我试图在脚注中加入完整引文,使用的是 revtex 4-1。我无法让它工作,而且我得到的错误似乎取决于我指定的期刊。
author = "Some Person",
title = "A Book",
year = "XXXX",
publisher = "A Publisher",
address = "A Place, Somewhere"
我可以运行 pdflatex 但 bibtex 给出错误:
Illegal, another \bibdata command---line 4 of file test.aux
事实上,如果我看一下 aux 文件:
如果我从这里运行 pdflatex,它将无法打印出任何引用。
如果我使用 phys rev 样式,即使第一个 pdflatex 也会失败并出现错误:
! Undefined control sequence.
\frenchspacing ->\sfcode `\.\@m \sfcode `\?
\@m \sfcode `\!\@m \sfcode
l.18 test\footnote{\bibentry{test1}}
使用 rmp 和使用
author = "Some Person",
title = "A Book",
year = "XXXX",
publisher = "A Publisher",
address = "A Place, Somewhere"
author = {M. Herceg and M. Kvasnica and C.N. Jones and M. Morari},
title = {{Multi-Parametric Toolbox 3.0}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Control Conference},
year = {2013},
address = {Z\"urich, Switzerland}
author = {M. Herceg and M. Kvasnica and C.N. Jones and M. Morari},
title = {{Multi-Parametric Toolbox 4.0}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Control Conference},
year = {2013},
address = {Z\"urich, Switzerland}
\newlength{\spc} % declare a variable to save spacing value
\newcommand{\sjcitep}[2][]{% new command with two arguments: optional (#1) and mandatory (#2)
\settowidth{\spc}{#1}% set value of \spc variable to the width of #1 argument
\addtolength{\spc}{-1.8\spc}% subtract from \spc about two (1.8) of its values making its magnitude negative
#1% print the optional argument
\hspace*{\spc}% print an additional negative spacing stored in \spc after #1
\footnote{\bibentry{#2}}}% print (cite) the mandatory argument
\deffootnote[2em]{2em}{1em}{% <------------------
Citation here \sjcitep{MPT3}.
Second here \footnote{\bibentry{MPT4}}