



我已经尝试使用该包,但是当尝试使用其中 totcount计数器的最终值时,它失败了。\totalvalue{<counter>}\makeatketter ... \makeatother






% Patch the line numbering to display the first and last line numbers
   % Beginning of patch
   % First line
   % Last line  --> DOES NOT WORK
%   \ifthenelse{\equal{\arabic{ALG@line}}{\arabic{\total{ALG@line}}}}%
%      {\alglinenumber{\arabic{ALG@line}}}%
%      {}%
   % End of patch

See \figurename{~\ref{fig:myalgorithm}} below.

 \noindent \textbf{Algorithm} itsname
  \Procedure {BellmanKalaba}{$G$, $u$, $l$, $p$}
  \ForAll {$v \in V(G)$}
  \State $l(v) \leftarrow \infty$
  \State $l(u) \leftarrow 0$
  \For {$i \leftarrow 1, n$}
  \State $min \leftarrow l(v_i)$
  \For {$j \leftarrow 1, n$}
  \If {$min > e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$}
  \State $min \leftarrow e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$
  \State $p(i) \leftarrow v_j$
  \State $l'(i) \leftarrow min$
  \State $changed \leftarrow l \not= l'$
  \State $l \leftarrow l'$
  \Until{$\neg changed$}
 \caption{This algorithm was copied from the algorithmicx's package documentation.}\label{fig:myalgorithm}

Total amount of lines in the algorithm: \total{ALG@line}


enter image description here


以下是解决您问题的两步方法。我允许您使用它来回答另一个问题,但请给我信用 :)




% Patch the line numbering to display the first and last line numbers
% execute this code at \end{algorithmic} but before the group is closed
% execute this code at \begin{algorithmic} just after the group is opened
  {% this macro writes the definition to the aux file, you have to make sure
   % that only the right stuff is expanded (\write expands its argument as
   % much as it is able to)
        % we don't want \expandafter to disappear
        % we don't want \csname to do its work just here
        \unexpanded{\csname @AlgorithmicLastLine@}%
        % the counter should be expanded
        % \endcsname isn't expandable (if you're unsure whether something is
        % expandable enclose it by \unexpanded or precede it with \noexpand)
        % this counter should as well be expanded
    % Beginning of patch
      {% if it is no line that already gets a number one of the other rules
       % might apply
          {% if not the first line, it may be the last
            % \ifcsdef is a wrapper around \ifcsname to check whether something
            % is defined or not
              {% if it is defined execute this code
                % \ifnum is a TeX primitive comparing the following two numbers
                % and executing the true branch if the comparison is true,
                % possible comparisons are '=', '>' and '<'.
                  % csuse is a wrapper around \csname building the
                  % control-sequence which's name is the argument of \csuse
                  % (argument is fully expanded)
              {}% not defined

See \figurename{~\ref{fig:myalgorithm}} below.

 \noindent \textbf{Algorithm} itsname
  \Procedure {BellmanKalaba}{$G$, $u$, $l$, $p$}
  \ForAll {$v \in V(G)$}
  \State $l(v) \leftarrow \infty$
  \State $l(u) \leftarrow 0$
  \For {$i \leftarrow 1, n$}
  \State $min \leftarrow l(v_i)$
  \For {$j \leftarrow 1, n$}
  \If {$min > e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$}
  \State $min \leftarrow e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$
  \State $p(i) \leftarrow v_j$
  \State $l'(i) \leftarrow min$
  \State $changed \leftarrow l \not= l'$
  \State $l \leftarrow l'$
  \Until{$\neg changed$}
    This algorithm was copied from the algorithmicx's package documentation.%

Total amount of lines in the algorithm: \total{ALG@line}

 \noindent \textbf{Algorithm} itsname
  \Procedure {BellmanKalaba}{$G$, $u$, $l$, $p$}
  \ForAll {$v \in V(G)$}
  \State $l(v) \leftarrow \infty$
  \State $l(u) \leftarrow 0$
  \For {$i \leftarrow 1, n$}
  \State $min \leftarrow l(v_i)$
  \For {$j \leftarrow 1, n$}
  \If {$min > e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$}
  \State $min \leftarrow e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$
  \State $p(i) \leftarrow v_j$
  \State $l'(i) \leftarrow min$
  \Until{$\neg changed$}
    This algorithm was copied from the algorithmicx's package documentation.%







See \figurename{~\ref{fig:myalgorithm}} below (\ref{ALGlines} lines).

 \noindent \textbf{Algorithm} itsname
  \Procedure {BellmanKalaba}{$G$, $u$, $l$, $p$}
  \ForAll {$v \in V(G)$}
  \State $l(v) \leftarrow \infty$
  \State $l(u) \leftarrow 0$
  \For {$i \leftarrow 1, n$}
  \State $min \leftarrow l(v_i)$
  \For {$j \leftarrow 1, n$}
  \If {$min > e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$}
  \State $min \leftarrow e(v_i, v_j) + l(v_j)$
  \State $p(i) \leftarrow v_j$
  \State $l'(i) \leftarrow min$
  \State $changed \leftarrow l \not= l'$
  \State $l \leftarrow l'$
  \Until{$\neg changed$}
 \caption{This algorithm was copied from the algorithmicx's package documentation.}\label{fig:myalgorithm}

Total amount of lines in the algorithm: \arabic{ALG@line}

