我在 Tikz 中的节点文本格式方面遇到了一个奇怪的问题。我想使用节点在 Tikz 图表中创建信息框,例如在 TikZ & PGF Manual v3.0.1a - Till Tantau, 2015,第 2.1 节,第 29 页中,这样的解释框位于几何图的右侧,其 Tikz 代码见第 45 页。
然而,我遇到了 Tikz 生成的格式问题,如下图所示,我创建了 6 个示例节点:-
节点 1
我们将node font
节点 2
这里我们没有使用node font
节点 3
这和节点 2 一样,只是我们添加了\large
节点 4
这与节点 1 完全相同,只是这次我们将第二段文本括在环境中quote
节点 5
这与节点 1 完全相同,只是这次我们将第二段文本括在description
节点 6
这与节点 1 完全相同,只是这次我们将第二段文本括在环境中trivlist
因此,Node 6 中的方法提供了某种“黑客”手段来获得正确的格式。
我在 Windows 7 上使用 MiKTeX v2.9 和 TeXstudio v2.12.10。
% Node 1
\node[draw, inner sep=0.5em, text width=5cm, anchor=south west, node font=\LARGE] at (0, 0) {
PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.
The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.
% Node 2
\node [draw, inner sep=0.5em, text width=5cm, anchor=south west] at (6.5, 0) {
PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ. The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.
% Node 3
\node [draw, inner sep=0.5em, text width=5cm, anchor=south west] at (13, 0) {
PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.
The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.
% Node 4
\node[draw, inner sep=0.5em, text width=5cm, anchor=north west, node font=\LARGE] at (0, 0) {
PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.
The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.
% Node 5
\node[draw, inner sep=0.5em, text width=5cm, anchor=north west, node font=\LARGE] at (6.5, 0) {
PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.
\item[item1] The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.
% Node 6
\node[draw, inner sep=0.5em, text width=5cm, anchor=north west, node font=\LARGE] at (13, 0) {
PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.
\item The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.
该问题与以下内容相关:Tikz 节点中的文本不遵守基线跳跃。
以下 MWE 和输出演示了在节点中设置字体大小的 8 个用例。结果取决于传递给 的键的选择\node
节点内部的 ),以及可能需要\par
在需要应用字体大小和基线设置的文本块末尾添加 。
- 沒有
node font=
。 - 与 1 相同 +
在第一个文本块的末尾添加。 - 与 2 相同 +
在两个文本块的末尾添加。 - 使用钥匙
node font=\Large
。 - 与 4 相同但添加
在两个文本块的末尾。 - 与 5 相同,但替换
node font=\Large
。 - 用语法替换字体大小开关
。 - 与 7 相同,但添加
这些测试表明,当传递给 的键中省略node font=
和时,需要在第一个文本块的末尾添加(示例 2),但不需要添加到第二个文本块的末尾(示例 3)。在 OP 的帖子中,这解释了为什么示例 2 排版不正确。font=
添加node font=
(示例 4-5)或font=
(示例 6)需要添加\par
(示例 5-6)。
\fontsize{font size}{baselineskip}\selectfont
添加,就可以使用语法(示例 7-8)更改字体大小和基线跳跃。
这是 8 个示例的输出:
这是 MWE:
\tikzset{mynode/.style={draw, inner sep=0.5em, text width=5cm},
mybox/.style={draw, rectangle, align=center,inner sep=0.5em, text width=5cm,minimum height=3.5cm}
% Node 1
\node[mynode] (A) at (0, 0) {
\LARGE PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.
{\small \color{blue} The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.}
% Node 2
\node[mynode,right=of A.south east,anchor=south west] (B) {
\LARGE PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.\par
{\small \color{blue} The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.}
% Node 3
\node[mynode,right=of B.south east,anchor=south west] (C) {
\LARGE PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.\par
{\small \color{blue} The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.}
% Node 4
\node[mynode,node font=\LARGE,right=of C.south east,anchor=south west] (D) {
PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.
{\small \color{blue} The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.}
% Node 5
\node[mynode,node font=\LARGE,right=of D.south east,anchor=south west] (E) {
PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.\par
{\small \color{blue} The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.\par}
% Node 6
\node[mynode,font=\LARGE,right=of E.south east,anchor=south west] (F) {
PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.\par
{\small \color{blue} The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.\par}
% Node 7
\node[mynode,font=\LARGE,right=of F.south east,anchor=south west] (G) {
PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.\par
{\fontsize{12pt}{14pt}\selectfont \color{blue} The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.}
% Node 8
\node[mynode,font=\LARGE,right=of G.south east,anchor=south west] (H) {
PGF/TikZ is a pair of languages for producing vector graphics from a geometric/algebraic description. PGF is a lower-level language, while TikZ.\par
{\fontsize{12pt}{14pt}\selectfont \color{blue} The top-level PGF and TikZ commands are invoked as TeX macros, but in contrast with PSTricks, the PGF/TikZ graphics themselves are described in a language that resembles MetaPost.\par}
\node[mybox,above=of D.north] (I) {4\\add \verb|node font=\Large| key, no \verb|\par|.};
\node[mybox] at (A |- I) {1\\no \verb|node font=| or \verb|font=| keys, no \verb|\par|};
\node[mybox] at (B |- I) {2\\no \verb|node font=| or \verb|font=| keys, add \verb|\par| after first text block only.};
\node[mybox] at (C |- I) {3\\no \verb|node font=| or \verb|font=| keys, add \verb|\par| after first text block only.};
\node[mybox] at (E |- I) {5\\use \verb|node font=\LARGE| key, add \verb|\par| after both text blocks.};
\node[mybox] at (F |- I) {6\\replace \verb|node font=\LARGE| with \verb|font=\LARGE| key, add \verb|\par| after both text blocks.};
\node[mybox] at (G |- I) {7\\use \verb|\fontsize{}{}\selectfont|, add \verb|\par| after first text block only.};
\node[mybox] at (H |- I) {8\\use \verb|\fontsize{}{}\selectfont| syntax, add \verb|\par| after both text blocks.};