author = {Doi, Yutaka and Sano, Tetsufi and Tanaka, Itsua},
date = {1978},
maintitle = {Senkyo seido},
maintitleaddon = {Das Wahlsystem},
volume = {10},
title = {Gendai chihô jichi zenshû},
location = {Tôkyô},
publisher = {Gyôsei}
% set main language to German
% use German quotes
% use biblatex authoryear style
% new titleaddonpunct to use between maintitle and maintitleaddon
% don't emphasise title
% place maintitleaddon in square brackets
% use a colon between sortname and title
% use small caps for family names
% redefine family-given/given-family so only last name is printed as
% given-family (this format is used by default for the sortname in authoryear
% style
test {\ifdefvoid\namepartgiven}
test {\ifdefvoid\namepartprefix}}
% redefine maintitle bibmacro to use \titleaddonpunct between maintitle and
% maintitleaddon
test {\iffieldundef{maintitle}}
test {\iffieldundef{mainsubtitle}}
\setunit{\titleaddonpunct}}% replace \newunit