我是 Latex 的新手,我尝试创建一个带有可移动部分编号选项卡的部分,如下所示:
在下面的代码中,我使用了 tikz 和 titlesec 包来格式化所需的部分
\node [rectangle,,inner sep=0cm,text width=\textwidth] (A) {#1};
\node [yshift=0.4cm] (B) at ($([xshift=1cm]A.north west)!{\ABC}!([xshift=-1cm]A.north east)$) {\thesection};
\draw [rounded corners] ([yshift=0.2cm]A.north west) -| (B.north west) -- (B.north east) |- ([yshift=0.2cm]A.north east);
\draw ([yshift=-0.2cm]A.south west) -- ([yshift=-0.2cm]A.south east);
\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{First section}
A short paragraph for first section
\section{Second section}
The second paragraph
\section{Third section}
The third paragraph
\section{Last section}
The last paragraph
\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{First section}
A short paragraph for first section
\section{Last section}
The Last paragraph
问题是,如果我将 totcount 与节计数器一起使用,那么它只会计算最后一章的节数(我的代码中它计算 2 个)。是否有任何宏可以计算每章的节数?抱歉我的英语比较简单。
\def\flushchapter{\protected@write\chapfile{}{\string\expandafter\string\def\string\csname\space chapter\the\c@chapter\string\endcsname{\the\c@section}}}
\node [rectangle,,inner sep=0cm,text width=\textwidth] (A) {#1};
\pgfmathsetmacro\ABC{(\the\c@section-1)/(\csname chapter\the\c@chapter\endcsname - 1)}%
\node [yshift=0.4cm] (B) at ($([xshift=1cm]A.north west)!{\ABC}!([xshift=-1cm]A.north east)$) {\thesection};
\draw [rounded corners] ([yshift=0.2cm]A.north west) -| (B.north west) -- (B.north east) |- ([yshift=0.2cm]A.north east);
\draw ([yshift=-0.2cm]A.south west) -- ([yshift=-0.2cm]A.south east);
\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{First section}
A short paragraph for first section
\section{Second section}
The second paragraph
\section{Third section}
The third paragraph
\section{Last section}
The last paragraph
\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{First section}
A short paragraph for first section
\section{Last section}
The Last paragraph