现在,我希望在 A4 纸上的论文中包含此图(旋转 90 度放置)。为了最大限度地利用可用空间,我希望删除页眉。
- 页面本身应保持纵向模式
- 只有插入的图形(.pdf 文件)应该旋转 90 度。
- 最后,我们只需要一个正常的标题,即标题不应该旋转。
\thispagestyle{plain} % trying to get rid of header to reduce visual clutter on this float page
\begin{figure}[p] % the figure needs to occupy the entire page. Hence permitting only the 'p' modifier.
\includegraphics[angle=90,width=\textwidth]{demo} % 'fig_master_flow_diagramPDF.pdf' is a huge figure and needs to stretch/shrink suitably to occupy the entire type-area available.
Interesting caption
Interesting caption\footnotemark.
\footnote{Some important footnote}
该页面应该可以正常打印,但在查看 PDF 时会出现旋转。
\usepackage{caption}% for \captionof
\usepackage{lipsum}% debug only
\afterpage{% wait for top of next apge
\begin{landscape}% automatic \clearpage
\thispagestyle{plain}% trying to get rid of header to reduce visual clutter on this float page
\sbox0{\begin{minipage}{\textheight}% compute height of caption and footnote
Interesting caption
Interesting caption\footnotemark.
\footnote{Some important footnote}
\raisebox{-0.5\height}{\includegraphics[width={\dimexpr \linewidth-\ht0-\dp0},height=\textheight]{example-image}}}
这是没有使用 pdflscape 的同一页面。
\usepackage{caption}% for \captionof
\usepackage{lipsum}% debug only
\afterpage{% wait for top of next apge
\thispagestyle{plain}% trying to get rid of header to reduce visual clutter on this float page
\sbox0{\begin{minipage}[c]{\textwidth}% compute height of caption and footnote
Interesting caption
Interesting caption\footnotemark.
\footnote{Some important footnote}
\includegraphics[angle=90,width=\textwidth,height={\dimexpr \textheight-\ht0-\dp0}]{example-image}
\thispagestyle{plain} % trying to get rid of header to reduce visual clutter on this float page
\begin{figure}[p] % the figure needs to occupy the entire page. Hence permitting only the 'p' modifier.
Interesting caption
Interesting caption\footnotemark.
\footnote{Some important footnote}