

我在 Share Latex 上收到以下错误消息

<argument> \,\multimap 
l.241 \end{exe}}

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.


  \setbeamercolor{block body}{#2}
  \setbeamercolor{block title}{#3}











%\usepackage{prooftree} % proofs



\newcommand{\sig}{\mbox{$_\sigma\,$}} % sigma, with space after
\newcommand{\sigb}{\mbox{$_\sigma$}} % sigma, no space after
\newcommand{\upsig}.       {\mbox{\ensuremath{\uparrow\hspace{-0.35em}_\sigma\,}}}
\newcommand{\Upsig}.   {\mbox{\ensuremath{\uparrow\hspace{-0.35em}_\sigma}}}
\newcommand{\type}[1]{\mbox{\ensuremath{\mathit{#1}}\/}}  % type name

    show control points/.style={
    decoration={show path construction, curveto code={
            \draw [blue, dashed]
                (\tikzinputsegmentfirst) -- (\tikzinputsegmentsupporta)
                node [at end, cross out, draw, solid, red, inner    sep=2pt]{};
            \draw [blue, dashed]
                (\tikzinputsegmentsupportb) -- (\tikzinputsegmentlast)
                node [at start, cross out, draw, solid, red, inner    sep=2pt]{};







\block{Oh my }{
Oh my 
\bigskip \\
\item Oh my 
\item Oh my 
\innerblock{oh my }
$1 +1 = 2$  
\block{Oh my } {\lipsum[1]
\block{Oh my }



\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.center), every tree    node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}, level distance = 18ex, scale= .5]   
    \Tree [.{$Prove (h, \mathbf{\neg Inductive_{h} (the.primes_{h})} : t     $} [.{$\sigma: i$} ] [.{$\eta \,(Prove (h, \mathbf{\neg Inductive_{h} (the.primes_{h}))}: \Diamond t   $} \edge node[auto=left] {$\eta$};  [.   {$Prove (h, \neg \lambda j. \left\{
                \mathbf{Inductive_{\mathtt{h}}\Bigg(\lambda i. \left\{
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\mathtt{h}}& \text{if }i =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\sigma}& \text{if } i=\sigma
                \right.h\Bigg)}& \text{if }j =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{Inductive_{\mathtt{\sigma}}\Bigg(\lambda i. \left\{
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\mathtt{h}}& \text{if }i =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\sigma}& \text{if } i=\sigma
                \right.\sigma \Bigg)}& \text{if } j=\sigma
                \right.   h) : t$} [.{$h: e$} ]       [.{$\lambda x. Prove(x, \neg \lambda j. \left\{
                \mathbf{Inductive_{\mathtt{h}}\Bigg(\lambda i. \left\{
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\mathtt{h}}& \text{if }i =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\sigma}& \text{if } i=\sigma
                \right.h \Bigg)}& \text{if }j =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{Inductive_{\mathtt{\sigma}}\Bigg(\lambda i. \left\{
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\mathtt{h}}& \text{if }i =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\sigma}& \text{if } i=\sigma
                \right.\sigma \Bigg)}& \text{if } j=\sigma
                \right. \kappa(x)): e \linimp t$}  [.{$\lambda p.     \lambda x. Prove(x, p \hspace{0.2cm}\kappa(x))\,$ \\ $\Diamond t \linimp e   \linimp t$} ] [.{$\neg \lambda j \left\{
                \mathbf{Inductive_{\mathtt{h}}\Bigg(\lambda i. \left\{
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\mathtt{h}}& \text{if }i =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\sigma}& \text{if } i=\sigma
                \right.h \Bigg)}& \text{if }j =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{Inductive_{\mathtt{\sigma}}\Bigg(\lambda i. \left\{
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\mathtt{h}}& \text{if }i =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\sigma}& \text{if } i=\sigma
                \right. \sigma \Bigg)}& \text{if } j=\sigma
                \right.: \Diamond t$} [.{$\lambda p. (\neg p)$ \\ $\Diamond t \linimp \Diamond t$} ] [.{$\lambda j. \left\{
                \mathbf{Inductive_{\mathtt{h}}\Bigg(\lambda i. \left\{
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\mathtt{h}}& \text{if }i =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\sigma}& \text{if } i=\sigma
                \right. h \Bigg)}& \text{if }j =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{Inductive_{\mathtt{\sigma}}\Bigg(\lambda i. \left\{
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\mathtt{h}}& \text{if }i =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\sigma}& \text{if } i=\sigma
                \right. \sigma \Bigg)}& \text{if } j=\sigma
                \right.: \Diamond t$} [.{$\lambda x, \lambda j. \left\{
                \mathbf{Inductive_{\mathtt{h}}(x_h)}& \text{if }j =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{Inductive_{\mathtt{\sigma}}(x_{\sigma})}& \text{if } j=\sigma
                \right.:$ \\ $\Diamond e \linimp \Diamond t$} ] [.{$\lambda i. \left\{
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\mathtt{h}}& \text{if }i =\mathtt{h} \\
                \mathbf{the.primes}_{\sigma}& \text{if } i=\sigma
                \right. : \Diamond e$} ]     ]  ]  ] ] ] ] ]



