




This is my first constant \const{name1} and my second constant \const{name2}
but I can also reference my first constant \const{name1}

New constants are here \const{name1}

Resetting constants means that previous ones are completely 
forgotten so that \const{name1} is a brand new constant.


This is my first constant D_1 and my second constant D_2
but I can also reference my first constant D_1.

New constants are here E_1.

Resetting constants means that previous ones are completely 
forgotten so that D_1 is a new constant.






% initialize list of constants

% This command takes the name of a constant and undefines it.
\newcommand\rc@clearconstant[1]{\global\expandafter\let\csname rc@const@#1\endcsname\undefined}

% Iterate over the lists of
    \def\rc@constname{#1}% Set the new base name of the constants to the argument
    \global\rc@count=1\relax % Reset the constant counter to 1
        \let\\\rc@clearconstant % map over the list of constants that have been defined, clearing each of them.
        \global\let\rc@clearconstantlist\empty % Globally empty the list of constants.
        % Globally store the expansion of the current constant in a macro
        \expandafter\xdef\csname rc@const@#1\endcsname{%
        % Add this macro to the list of things that need to be cleared.
    % Display the output
    \csname rc@const@#1\endcsname

% Redefine this command to change the way that the constants are typeset.
% #1 -- the letter, i.e., D or E
% #2 -- the number of the constant, i.e., 1, 2


This is my first constant \const{name1} and my second constant \const{name2}
but I can also reference my first constant \const{name1}

New constants are here \const{name1}

Resetting constants means that previous ones are completely
forgotten so that \const{name1} is a brand new constant.


我使用的是标准 tex 列表迭代技术,即将列表存储为\mylist具有主体的宏\\{first-entry}\\{second-entry}...\\{last-entry}。因此,空列表只是一个具有空扩展文本的零参数宏。要初始化空列表或清空我已经拥有的列表,我只需说\let\mylist\empty。要向列表添加元素,我使用\g@addto@macro\mylist{\\{new-entry}}。宏\g@addto@macro全局将文本添加到没有参数的宏主体中。


\bgroup % ensure local scope
    \let\\\rc@clearconstant % The function I'm mapping over my list is \rc@clearconstant 
    \rc@clearconstantlist % Map over the list, clearing each constant
    \global\let\rc@clearconstantlist\empty % Globally empty the list of constants.
\egroup % This ends the scope and the value of `\\` is restored.


\int_new:N \g_tohi_const_int
\int_new:N \g_tohi_const_sub_int
\tl_new:N  \g_tohi_const_char_tl

\cs_new_protected:Nn \tohi_print_constant:nn 
  #1 \textsubscript {#2} 

 \int_gincr:N \g_tohi_const_int
 \int_gzero:N \g_tohi_const_sub_int
 \tl_gset:Nn  \g_tohi_const_char_tl {#1}

    c_tohi_const_\int_use:N\g_tohi_const_int _#1_tl
    \tl_use:c {c_tohi_const_\int_use:N\g_tohi_const_int _#1_tl }
    \int_gincr:N \g_tohi_const_sub_int
    \tl_const:cx {c_tohi_const_\int_use:N\g_tohi_const_int _#1_tl }
     { \exp_not:N\tohi_print_constant:nn {\g_tohi_const_char_tl }{\int_use:N \g_tohi_const_sub_int}}
    \tl_use:c {c_tohi_const_\int_use:N\g_tohi_const_int _#1_tl }


This is my first constant \const{name1} and my second constant \const{name2}
but I can also reference my first constant \const{name1}

New constants are here \const{name1}

Resetting constants means that previous ones are completely
forgotten so that \const{name1} is a brand new constant.






  \tohiko_constant_use:n { #1 }
  \tohiko_constant_reset:n { #1 }

\int_new:N \g_tohiko_constant_count_int
\tl_new:N \g_tohiko_constant_name_tl
\prop_new:N \g_tohiko_constant_prop

\cs_new_protected:Nn \tohiko_constant_use:n
  \prop_if_in:NnF \g_tohiko_constant_prop { #1 }
    \int_gincr:N \g_tohiko_constant_count_int
    \prop_gput:Nnx \g_tohiko_constant_prop
     { #1 }
     { \int_to_arabic:n { \g_tohiko_constant_count_int } }
    \tl_use:N \g_tohiko_constant_name_tl
    \sb { \prop_item:Nn \g_tohiko_constant_prop { #1 } }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \tohiko_constant_reset:n
  \tl_gset:Nn \g_tohiko_constant_name_tl { #1 }
  \prop_clear:N \g_tohiko_constant_prop
  \int_gzero:N \g_tohiko_constant_count_int



This is my first constant \const{name1} and my second constant \const{name2}
but I can also reference my first constant \const{name1}

New constants are here \const{name1}

Resetting constants means that previous ones are completely 
forgotten so that \const{name1} is a brand new constant.


