下图是对以下问题的修改:手绘草图,导入 TikZ。
图片中的标签 $K$ 和 $U_y$ 分别表示:具有粗实线边界的蓝色填充区域;以及最右上角的区域,具有虚线边界,部分为橙色填充,但与区域重叠钾. 每个标签都被边界的部分遮挡:标签 $K$ 被 $U_y$ 边界的虚线下部所遮挡;标签 $U_y$ 被区域钾。
(笔记:最终图片将使用灰色阴影,而不是红色、蓝色和橙色,正如现在注释掉的带有 3 个\definecolor
% Based upon answer by @marmot 2018/06/10
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/435746/sketching-free-hand-importing-into-tikz
%\definecolor{red}{gray}{0.15} % medium gray for region V
%\definecolor{blue}{gray}{0.2} % dark gray for region K
%\definecolor{orange}{gray}{0.6}% light shading for left & right sides
\begin{tikzpicture}[long dash/.style={dash pattern=on 4pt off 2pt},
dot/.style = {circle, fill, minimum size=#1,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
dot/.default = 3pt, % size of the circle diameter
x=0.44cm,y=0.44cm % scale units for overall correct size
% Left-hand regions
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=left,fill=orange!30] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(0.3,-2) (-1,-3) (-8,-1.2) (-8.8,-0.2) (-7,0.6) (-1,-0.6)};
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=left bottom] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(-8,-2.8) (-9,-2.5) (-8.5,-1) (-7,0) (-6,1.7) (-5,1.7) (-4,-0) (-5.5,-2)};
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=left top] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(-7.2,-1) (-7.8,1) (-6.7,2) (-5.5,1) (-5,0) (-5.4,-1) (-6,-1.2)};
\path [%draw,blue,ultra thick,
name path=left arc,
intersection segments={
of=left top and left,
\path [%draw,red,ultra thick,
name path=left blob,
intersection segments={
of=left bottom and left arc,
% Right-hand regions
\path[fill=orange!30] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates % region U_{u}
{(-1.3,2) (-0.7,3) (1,3.7) (5.2,3) (8,1.6) (8.4,1) (8,0.3) (6,0) (4,0) (2,0.3) (0,1)};
\path[fill=blue!30] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates % region K
{(0,-2) (-0.3,-1.5) (-0.2,0) (-0.3,1) (-1,2) (0,2.8) (3,2) (7,1) (7.3,-1)
(6,-2.3) (4,-2.3) (2,-2)};
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=right top] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates % boundary of U_{u}
{(-1.3,2) (-0.7,3) (1,3.7) (5.2,3) (8,1.6) (8.4,1) (8,0.3) (6,0) (4,0) (2,0.3) (0,1)};
\draw[thick,name path=right] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates % boundary of K
{(0,-2) (-0.3,-1.5) (-0.2,0) (-0.3,1) (-1,2) (0,2.8) (3,2) (7,1) (7.3,-1)
(6,-2.3) (4,-2.3) (2,-2)};
% boundary of unnamed region to lower-left of point y:
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=middle] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(0,-3.4) (-1,-2) (-1,-0.5) (-1.5,0.4) (-1,1.6) (0,1.9) (2.1,1) (3,-1) (2.5,-3) (1,-3.7)};
% boundary of unnamed region to lower-rightof point y:
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=right bottom] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(1,-3) (0.6,-2) (1.2,0) (3,0.8) (6,0.8) (8.5,1) (10,0) (9,-3) (7,-3.7) (5,-3.6) (2,-3.6)};
\path[name path=circle] (5.2,1.5) arc(-30:190:4mm);
\path [%draw,red,ultra thick,
name path=aux1,
intersection segments={
of=circle and right,
\path [draw,ultra thick,
name path=aux2,
intersection segments={
of=circle and aux1,
% Distinguished points & their labels
\node[dot] at (-6.5,-0.425) {};
\node at (-6.95,-0.675) {$x$};
\node[dot] at (3.3,1.5) {};
\node at (2.85,1.25) {$y$};
% Region labels
\node at (-5.625,-0.025) {$V$};
\node at (-2.5,-1.5){$V_y$};
\node[] at (3.7,0){$K$};
\node[] at (4.8,1.6) {$U_y$};
更新:适用于所有路径(无论是否为虚线)的方法:使用reverse clip
% Based upon answer by @marmot 2018/06/10
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/435746/sketching-free-hand-importing-into-tikz
% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/12033/121799
\tikzset{reverseclip/.style={insert path={(current page.north east) --
(current page.south east) --
(current page.south west) --
(current page.north west) --
(current page.north east)}
%\definecolor{red}{gray}{0.15} % medium gray for region V
%\definecolor{blue}{gray}{0.2} % dark gray for region K
%\definecolor{orange}{gray}{0.6}% light shading for left & right sides
\begin{tikzpicture}[long dash/.style={dash pattern=on 4pt off 2pt},
dot/.style = {circle, fill, minimum size=#1,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
dot/.default = 3pt, % size of the circle diameter
x=0.44cm,y=0.44cm % scale units for overall correct size
% Left-hand regions
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=left,fill=orange!30] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(0.3,-2) (-1,-3) (-8,-1.2) (-8.8,-0.2) (-7,0.6) (-1,-0.6)};
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=left bottom] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(-8,-2.8) (-9,-2.5) (-8.5,-1) (-7,0) (-6,1.7) (-5,1.7) (-4,-0) (-5.5,-2)};
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=left top] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(-7.2,-1) (-7.8,1) (-6.7,2) (-5.5,1) (-5,0) (-5.4,-1) (-6,-1.2)};
\path [%draw,blue,ultra thick,
name path=left arc,
intersection segments={
of=left top and left,
\path [%draw,red,ultra thick,
name path=left blob,
intersection segments={
of=left bottom and left arc,
% Right-hand regions
\path[fill=orange!30] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates % region U_{u}
{(-1.3,2) (-0.7,3) (1,3.7) (5.2,3) (8,1.6) (8.4,1) (8,0.3) (6,0) (4,0) (2,0.3) (0,1)};
\path[fill=blue!30] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates % region K
{(0,-2) (-0.3,-1.5) (-0.2,0) (-0.3,1) (-1,2) (0,2.8) (3,2) (7,1) (7.3,-1)
(6,-2.3) (4,-2.3) (2,-2)};
\node[] at (3.7,0)[fill=blue!30]{$K$};
\clip[overlay] (3.7,0) circle (8pt) [reverseclip];
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=right top] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates % boundary of U_{u}
{(-1.3,2) (-0.7,3) (1,3.7) (5.2,3) (8,1.6) (8.4,1) (8,0.3) (6,0) (4,0) (2,0.3) (0,1)};
% \end{scope}
% \begin{scope}
\node at (4.8,1.6) {$U_y$};
\clip[overlay] (4.8,1.6) circle (10pt) [reverseclip];
\draw[thick,name path=right] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates % boundary of K
{(0,-2) (-0.3,-1.5) (-0.2,0) (-0.3,1) (-1,2) (0,2.8) (3,2) (7,1) (7.3,-1)
(6,-2.3) (4,-2.3) (2,-2)};
% boundary of unnamed region to lower-left of point y:
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=middle] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(0,-3.4) (-1,-2) (-1,-0.5) (-1.5,0.4) (-1,1.6) (0,1.9) (2.1,1) (3,-1) (2.5,-3) (1,-3.7)};
% boundary of unnamed region to lower-rightof point y:
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=right bottom] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(1,-3) (0.6,-2) (1.2,0) (3,0.8) (6,0.8) (8.5,1) (10,0) (9,-3) (7,-3.7) (5,-3.6) (2,-3.6)};
\path[name path=circle] (5.2,1.5) arc(-30:190:4mm);
\path [%draw,red,ultra thick,
name path=aux1,
intersection segments={
of=circle and right,
\path [draw,ultra thick,
name path=aux2,
intersection segments={
of=circle and aux1,
% Distinguished points & their labels
\node[dot] at (-6.5,-0.425) {};
\node at (-6.95,-0.675) {$x$};
\node[dot] at (3.3,1.5) {};
\node at (2.85,1.25) {$y$};
% Region labels
\node at (-5.625,-0.025) {$V$};
\node at (-2.5,-1.5){$V_y$};
% Derek's comment
在间隙的中间来使其更优雅。但对于虚线,我建议使用我之前回答的方法。(如果您不喜欢该方法,则无需加载 pgfplots 及其库)编辑:我错了,你确实需要fillbetween
。我还实现了Derek 的精彩评论但很乐意将其删除。
% Based upon answer by @marmot 2018/06/10
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/435746/sketching-free-hand-importing-into-tikz
%\definecolor{red}{gray}{0.15} % medium gray for region V
%\definecolor{blue}{gray}{0.2} % dark gray for region K
%\definecolor{orange}{gray}{0.6}% light shading for left & right sides
\begin{tikzpicture}[long dash/.style={dash pattern=on 4pt off 2pt},
dot/.style = {circle, fill, minimum size=#1,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
dot/.default = 3pt, % size of the circle diameter
x=0.44cm,y=0.44cm % scale units for overall correct size
% Left-hand regions
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=left,fill=orange!30] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(0.3,-2) (-1,-3) (-8,-1.2) (-8.8,-0.2) (-7,0.6) (-1,-0.6)};
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=left bottom] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(-8,-2.8) (-9,-2.5) (-8.5,-1) (-7,0) (-6,1.7) (-5,1.7) (-4,-0) (-5.5,-2)};
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=left top] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(-7.2,-1) (-7.8,1) (-6.7,2) (-5.5,1) (-5,0) (-5.4,-1) (-6,-1.2)};
\path [%draw,blue,ultra thick,
name path=left arc,
intersection segments={
of=left top and left,
\path [%draw,red,ultra thick,
name path=left blob,
intersection segments={
of=left bottom and left arc,
% Right-hand regions
\path[fill=orange!30] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates % region U_{u}
{(-1.3,2) (-0.7,3) (1,3.7) (5.2,3) (8,1.6) (8.4,1) (8,0.3) (6,0) (4,0) (2,0.3) (0,1)};
\path[fill=blue!30] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates % region K
{(0,-2) (-0.3,-1.5) (-0.2,0) (-0.3,1) (-1,2) (0,2.8) (3,2) (7,1) (7.3,-1)
(6,-2.3) (4,-2.3) (2,-2)};
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=right top] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates % boundary of U_{u}
{(-1.3,2) (-0.7,3) (1,3.7) (5.2,3) (8,1.6) (8.4,1) (8,0.3) (6,0) (4,0) (2,0.3) (0,1)};
\draw[thick,name path=right,dash pattern=on 118pt off 16pt on 300pt,
postaction={decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 126pt with
{\node{$U_y$};}}}] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates % boundary of K
{(0,-2) (-0.3,-1.5) (-0.2,0) (-0.3,1) (-1,2) (0,2.8) (3,2) (7,1) (7.3,-1)
(6,-2.3) (4,-2.3) (2,-2)};
% boundary of unnamed region to lower-left of point y:
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=middle] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(0,-3.4) (-1,-2) (-1,-0.5) (-1.5,0.4) (-1,1.6) (0,1.9) (2.1,1) (3,-1) (2.5,-3) (1,-3.7)};
% boundary of unnamed region to lower-rightof point y:
\draw[thick,long dash,name path=right bottom] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates
{(1,-3) (0.6,-2) (1.2,0) (3,0.8) (6,0.8) (8.5,1) (10,0) (9,-3) (7,-3.7) (5,-3.6) (2,-3.6)};
\path[name path=circle] (5.2,1.5) arc(-30:190:4mm);
\path [%draw,red,ultra thick,
name path=aux1,
intersection segments={
of=circle and right,
\path [draw,ultra thick,
name path=aux2,
intersection segments={
of=circle and aux1,
% Distinguished points & their labels
\node[dot] at (-6.5,-0.425) {};
\node at (-6.95,-0.675) {$x$};
\node[dot] at (3.3,1.5) {};
\node at (2.85,1.25) {$y$};
% Region labels
\node at (-5.625,-0.025) {$V$};
\node at (-2.5,-1.5){$V_y$};
% Derek's comment
\node[] at (3.7,0)[fill=blue!30]{$K$};
%\node[] at (4.8,1.6) {$U_y$};