\usepackage[labelsep=space,justification=RaggedRight,labelfont={small,bf},textfont={small},skip=0pt]{caption}%%% Possible in an MWE, but leads to a different style than prescribed by Springer. It is difficult to reduce the vertical gap ONLY; including this package introduces a whole bunch of other changes.
\figcapgap=0pt%%% only for svmono, won't work with article
\tabcapgap=0pt%%% doesn't help either, as noticed by Axel
  Line 1\\
  Line 9\\[-.8\baselineskip]%
  \caption{Too much space between the line just above and this caption.}%


Line 1
Line 9

Spec. 1  Too much space between the line just above and this caption.

如何减少第二条水平线和标题之间的间隙?我的标准解决方案是\\[-.3\baselineskip]%在之前插入类似于新行的内容\caption{...},但实际间隙(-.3\baselineskip上面)是猜测,因此很脆弱,以及您在代码中看到的其他硬编码跳过。一般来说,我想逐一减少调整的硬编码。在这个问题中,我只想自动消除一个垂直间隙,即标题之前的间隙。我知道如何在课堂上做到这一点,我也article知道如何用包来做到这一点caption,但是,这会改变很多默认值(这不是这个问题想要的)。正如读者在源代码中看到的那样,我试图将一些我已知的长度设置为 0pt,但没有任何帮助。


您可以更改 \capstrut 的定义。默认情况下,它会插入高度为 10pt 的支柱:


  Line 1\\
  Line 9\\[-.8\baselineskip]%
  \caption{Too much space between the line just above and this caption.}%

  Line 1\\
  Line 9\\[-.8\baselineskip]%
  \caption{Too much space between the line just above and this caption.}%


