我对 PGFplots 还很陌生,但我已经非常喜欢它了!
我想要一个图,其中两条曲线的交点或数据达到某个 y 值时在 x 轴上标记为 x 刻度。可以将带有文本的节点放在 x 轴附近,但 x 刻度之间的间距会关闭、重叠,并且位置永远不会与实际的 x 刻度位置相同。有没有办法extra x ticks
另外,当我使用时axis y line = left
,axis x line = bottom
,我尝试了 stackexchange 中的不同代码来获得我目前的位置。
\draw [dashed, name intersections={of=y-value and line2, by={intersect2}}] % What does the description of the coordinates with |- mean actually? (intersect2) -- (intersect2 |- 0,0);
xlabel= x,
ylabel = y,
axis x line = bottom,
axis y line = left,
xmin=0, xmax=7,
ymin = 0, ymax = 2.5,
xtick = \empty,
extra x ticks = {0, 3, 6},
every axis plot/.append style={semithick},
%% Clipping needs to be disabled, otherwise I cannot draw the text
\addplot[name path global=y-value,gray, ultra thin] coordinates{(0,2) (7,2)};
\addplot[name path global=line1] coordinates{(0,0) (5,2.5)};
\addplot[name path global=line2] coordinates{(0,0) (4.7,2.5)};
\addplot[name path global=line3] coordinates{(0,0) (3,2.5)};
% Here I start with the code for intersections of the different lines
\draw [dashed, name intersections={of=y-value and line1, by={intersect1}}]
(intersect1) -- (intersect1 |- 0,0);
% The value -0.15 is determined by trial and error for every plot. It is never
% perfectly at the same height as the x-ticks though.
% Especially when I change the size of the plot.
\node at (intersect1|- 0,-0.15 ) {\pgfplotspointgetcoordinates{(intersect1)}
\pgfmathprintnumber[fixed, precision=1]{\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/x}}
\draw [dashed, name intersections={of=y-value and line2, by={intersect2}}]
(intersect2) -- (intersect2 |- 0,0);
\node at (intersect2|- 0,-0.15 ) {\pgfplotspointgetcoordinates{(intersect2)}
\pgfmathprintnumber[fixed, precision=1]{\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/x}}
\draw [dashed, name intersections={of=y-value and line3, by={intersect3}}]
(intersect3) -- (intersect3 |- 0,0);
\node at (intersect3|- 0,-0.15 ) {\pgfplotspointgetcoordinates{(intersect3)}
\pgfmathprintnumber[fixed, precision=1]{\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/x}}
如果你真的想使用,[extra x ticks={...}]
xlabel= x,
ylabel = y,
axis x line = bottom,
axis y line = left,
xmin=0, xmax=7,
ymin = 0, ymax = 2.5,
xtick = {0, 3, 6},
%extra x ticks = {0, 3, 6},
every axis plot/.append style={semithick},
%% Clipping needs to be disabled, otherwise I cannot draw the text
\addplot[name path global=y-value,gray, ultra thin] coordinates{(0,2) (7,2)};
\addplot[name path global=line1] coordinates{(0,0) (5,2.5)};
\addplot[name path global=line2] coordinates{(0,0) (4.7,2.5)};
\addplot[name path global=line3] coordinates{(0,0) (3,2.5)};
% Here I start with the code for intersections of the different lines
\draw [dashed, name intersections={of=y-value and line1, by={intersect1}}]
(intersect1) -- (intersect1 |- 0,0);
\draw [dashed, name intersections={of=y-value and line2, by={intersect2}}]
(intersect2) -- (intersect2 |- 0,0);
\draw [dashed, name intersections={of=y-value and line3, by={intersect3}}]
(intersect3) -- (intersect3 |- 0,0);
\coordinate (scale) at (1,0);% assume lower left at (0,0)
\pgfplotsextra{% wait until scale determined
\begin{axis}[% overlay new axis on top of old
axis x line = bottom,
axis y line = left,
xmin=0, xmax=7,
ymin = 0, ymax = 2.5,
extra x ticks = {\ticks}
xlabel= x,
ylabel = y,
axis x line = bottom,
axis y line = left,
xmin=0, xmax=7,
ymin = 0, ymax = 2.5,
xtick = \empty,
extra x ticks = {0, 3, 6},
every axis plot/.append style={semithick},
%% Clipping needs to be disabled, otherwise I cannot draw the text
\addplot[name path global=y-value,gray, ultra thin] coordinates{(0,2) (7,2)};
\addplot[name path global=line-1] coordinates{(0,0) (5,2.5)};
\addplot[name path global=line-2] coordinates{(0,0) (4.7,2.5)};
\addplot[name path global=line-3] coordinates{(0,0) (3,2.5)};
% Here I start with the code for intersections of the different lines
\path (0,0) coordinate (O) (0,-0.6) coordinate (L);
\draw [dashed, name intersections={of=y-value and line-#1, by={intersect-#1}}]
(intersect-#1) -- (intersect-#1 |- O) coordinate (X-#1);
\node (L-#1) at (5-#1,0 |- L){\pgfplotspointgetcoordinates{(intersect-#1)}
\pgfmathprintnumber[fixed, precision=1]{\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/x}}
\draw[-latex] (L-#1) to[out=90,in=-90] (X-#1);