tikz 节点中字距和行距的控制

tikz 节点中字距和行距的控制

使用以下代码,tikz 节点内的单词和行之间的间距太大。

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.9, transform shape]
\draw [thick,-latex](0,0) -- (9.,0);
\draw [thick,-latex](0,0) -- (0,7);

\draw [ultra thick, blue] (4.,4.4) +(-45:1.cm) node [black, xshift=1.4cm, yshift=-.28cm] {Demand of Imports} -- +(135:3.cm)  +(30:1.cm) node [black, xshift=1.4cm, yshift=.2cm] {$Demand\ of\ Exports$} -- +(-150:4.2cm);

\draw [thick, black, densely dotted] (0,4.92) node [minimum size=4.cm, xshift=-.68cm, yshift=.28cm, path picture={\draw [thick, black, solid, -latex'] (0,0) node [black, xshift=.24cm, yshift=-.2cm]{$1.30$} -- +(130:.5cm);}]{} node [black, xshift=-1.28cm, yshift=1.2cm, align=center] {Price\\buyers\\pay} -- ++(0:3.46);

\draw [thick, black, densely dotted] (0,4.4) node [minimum size=4.cm, xshift=-.88cm, yshift=.06cm, path picture={\draw [thick, black, solid, -latex'] (0,0) node [black, xshift=.44cm, yshift=0cm]{$1.00$} -- +(180:.4cm);}]{} node [black, xshift=-2.cm, yshift=.06cm, align=center] {Price\\without\\tax} -- ++(0:4.);

\draw [thick, black, densely dotted] (0,4.08) node [minimum size=4.cm, xshift=-.8cm, yshift=-.16cm, path picture={\draw [thick, black, solid, -latex'] (0,0) node [black, xshift=.38cm, yshift=0cm]{$0.80$} -- +(-130:.5cm);}]{} node [black, xshift=-1.28cm, yshift=-1.16cm, align=center] {Price\\sellers\\receive} -- ++(0:3.46);




您可以对 tikz 图像使用具有较小基线跳过的另一种字体大小。


\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.9, transform shape]
\draw [thick,-latex](0,0) -- (9.,0);
\draw [thick,-latex](0,0) -- (0,7);

\draw [ultra thick, blue] (4.,4.4) +(-45:1.cm) node [black, xshift=1.4cm, yshift=-.28cm] {Demand of Imports} -- +(135:3.cm)  +(30:1.cm) node [black, xshift=1.4cm, yshift=.2cm] {\textit{Demand of Exports}} -- +(-150:4.2cm);

\draw [thick, black, densely dotted] (0,4.92) node [minimum size=4.cm, xshift=-.68cm, yshift=.28cm, path picture={\draw [thick, black, solid, -latex'] (0,0) node [black, xshift=.24cm, yshift=-.2cm]{$1.30$} -- +(130:.5cm);}]{} node [black, xshift=-1.28cm, yshift=1.2cm, align=center,text width=1.5cm] {Price buyers pay} -- ++(0:3.46);

\draw [thick, black, densely dotted] (0,4.4) node [minimum size=4.cm, xshift=-.88cm, yshift=.06cm, path picture={\draw [thick, black, solid, -latex'] (0,0) node [black, xshift=.44cm, yshift=0cm]{$1.00$} -- +(180:.4cm);}]{} node [black, xshift=-2.cm, yshift=.06cm, align=center,text width=1.5cm] {Price without tax} -- ++(0:4.);

\draw [thick, black, densely dotted] (0,4.08) node [minimum size=4.cm, xshift=-.8cm, yshift=-.16cm, path picture={\draw [thick, black, solid, -latex'] (0,0) node [black, xshift=.38cm, yshift=0cm]{$0.80$} -- +(-130:.5cm);}]{} node [black, xshift=-1.28cm, yshift=-1.16cm, align=center,text width=1.5cm] {Price sellers receive} -- ++(0:3.46);

