与 campa 的回答非常相似,但带有一个用于介子的标量传播器。我只发布了费曼图的代码。
\usetikzlibrary{patterns, arrows, decorations.pathreplacing, decorations.markings}
\fermion[]{6.20, 1.20}{7.20, 2.20}
\fermion[]{0.20, 5.20}{3.20, 4.20}
\electroweak[]{3.20, 2.20}{3.20, 4.20}
\fermion[]{3.20, 2.20}{6.20, 1.20}
\fermion[]{3.20, 4.20}{6.20, 5.20}
\fermion[lineWidth=2]{6.20, 1.20}{7.20, 2.20}
\fermion[]{0.20, 1.20}{3.20, 2.20}
\fermion[showArrow=true, flip=true]{7.20, 0.20}{6.20, 1.20}
在这里我添加了 feynman.sty(另存为.sty
[2015/02/01 v0.8 LaTeX package for drawing feynman diagrams with an interface similar to the one found at feynman.aivazis.com]
\usetikzlibrary{patterns, arrows, decorations.pathreplacing, decorations.markings}
% turn off the fp messages
% treat @ like a normal letter
% configuration parameters
% define the diagram configuration settings family
\SetupKeyvalOptions{family=diagram, prefix=diagram@}
\DeclareStringOption[An Example Feynman Diagram]{title}
% define the propagator configuration settings family
\SetupKeyvalOptions{family=style, prefix=style@}
% the feynman diagram environment
% define an enviroment to encompass a single diagram
% before the content
% load the diagram configuration settings
% start the tikz environment
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1\diagram@unit, y=1\diagram@unit]
% after the content
% close the tikz environment
% utility macros
% convert a particular length to the designated unit
% i.e. \convertto{mm}{1pt}
\newcommand*{\convertto}[2]{\strip@pt\dimexpr #2*65536/\number\dimexpr 1#1}
% compute the length between two points
% compute the delta between two points
% cast the deltas in the appropriate unit system
% store the sum of the squares
% take the square root of the result
% cut off at 5 decimal places
% set the value of the macro we were given
\expandafter\edef\csname #3\endcsname{\FPMathLen}
% compute the angle between two points
% compute the difference between the two points
% extract the delta between the two points
% cast the deltas as numbers
% use pgf to compute atan2
\pgfmathparse{atan2(\deltaY, \deltaX)}
% set the angle to the result
\FPeval{\angle}{round(\pgfmathresult , 5)}
% set the value of the macro we were given
\expandafter\edef\csname #3\endcsname{\angle}
% shortcut macro to print an expression to the console
% patterns and colors
% declare the parameters for the pattern
hatch distance/.store in=\hatchdistance,
hatch distance=10pt,
hatch thickness/.store in=\hatchthickness,
hatch thickness=1pt
% define the parton fill pattern
% declare the origin
% define the variables in this coordinate system
% set up the pattern
% define the arrow style
mark=at position .5 with {
\arrow[#1, scale=1.5]{latex}
arrow flipped/.style={
mark=at position .5 with {
\arrow[#1, scale=1.5]{latex reversed}
% define a light gray to be used as a fill color for partons
% text macros
% overline with variable width (the second brace)
% overline with variable width (the second brace)
% propagator styles
% fermions
% scope the configuration options
% load the configuration parameters
% parse the color of the line
% if they asked to draw the arrow
% draw the line with an arrow
\draw[color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth, arrow flipped] (#2) -- (#3);
% draw the line with an arrow
\draw[color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth, arrow] (#2) -- (#3);
% otherwise they did not ask to draw the arrow
% draw the line
\draw[color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth] (#2) -- (#3);
% draw the label
% dashed propagators
% scope the configuration options
% load the configuration parameters
% parse the color of the line
% if they asked to draw the arrow
% draw the line with an arrow
\draw[dashed, color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth, arrow flipped=lineColor] (#2) -- (#3);
% draw the line with an arrow
\draw[dashed, color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth, arrow=lineColor] (#2) -- (#3);
% otherwise they did not ask to draw the arrow
% draw the line
\draw[dashed, color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth] (#2) -- (#3);
% draw the label
% gluons
% scope the configuration options
% load the configuration parameters
% create TikZ coordinates at the end points
\coordinate (start) at (#2);
\coordinate (finish) at (#3);
% store the distance between the two points
\calcLength(start,finish){length} % stores it in a macro called \length
% store the angle between the two points
\calcAngle(start,finish){angle} % stores it in a macro called \angle
% turn the start coordinate into a pgf point
% store a value for half of the gluonWidth
% store the closest whole number of full periods
\FPeval{\nLoops}{round((\length / \gluonWidth ) - 1, 0)}
\FPeval{\totalLength}{(\nLoops+1) * \gluonWidth}
\FPeval{\scale}{\length / \totalLength}
% parse the color of the line
% if we dont fit a whole loop between the two points
% use a fermion line instead
% we fit at least one loop between the two points
% if they want the end caps (to draw the right kind of line)
% if they asked to flip the loops
% set the maximum value to be positive
% otherwise draw the loops right side up
% set the maximum value to be negative
% style the opening end cap
\draw[color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth, yshift=\startY, xshift=\startX,
rotate=\angle, xscale=\scale, yscale=\scale]
% draw the opening end cap
(0,0) .. controls (\halfWidth, 0) and (0, \ymin) .. (\halfWidth, \ymin);
% for each loop that we have to draw
\foreach \loopNumber in {1,...,\nLoops}{
% compute the starting location of the loop
\FPeval{\x}{\loopNumber * \gluonWidth - \halfWidth}
% compute the half way point of the loop
\FPeval{\xMid}{\halfWidth + \x}
% compute the endpoint of the loop
\FPeval{\xFinal}{\gluonWidth + \x}
% style the first half of the loop
\draw[color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth, yshift=\startY, xshift=\startX,
rotate=\angle, xscale=\scale, yscale=\scale]
% draw the first half of the loop
(\x, \ymin) .. controls (\xFinal, \ymin) and (\xFinal, \ymax) .. (\xMid, \ymax);
% style the second half of the loop
\draw[color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth, yshift=\startY, xshift=\startX,
rotate=\angle, xscale=\scale, yscale=\scale]
% draw the second half of the loop
(\xMid, \ymax) .. controls (\x, \ymax) and (\x, \ymin) .. (\xFinal, \ymin);
% compute the locations for the closing end cap
\FPeval{\finalStart}{(\nLoops+1) * \gluonWidth - \halfWidth}
\FPeval{\finalHalf}{\finalStart + \halfWidth}
\FPeval{\finalStop}{\finalStart + \halfWidth}
% style the closing end cap
\draw[color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth, yshift=\startY, xshift=\startX,
rotate=\angle, xscale=\scale, yscale=\scale]
% draw the closing end cap
(\finalStart, \ymin) .. controls (\finalStop, \ymin) and (\finalStart, 0) .. (\finalStop, 0);
% they did not want end caps
% if they asked for the gluons to be flipped
% store a value for the height of the gluon loop
% store a value for the height of the gluon loop
% for each loop that we have to draw
\foreach \loopNumber in {0,...,\nLoops}{
% compute the starting location of the loop
\FPeval{\x}{\loopNumber * \gluonWidth}
% compute the midpoint of the loop
\FPeval{\xMid}{\halfWidth + \x}
% compute the endpoint of the loop
\FPeval{\xFinal}{\gluonWidth + \x}
% style the first half of the loop
\draw[color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth, yshift=\startY, xshift=\startX,
rotate=\angle, xscale=\scale, yscale=\scale]
% draw the first half of the loop
(\x,0) .. controls (\xFinal, 0) and (\xFinal, \height) .. (\xMid, \height);
% style the second half of the loop
\draw[color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth, yshift=\startY, xshift=\startX,
rotate=\angle, xscale=\scale, yscale=\scale]
% draw the second half of the loop
(\xMid,\height) .. controls (\x, \height) and (\x, 0) .. (\xFinal, 0);
% draw the label
% electroweak lines
% scope the configuration options
% load the configuration parameters
% create TikZ coordinates at the end points
\coordinate (start) at (#2);
\coordinate (finish) at (#3);
% store the distance between the two points
\calcLength(start,finish){length} % stores it in a macro called \length
% store the angle between the two points
\calcAngle(start,finish){angle} % stores it in a macro called \angle
% turn the start coordinate into a pgf point
% store a value for half of the gluonWidth
% store the closest whole number of full periods
\FPeval{\nLoops}{round((\length / \period ) - 1, 0)}
\FPeval{\totalLength}{(\nLoops+1) * \period}
\FPeval{\scale}{\length / \totalLength}
% parse the color of the line
% if we dont fit a whole loop between the two points
% use a fermion line instead
% we fit at least one loop between the two points
% store the amplitude of the curve
\FPeval{amplitude}{\period * 3 / 2}
% if they asked for the gluons to be flipped
% save the maximum height of the curve
% save the minimum value of the curve
% save the maximum height of the curve
% save the minimum value of the curve
% store the minimum height
% for each period that we have to draw
\foreach \loopNumber in {0,...,\nLoops}{
% compute the starting location
\FPeval{\x}{\loopNumber * \period}
% compute the midpoint
\FPeval{\xMid}{\halfPeriod + \x}
% compute the endpoint
\FPeval{\xFinal}{\period + \x}
% style the period
\draw[color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth, yshift=\startY, xshift=\startX,
rotate=\angle, xscale=\scale, yscale=\scale]
% place the period
(\x,0) .. controls (\xMid, \ymin) and (\xMid, \ymax) .. (\xFinal, 0);
% draw the label
% gluinos
% scope the configuration options
% load the configuration parameters
% enforce that endcaps is true
% draw a fermion between the two points
% draw a gluon between the two points
% draw the label
% sfermions
% scope the configuration options
% load the configuration parameters
% enforce that endcaps is true
% draw a fermion between the two points
% draw a gluon between the two points
% draw the label
% other objects
% circle centered at #2 with radius #3
% scope the configuration options
% load the configuration parameters
% parse the color of the line
% style the circle
\draw[color=lineColor, line width = \style@lineWidth, pattern=parton,
pattern color=light-gray]
% draw the circle
(#2) circle (#3 \diagram@unit);
% text a located at #2 with content #3
% scope the configuration options
% load the configuration parameters
% parse the color of the line
% create a node at the location with the given contents
\draw[text=color, anchor=\style@location] (#2) node {\huge #3};
% draw a label using the coordinate system along the line joining #1 and #2
% if they provided a value for the label
% create TikZ coordinates at the end points
\coordinate (start) at (#1);
\coordinate (finish) at (#2);
% compute the difference between the two points
% cast the deltas in the appropriate unit system
% compute the location of the starting coordinate
\FPeval{startX}{round(\pgfmath@tonumber{\pgf@xa}/72.27, 5)}
\FPeval{startY}{round(\pgfmath@tonumber{\pgf@ya}/72.27, 5)}
% store local copies of the target position
% compute the location along the line where we belong
\FPeval{@temp@locX}{round(\startX + \labelLocation * {\dX}, 5)}
\FPeval{@temp@locY}{round(\startY + \labelLocation * \dY, 5)}
% if the change in y is zero (infinite slope)
% otherwise we are safe to compute the slope
% compute the slope of the perpendicular line
\FPeval{perpSlope}{0 - {\dX}/\dY}
% the points that are perpedicular to the line a distance r away satisfy
% y = mx
% x^2 + y^2 = r
% compute the x that satisfies this equation
% note: macro can start with \ because it can never be negative
\FPeval{\x2}{(0+\labelDistance) * (0+\labelDistance) / (1 + (\perpSlope * \perpSlope))}
% compute the y that satisfies this equation
\FPeval{y}{\x * \perpSlope}
\newdimen \distance
\distance = \labelDistance pt
\newdimen \slope
\slope = \perpSlope pt
% if the perpendicular line has positive slope
\ifthenelse{\slope > 0 pt \OR \slope = 0 pt}{
% if they are a positive distance away
\ifthenelse{\distance > 0 pt}{
\FPeval{labelX}{@temp@locX + \x}
\FPeval{labelY}{@temp@locY + \y}
% otherwise they are a negative distance away
\FPeval{labelX}{@temp@locX - \x}
\FPeval{labelY}{@temp@locY - \y}
% otherwise the perpendicular line as negative slope
% if the label is a positive distance away
\ifthenelse{\distance > 0 pt}{
\FPeval{labelX}{\@temp@locX - \x}
% note: the y is negative so we subtract even though we want to add
\FPeval{labelY}{\@temp@locY - \y}
% otherwise the label is a negative distance from the line
\FPeval{labelX}{\@temp@locX + \x}
% note: the y is negative so we add even though we want to subtract
\FPeval{labelY}{\@temp@locY + \y}
% place the label on the right of the coordinates
% draw the label
\draw[\loc] (\labelX,\labelY) node {\huge \style@label};
% cleanup
% turn @ back into a special character
% end of file