\tkzFindAngle 中的切线四边形错误角度

\tkzFindAngle 中的切线四边形错误角度

1. 计算得出的角度BOC为250度,如何修正...

2. 有没有更好的方法来画切四边形



\tkzDrawSegments[dashed](O,A O,B O,C O,D)
\tkzTangent[at=A](O) \tkzGetPoint{h}
\tkzTangent[at=B](O) \tkzGetPoint{i}
\tkzTangent[at=C](O) \tkzGetPoint{j}
\tkzTangent[at=D](O) \tkzGetPoint{k}

\tkzInterLL(A,h)(B,i) \tkzGetPoint{R}
\tkzInterLL(A,h)(D,k) \tkzGetPoint{Q}
\tkzInterLL(C,j)(B,i) \tkzGetPoint{S}
\tkzInterLL(C,j)(D,k) \tkzGetPoint{P}

\tkzDrawSegments[thick,brown](P,Q Q,R R,S S,P)


\tkzLabelAngle[pos=.7](C,O,D){\tiny $\angleCOD^\circ$}

\tkzLabelAngle[pos=.8](D,O,A){\tiny $\angleAOD^\circ$}

\tkzLabelAngle[pos=-0.9](C,O,B){\tiny $\angleBOC^\circ$}

\tkzLabelAngle[pos=0.9](A,O,B){\tiny $\angleAOB^\circ$}





% thanks karu : http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/151667/tkzgetangle-strange-behavior/196224#196224  \tkzGetAngle strange behavior
% defines \tkz@FirstAngle and \tkz@SecondAngle sens  trigo
   \ifdim\pgfmathresult pt=1 pt\relax%
     \ifdim\pgfmathresult pt=1 pt\relax%
     \ifdim\pgfmathresult pt=1 pt\relax%
%                          Angle 
%                          Angle  avec trois nodes
\def\tkzFindAngle(#1,#2,#3){% new code 2016
% Find angle
    \global\expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname{\tkzAngleResult}


\tkzDrawSegments[dashed](O,A O,B O,C O,D)
\tkzTangent[at=A](O) \tkzGetPoint{h}
\tkzTangent[at=B](O) \tkzGetPoint{i}
\tkzTangent[at=C](O) \tkzGetPoint{j}
\tkzTangent[at=D](O) \tkzGetPoint{k}

\tkzInterLL(A,h)(B,i) \tkzGetPoint{R}
\tkzInterLL(A,h)(D,k) \tkzGetPoint{Q}
\tkzInterLL(C,j)(B,i) \tkzGetPoint{S}
\tkzInterLL(C,j)(D,k) \tkzGetPoint{P}

\tkzDrawSegments[thick,brown](P,Q Q,R R,S S,P)


\tkzLabelAngle[pos=.7](C,O,D){\tiny $\angleCOD^\circ$}

\tkzLabelAngle[pos=.8](D,O,A){\tiny $\angleAOD^\circ$}

\tkzLabelAngle[pos=-0.9](C,O,B){\tiny $\angleBOC^\circ$}

\tkzLabelAngle[pos=0.9](A,O,B){\tiny $\angleAOB^\circ$}




通过一些思考和自定义mark_angle宏,你可以简单地完成所有这些操作元帖子同样,这里将其包装起来luamplib以使标签更简单。使用 编译此文件lualatex


    pair O, A, B, C, D, P, Q, R, S;
    path c;
    c = fullcircle scaled 4cm;

    O = origin;

    A = point   20 / 360 * 8 of c;
    B = point  100 / 360 * 8 of c;
    C = point -150 / 360 * 8 of c;
    D = point  -70 / 360 * 8 of c;

    P = whatever [C, O rotatedabout(C, 90)] = whatever [D, O rotatedabout(D, 90)];
    Q = whatever [D, O rotatedabout(D, 90)] = whatever [A, O rotatedabout(A, 90)];
    R = whatever [A, O rotatedabout(A, 90)] = whatever [B, O rotatedabout(B, 90)];
    S = whatever [B, O rotatedabout(B, 90)] = whatever [C, O rotatedabout(C, 90)];

    color brown, maroon;
    brown = 2/3 (red + 1/2 green);
    maroon = 2/3 (red + 1/4 blue);

    draw P--Q--R--S--cycle withcolor brown;

    vardef mark_angle(expr a, b, c, r, shade) = 
        save arc; path arc;
        arc = fullcircle scaled 2r rotated angle (a-b) shifted b cutafter (b--c);
        draw arc withcolor shade;
        save theta; numeric theta;
        theta = round(angle (c-b) - angle (a-b)) mod 360;
        label("$\scriptstyle " & decimal theta & "^\circ$", 
              (r+8) * unitvector (a-b) rotated 1/2 theta) withcolor shade;

    mark_angle(D, O, A, 18, maroon);
    mark_angle(A, O, B, 16, maroon);
    mark_angle(B, O, C, 20, maroon);
    mark_angle(C, O, D, 16, maroon);

    draw c;
    forsuffixes @=A, B, C, D:
        draw O -- @ dashed evenly scaled 1/2;
        label("$" & str @ & "$", @ + 8 unitvector @);

    forsuffixes @=P, Q, R, S:
        fill fullcircle scaled dotlabeldiam shifted @ withcolor 1/4 [red, white];
        draw fullcircle scaled dotlabeldiam shifted @ withcolor 1/2 red;
        label("$" & str @ & "$", @ + 8 unitvector @);

    fill fullcircle scaled dotlabeldiam shifted O;
    label("$O$", 8 dir 160);

    cmykcolor straw; straw = (0, 0, 0.1, 0);
    picture P; P = currentpicture;
    fill bbox P withcolor straw;
    draw P;

