


 \documentclass[sigconf, authordraft]{acmart}

\caption{Summary of Quantitative Evaluation}                                    
\begin{tabular}{|p{0.5 cm}|p{0.85 cm}|p{12 cm}|}
Sl.No. & Metric & Remark   \\
1 & Rel Bias & Smaller relative bias (almost equal to 0) is obtained for all fused bands and for all 7 fusion methods.\\    
2 & Rel Bias & Smaller relative bias (almost equal to 0) is obtained for all fused bands and for all 7 fusion methods.
3& Rel Bias & Smaller relative bias (almost equal to 0) is obtained for all fused bands and for all 7 fusion methods. \\



要获得与 booktabs 相交的垂直线和水平线,您必须抑制 booktabs 规则的填充。您可以用最小在列中每个单元格的顶部和底部填充带有字母前缀的说明符S,加载cellspace包。以下是可能的代码:

\usepackage{multirow, tabularx, caption, cellspace}

\caption{Summary of Quantitative Evaluation}
Sl.No. & Metric & Remark \\
1 & Rel Bias & Smaller relative bias (almost equal to 0) is obtained for all fused bands and for all 7 fusion methods.\\
2 & Rel Bias & Smaller relative bias (almost equal to 0) is obtained for all fused bands and for all 7 fusion methods.
3& Rel Bias & Smaller relative bias (almost equal to 0) is obtained for all fused bands and for all 7 fusion methods. \\



注 1:如果加载siunitx定义S列类型的,则必须使用另一个前缀;默认值为C

笔记2:除了 booktabs 之外,一些包还定义了具有可变厚度的水平线:(boldline没有填充,但也定义了可变宽度的垂直线)和makecell(还允许您为表格的所有单元格定义固定填充)。
