第 1 部分
第 1 部分
第一个标题 [link1]
第二个标题 [link2]
第一个标题:[link1 链接此处] 解释
第二个标题:[link2 链接此处] 解释
\section{September 18}
%This would be the TOC-like list with a copy of the titles of the full enumeration below, with links to its corresponding entries
\item\textbf{Linear cones} %link1
\item\textbf{Partial order defined by a convex cone} %link2
\item\textbf{Dual cone} %link3
\item\textbf{Linear cones:} Let $F$ be an ordered field and $V$ an $F$-vector space. A \emph{linear cone} $C$ is a subset of $V$ closed under positive scalar products.
\item\textbf{Partial order defined by a convex cone:} If $C$ is a pointed salient convex cone, then the relation $x\leq y$ iff $y-x\in C$ is a partial order.
\item\textbf{Dual cone:} Let $S$ be any subset of a vector space $V$ over an ordered field. The \emph{dual cone} $S^*$ of $S$ is the convex cone
$$S^*:=\{v\in V \ | \ \la v,x\ra\geq0 \ \forall x\in S\}.$$
\etocsetlevel{subsection}{6}% ignore real subsections
\etocsetlevel{paragraph}{2}% mimick paragraphs as subsections
\let\l@paragraph\l@subsection% mimick also in TOC. Stay in etoc
% "compatibility mode" so the class
% default is used
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Items in this section}%
\section{SECTION 1}
% colon is annoying here, it should not go to TOC.
\paragraph[First title]{First title:} Explanation
% or
\paragraph[Second title]{Second title:} Explanation
\subsection{Some subsection}
\section{SECTION 2}
% Simply no colons ?
\paragraph{First title} Explanation
\paragraph{Second title} Explanation
项目列表是超链接的(因为正常情况下目录在存在 hyperref 时是超链接的)。
会立即解决这个问题,但看到代码注释中引用了 etoc 文档,解释了失败的原因。所以我们找到了一种解决方法。
\etocsetlevel{myitem}{6}% dummy sectioning level
\etocsetlevel{subsection}{6}% ignore real subsections
% to avoid problem on first compilation (missing \item), we do not insert
% the \begin{enumerate} in \etocsettocstyle arguments,
% but directly here.
% Note: one could have hoped that putting it in \etocsettocstyle
% and issueing \etocchecksemptiness would have worked. But alas,
% the etoc doc says:
% For a finalized document compiled with initially no
% auxiliary files, the first LaTeX run will declare all local
% TOCs non empty and print for each of them a heading (and no
% contents naturally).
% This is bad here, because empty enumerate environment
% raises LaTeX error.
\subsection*{Linked list of definitions}
\section{SECTION 1}
% don't use colons at end of item titles here
\myitem{Linear cones} Let $F$ be an ordered field and $V$ an $F$-vector space. A \emph{linear cone} $C$ is a subset of $V$ closed under positive scalar products.
\myitem{Partial order defined by a convex cone} If $C$ is a pointed salient convex cone, then the relation $x\leq y$ iff $y-x\in C$ is a partial order.
\myitem{Dual cone} Let $S$ be any subset of a vector space $V$ over an ordered field. The \emph{dual cone} $S^*$ of $S$ is the convex cone
$$S^*:=\{v\in V \ | \ \langle v,x\rangle\geq0 \ \forall x\in S\}.$$
再次,项目列表是超链接的。这可能更接近 OP 的期望。它需要更多的工作,因为它通过定义自定义 etoc toc 线条样式来实现。
在 Acroread 中查看时,链接通过红色框可见: