


(弧中的间隙是在注释为“ gap in rear portion of semicircle”的代码行中创建的。叠加在所需间隙处的彩色箭头只是为了指示我想要的 - 它们是不是图形的一部分,刚刚绘制在上传至此处的 .png 文件上。)

如果使用球面坐标,如@marmot 的回答改进或简化这个适合南半球的 TikZ 代码?那么,如何才能更自动化地创造半圆形的间隙呢?




% small fix for canvas is xy plane at z % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/48776/121799
\tikzoption{canvas is xy plane at z}[]{%

%view={<azimuth>,<elevation>} key
    view/.code args={#1,#2}{%
        % Set elevation and azimuth angles
        % Calculate projections of rotation matrix
        % Set base vectors
        \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{\xvec@x cm}{\xvec@y cm}}
        \pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{\yvec@x cm}{\yvec@y cm}}
        \pgfsetzvec{\pgfpoint{\zvec@x cm}{\zvec@y cm}}

    dot/.style={circle, fill, minimum size=#1, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
    dot/.default = 4.5pt,
    hemispherebehind/.style={ball color=gray!20!white, fill=none, opacity=0.3},
    hemispherefront/.style={ball color=gray!65!white, fill=none, opacity=0.3},
    equator/.style = {thick, black},
    diameter/.style = {thick, black},
    axis/.style={thick, -stealth,black!60, every node/.style={text=black, at={([turn]1mm,0mm)}},



\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2, x=0.39cm,y=0.39cm,
   view={105,\el}, % {<azimuth>}{<elevation>}

    \coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
    \coordinate (xpos) at (0.707*\radius,0.707*\radius,0);
    \coordinate (xneg) at (-0.707*\radius,-0.707*\radius,0);
    \coordinate (nearxpos) at (0.85*0.707*\radius,0.85*0.707*\radius,0);
     \coordinate (nearxneg) at (-0.85*0.707*\radius,-0.85*0.707*\radius,0);

    % shaded southern hemisphere: (on bottom)
        delta angle=180,
        x radius=\radius cm
        ] (\radius cm,0)
                -- ++(-2*\radius,0,0)
                arc [y radius={\radius*sin(\el)*1cm},start angle=0]
        arc [y radius=\radius cm,start angle=-180];

    % another hemisphere (on top)
        delta angle=180,
        x radius=\radius cm,
        ] (\radius cm,0)
        arc [y radius={\radius*sin(\el)*1cm},start angle=0,delta angle=-180]
        arc [y radius=\radius cm,start angle=-180];

    % equator
    \draw[equator, canvas is xy plane at z=.02] (O) circle (\radius);

    % great semicircle
    \draw[circlearc, canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) ++(0:\radius) arc (0:-90:\radius);
    \draw[circlearchidden, canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) ++(0:\radius) arc (0:-160:\radius);
        % gap in rear portion of semicircle:
    \draw[circlearc, canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) ++(-161.25:\radius) arc (-161.25:-164.25:\radius);
    \draw[circlearc, canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) ++(-167.75:\radius) arc (-167.5:-180:\radius);

    % Point to diametrically opposite points
    \draw[diameter,Stealth-Stealth] (nearxpos) -- (nearxneg); %
    \draw node[dot] at (xpos){} node[anchor=south west] at (xpos){$x$};
    \node[dot] at (xneg){} node[anchor=south east] at (xneg){$-x$};

    % equator label
    \node at (-1.5,.25,0) {$E$};

    % hemisphere label
    \node at (1,-.35,-.3) {$\Stwo^{-}$};





这不是一个太严肃的答案,几乎只是一个概念证明。我正在剪辑来自箭头周围的光环shapes.arrows遗憾的是,我无法制作reverseclip字面上的工作,但我使用它的概念。在带有夹子的瞄准镜中绘制的所有内容都会尊重箭头的光环。如果你想看看光环是什么样子,请替换\clip\draw[clip]。我期待阅读其他答案并学习新技巧。更新:通过使用 简化事项use path

\usetikzlibrary{shapes.arrows,calc} % <-added


% small fix for canvas is xy plane at z % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/48776/121799
\tikzoption{canvas is xy plane at z}[]{%

%view={<azimuth>,<elevation>} key
    view/.code args={#1,#2}{%
        % Set elevation and azimuth angles
        % Calculate projections of rotation matrix
        % Set base vectors
        \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{\xvec@x cm}{\xvec@y cm}}
        \pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{\yvec@x cm}{\yvec@y cm}}
        \pgfsetzvec{\pgfpoint{\zvec@x cm}{\zvec@y cm}}
\tikzset{ % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/38995/121799
  use path/.code={\pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath{#1}}

    dot/.style={circle, fill, minimum size=#1, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt},
    dot/.default = 4.5pt,
    hemispherebehind/.style={ball color=gray!20!white, fill=none, opacity=0.3},
    hemispherefront/.style={ball color=gray!65!white, fill=none, opacity=0.3},
    equator/.style = {thick, black},
    diameter/.style = {thick, black},
    axis/.style={thick, -stealth,black!60, every node/.style={text=black, at={([turn]1mm,0mm)}},
% based on https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/12033/121799
\tikzset{reverseclip/.style={insert path={(current bounding box.north
        east) rectangle (current bounding box.south west)}}}



\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2, x=0.39cm,y=0.39cm,
   view={105,\el}, % {<azimuth>}{<elevation>}

    \coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
    \coordinate (xpos) at (0.707*\radius,0.707*\radius,0);
    \coordinate (xneg) at (-0.707*\radius,-0.707*\radius,0);
    \coordinate (nearxpos) at (0.85*0.707*\radius,0.85*0.707*\radius,0);
     \coordinate (nearxneg) at (-0.85*0.707*\radius,-0.85*0.707*\radius,0);

    % shaded southern hemisphere: (on bottom)
        delta angle=180,
        x radius=\radius cm
        ] (\radius cm,0)
                -- ++(-2*\radius,0,0)
                arc [y radius={\radius*sin(\el)*1cm},start angle=0]
        arc [y radius=\radius cm,start angle=-180];

    % another hemisphere (on top)
        delta angle=180,
        x radius=\radius cm,
        ] (\radius cm,0)
        arc [y radius={\radius*sin(\el)*1cm},start angle=0,delta angle=-180]
        arc [y radius=\radius cm,start angle=-180];

    % equator
    \draw[equator, canvas is xy plane at z=.02] (O) circle (\radius);

    % great semicircle
    \draw[circlearc, canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) ++(0:\radius) arc (0:-90:\radius);
    \draw[circlearchidden, canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) ++(0:\radius) arc (0:-160:\radius);

    \tikzset{rotate border/.style={shape border uses incircle, shape border rotate=#1}}
    % Point to diametrically opposite points
    \draw[diameter,Stealth-Stealth] (nearxpos) -- (nearxneg); %
    \draw node[dot] at (xpos){} node[anchor=south west] at (xpos){$x$};
    \node[dot] at (xneg){} node[anchor=south east] at (xneg){$-x$};

    % equator label
    \node at (-1.5,.25,0) {$E$};

    % hemisphere label
    \node at (1,-.35,-.3) {$\Stwo^{-}$};
        \path let \p1=($(nearxneg)-(nearxpos)$),\n1={veclen(\x1,\y1)},\n2={atan2(\y1,\x1)} in 
        node[save path=\MyArrow,shape border rotate=\n2,rotate=\n2,midway,shape=double arrow, 
        draw=none,minimum height={4*\n1},scale=1/4] at
        ($(nearxpos)!0.5!(nearxneg)$) (halo) {};
        \clip[overlay] [use path=\MyArrow,reverseclip];
        % gap in rear portion of semicircle:
        \draw[even odd rule,circlearc, canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0,0) ++(-161.25:\radius) arc

