


仅提供一些背景信息,完整文件如下这里。或者如果你是老师,可以使用此链接。我正在尝试在文档中创建一个table of content链接页面bigger。目前,它超过两页。我想用最简单的方法将它们放在一个页面上。

最好的尝试得到了这个: 在此处输入图片描述 将两页缩放到一页并保留超链接似乎非常困难......


%% packages
\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} % uses graphicx
\usepackage{caption} % \caption*



\newcommand{\mynote}[3]{\hyperref[code:#1]{#1} & {\heiti #2} & #3 \\}

%% DOC content



    \caption*{ \large \heiti \nameref{code:A}}
    \begin{tabular}{c l l l}
        A0 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{ \color{red}{ 1-$n$以内加减法(算式+填空) } } \\
        \mynote{A1}{不进位加法}{addition that does not carry over}
        \mynote{A2}{不退位减法}{subtraction that does not borrow}
        \mynote{A3}{进位加法}{addition that carries over}
        \mynote{A4}{退位减法}{subtraction that borrows}
        \mynote{A5}{不进退位组合}{mixture of \mycode{A1} and \mycode{A2} }
        \mynote{A6}{进退位组合}{mixture of \mycode{A3} and \mycode{A4}}
        \mynote{A7}{进位加不退位减}{mixture of \mycode{A3} and \mycode{A2}}
        \mynote{A8}{任意混合}{any mixture of the above}


    \caption*{ \large \heiti \nameref{code:B}}
    \begin{tabular}{c l l l}
        B0 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{ \color{red}{ 2.0-加减乘除混合(算式+填空) } } \\
        \mynote{B1}{乘法}    {Multiplication}
        \mynote{B2}{除法}    {Division}
        \mynote{B3}{乘除混合}{Multiplication and Division}
        \mynote{B4}{乘混加减}{Multiplication with Addition and Subtraction}
        \mynote{B5}{除混加减}{Division with Addition and Subtraction}
        \mynote{B6a}{加减乘除 (算式)}{Addition or Subtraction or Multiplication or Division (sums)}
        \mynote{B6b}{加减乘除 (填空)}{Addition or Subtraction or Multiplication or Division (fill in the blanks)}
        \mynote{B7}{加减混合}{Addition and Subtraction}
    \caption*{ \large \heiti \nameref{code:C}}
    \begin{tabular}{c l l l}
        C0 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{ \color{red}{ 2.1 / 2.3 / 3.1 } } \\
        \mynote{C1} {九九乘法表 (算式)}{times table up to  9 (sums)}
        \mynote{C2} {英文乘法表 (算式)}{times table up to 12 (sums)}
        \mynote{C3} {九九乘法表 (填空)}{times table up to  9 (fill in the blanks)}
        \mynote{C4} {英文乘法表 (填空)}{times table up to 12 (fill in the blanks)}
        \mynote{C5} {九九乘法表 (中文口诀)}{times table (Chinese version)}
        \mynote{C6} {余数练习}{division with remainder (up to  9 times table)}
        \mynote{C7} {余数练习}{division with remainder (up to 12 times table)}
        \mynote{C8} {连乘}{multiplication after multiplication (\maxval $\times$ \maxval $\times$ \maxval )}
        \mynote{C9} {连除}{division after division (\maxval $\div$ \maxval $\div$ \maxval )}
        \mynote{C10}{乘 连(and) 除}{one multiplication and one division}
        \mynote{C11}{连乘 或(or) 连除}{(multiplication after multiplication) OR (division after division)}
        \mynote{C12}{乘除 混合(mixture)题}{any mixture of multiplication and division}

    \caption*{ \large \heiti \nameref{code:D}}
    \begin{tabular}{c l l l}
        D0 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{ \color{red}{ 2.4-混合运算1-连加连减 } } \\
        \mynote{D1}{连加-后凑整    }{ Addition only, number bounds in last two terms }
        \mynote{D2}{连加减-后减凑整}{ Addition then subtraction, number bounds in last two terms }
        \mynote{D3}{连加-随机凑整  }{ Addition only, random number bounds}
        \mynote{D4}{连加减-随机凑整}{ Addition then subtraction, random number bounds}
        \mynote{D5}{后凑整组合     }{ Grouping the last two terms (number bounds)}
        \mynote{D6}{随机凑整组合   }{ Random number bounds}
        \mynote{D7}{随机连加       }{ Random addition only}
        \mynote{D8}{随机连减       }{ Random subtraction only}
        \mynote{D9}{随机连加减     }{ Random addition and subtraction}
    \caption*{ \large \heiti \nameref{code:E}}
    \begin{tabular}{c l l l}
        E0 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{ \color{red}{ 2.5-混合运算2-连加减带括号 } } \\
        \mynote{E1}{随机连加减       }{ Random addition and subtraction }
        \mynote{E2}{减连括号        }{ Subtraction with brackets }
        \mynote{E3}{连加减混合括号  }{ Random addition and subtraction with brackets }

    \caption*{ \large \heiti \nameref{code:F}}
    \begin{tabular}{c l l l}
        F0 & \multicolumn{2}{c}{ \color{red}{ 2.6-混合运算3-乘除连加减带括号 } } \\
        \mynote{F1} {乘法连加法 \, 乘除在前 \quad\, 无括号}{Multiplication then addition (no brackets)}
        \mynote{F2} {乘法连加法 \, 乘除在前 \quad\, 有括号}{Multiplication then addition (with brackets)}
        \mynote{F3} {乘法连加法 \, 加减在前 \quad\, 无括号}{Addition then multiplication (no brackets)}
        \mynote{F4} {乘法连加法 \, 加减在前 \quad\, 有括号}{Addition then multiplication (with brackets)}
        \mynote{F5} {乘法连减法 \, 加减在前 \quad\, 无括号}{Subtraction then multiplication (no brackets)}
        \mynote{F6} {乘法连减法 \, 加减在前 \,  随机括号}{Subtraction then multiplication (random brackets)}
        \mynote{F7} {乘法连加减 \, 加减在前 \quad\, 无括号}{Addition/Subtraction then multiplication}
                                                        & & (no brackets) \\
        \mynote{F8} {乘法连加减 \, 加减在前 \,  随机括号}{Addition/Subtraction then multiplication}
                                                        & & (random brackets) \\
        \mynote{F9} {乘法连加减 \, 随机顺序 \,  随机括号}{Addition/Subtraction and multiplication}
                                                        & & (random brackets, random order) \\



这是view来自 Adob​​e Reader 的viewing two pages在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述 我怎样才能立即将其作为单页获取?

我尝试过multicolumnminipage,两者都可以工作,这取决于table环境。例如,使用 时的错误minipage

LaTeX 错误:不在外部模式中。

