)重叠。minimum size
这里似乎忽略了 (仅用于测试)。我猜这与嵌入的 有关tikzpicture
\draw[-] (1,0)--(0,0);
\draw[-] (0,0)--(0,10);
\draw[-] (0,10)--(1,10);
\draw[-] (9,10)--(10,10);
\draw[-] (10,10)--(10,0);
\draw[-] (10,0)--(9,0);
\tikzstyle{every path}=[draw, line width=0.3mm];
\coordinate (v1) at (1,1) {};
\coordinate (v2) at (9,1) {};
\coordinate (v3) at (9,9) {};
\coordinate (v4) at (1,9) {};
\node (A) [minimum size=4cm] {
\fill [opacity=0.9,gray] (v2) \foreach \i in {3,4,1}{ -- (v\i) } -- cycle;
} ;
\node (B) [right of=A,minimum size=4cm] {
\fill [opacity=0.9,gray] (v2) \foreach \i in {3,4}{ -- (v\i) } -- cycle;
} ;
%\node (C) [right of=B] {
% \begin{tikzpicture}
% \fill [opacity=0.9,gray] (v2) \foreach \i in {4,1}{ -- (v\i) } -- cycle;
% \bracket
% \end{tikzpicture}
%} ;
\coordinate (AB) ($(A)!0.5!(B)$);
\node (a) at (AB) { \Large = };
%\coordinate (BC) ($(B)!0.5!(C)$);
%\node (a) at (BC) { \Large X };
s。而且没有必要这样做,您只需使用 即可pics
\draw[-] (1,0)--(0,0);
\draw[-] (0,0)--(0,10);
\draw[-] (0,10)--(1,10);
\draw[-] (9,10)--(10,10);
\draw[-] (10,10)--(10,0);
\draw[-] (10,0)--(9,0);
my pic/.style={
code={\coordinate (-v1) at (1,1);
\coordinate (-v2) at (9,1);
\coordinate (-v3) at (9,9);
\coordinate (-v4) at (1,9);
\fill [opacity=0.9,gray] (-v2) \foreach \i in {3,4,1}{ -- (-v\i) } -- cycle;
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={draw, line width=0.3mm}]
\pic[local bounding box=A] at (0,0) {my pic};
\pic[local bounding box=B,right=4cm of A.south east] {my pic};
\pic[local bounding box=C,right=4cm of B.south east] {my pic};
\node[scale=3] (a) at ($(A.east)!0.5!(B.west)$) {$=$};
\node[scale=3] (b) at ($(B.east)!0.5!(C.west)$) {$\times$};
当然,可以通过允许将参数传递给 s 来简化这一点并使其更加灵活pic
my pic/.style={
code={\coordinate (-v1) at (1,1);
\coordinate (-v2) at (9,1);
\coordinate (-v3) at (9,9);
\coordinate (-v4) at (1,9);
\fill [#1] (-v1) rectangle (-v3);
\draw[-] (1,10) -| (0,0) -- (1,0);
\draw[-] (9,10) -| (10,0) -- (9,0);
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={draw, line width=0.3mm}]
\pic[local bounding box=A] at (0,0) {my pic={opacity=0.9,gray}};
\pic[local bounding box=B,right=4cm of A.south east] {my pic={opacity=0.9,gray}};
\pic[local bounding box=C,right=4cm of B.south east] {my pic={opacity=0.9,gray}};
\node[scale=3] (a) at ($(A.east)!0.5!(B.west)$) {$=$};
\node[scale=3] (b) at ($(B.east)!0.5!(C.west)$) {$\times$};
当然,您也可以使用带有path picture
s 的节点,在这种情况下定位会更容易一些,并且您可以向节点添加一些内容并使用minimum size
\tikzset{square with brackets/.style={minimum size=10cm,path picture={
\fill[#1] ($(path picture bounding box.south west)!0.9!(path picture bounding
box.north east)$) rectangle
($(path picture bounding box.north east)!0.9!(path picture bounding
box.south west)$);
\draw[ultra thick]
($(path picture bounding box.south west)!0.1!(path picture bounding
box.south east)$) -| (path picture bounding box.north west) --
($(path picture bounding box.north west)!0.1!(path picture bounding
box.north east)$);
\draw[ultra thick]
($(path picture bounding box.south west)!0.9!(path picture bounding
box.south east)$) -| (path picture bounding box.north east) --
($(path picture bounding box.north west)!0.9!(path picture bounding
box.north east)$);
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={draw, line width=0.3mm}]
\node[square with brackets={opacity=0.9,gray}] (A){};
\node[square with brackets={opacity=0.9,gray},right=4cm of A] (B){};
\node[square with brackets={opacity=0.9,gray},right=4cm of B] (C){};
\node[scale=3] (a) at ($(A.east)!0.5!(B.west)$) {$=$};
\node[scale=3] (b) at ($(B.east)!0.5!(C.west)$) {$\times$};