

我在使连字在 epub 中起作用方面遇到了一些问题。

我的 MWE:

the field of ff is flight.
fioriture flashent difficilement

null utf8 的问题


看来 Libertine 字体使用了略微修改的T1字体编码版本,因此一些连字符的位置被移动了。有必要为 Libertine 字体的所有变体提供 tex4ht 字体配置文件。由于 Libertine 字体目录中有 1288 个文件,我将仅为您的 TeX 文件中使用的可能变体提供它。

字体配置文件有两种类型。第一种类型定义映射到字体中使用的字符的 Unicode 字符。第二种类型引用第一种类型中保存的字体表并为字体样式添加一些 CSS 定义。例如,粗体和斜体字体应该具有与常规字体相同的字符,因此可以引用常规字体以节省一些空间。


LinLibertineT-tlf-t1 0 255
'`'  ''  grave
'´'  ''  acute
'ˆ'  ''  circumflex
'˜'  ''  tilde
'¨'  ''  dieresis
'˝'  ''  hungarumlaut
'˚'  ''  ring
'ˇ'  ''  caron
'˘'  ''  breve
'¯'  ''  macron
'˙'  ''  dotaccent
'¸'  ''  cedilla
'˛'  ''  ogonek
'‚'  ''  quotesinglbase
'‹'  ''  guilsinglleft
'›'  ''  guilsinglright
'“'  ''  quotedblleft
'”'  ''  quotedblright
'„'  ''  quotedblbase
'«'  ''  guillemotleft
'»'  ''  guillemotright
'–'  ''  endash
'—'  ''  emdash
'&#xnil;'   ''  .notdef
'₀'  ''  perthousandzero
'ı'  ''  dotlessi
'ȷ'  ''  dotlessj
'fi'  ''  f_i
'ffi'  ''  f_f_i
'ff'  ''  f_f
'fl'  ''  f_l
'ffl'  ''  f_f_l
'␣'  ''  uni2423
'!'  ''  exclam
'"'  ''  quotedbl
'#'  ''  numbersign
'$'  ''  dollar
'%'  ''  percent
'&'  ''  ampersand
'’'  ''  quoteright
'('  ''  parenleft
')'  ''  parenright
'*'  ''  asterisk
'+'  ''  plus
','  ''  comma
'-'  ''  hyphen
'.'  ''  period
'/'  ''  slash
'0'  ''  zero
'1'  ''  one
'2'  ''  two
'3'  ''  three
'4'  ''  four
'5'  ''  five
'6'  ''  six
'7'  ''  seven
'8'  ''  eight
'9'  ''  nine
':'  ''  colon
'&#x003B;'  ''  semicolon
'<'  ''  less
'='  ''  equal
'>'  ''  greater
'?'  ''  question
'@'  ''  at
'A'  ''  A
'B'  ''  B
'C'  ''  C
'D'  ''  D
'E'  ''  E
'F'  ''  F
'G'  ''  G
'H'  ''  H
'I'  ''  I
'J'  ''  J
'K'  ''  K
'L'  ''  L
'M'  ''  M
'N'  ''  N
'O'  ''  O
'P'  ''  P
'Q'  ''  Q
'R'  ''  R
'S'  ''  S
'T'  ''  T
'U'  ''  U
'V'  ''  V
'W'  ''  W
'X'  ''  X
'Y'  ''  Y
'Z'  ''  Z
'['  ''  bracketleft
'\'  ''  backslash
']'  ''  bracketright
'^'  ''  asciicircum
'_'  ''  underscore
'‘'  ''  quoteleft
'a'  ''  a
'b'  ''  b
'c'  ''  c
'd'  ''  d
'e'  ''  e
'f'  ''  f
'g'  ''  g
'h'  ''  h
'i'  ''  i
'j'  ''  j
'k'  ''  k
'l'  ''  l
'm'  ''  m
'n'  ''  n
'o'  ''  o
'p'  ''  p
'q'  ''  q
'r'  ''  r
's'  ''  s
't'  ''  t
'u'  ''  u
'v'  ''  v
'w'  ''  w
'x'  ''  x
'y'  ''  y
'z'  ''  z
'{'  ''  braceleft
'|'  ''  bar
'}'  ''  braceright
'~'  ''  asciitilde
'-'  ''  hyphen
'Ă'  ''  Abreve
'Ą'  ''  Aogonek
'Ć'  ''  Cacute
'Č'  ''  Ccaron
'Ď'  ''  Dcaron
'Ě'  ''  Ecaron
'Ę'  ''  Eogonek
'Ğ'  ''  Gbreve
'Ĺ'  ''  Lacute
'Ľ'  ''  Lcaron
'Ł'  ''  Lslash
'Ń'  ''  Nacute
'Ň'  ''  Ncaron
'Ŋ'  ''  Eng
'Ő'  ''  Ohungarumlaut
'Ŕ'  ''  Racute
'Ř'  ''  Rcaron
'Ś'  ''  Sacute
'Š'  ''  Scaron
'Ş'  ''  Scedilla
'Ť'  ''  Tcaron
'Ţ'  ''  Tcedilla
'Ű'  ''  Uhungarumlaut
'Ů'  ''  Uring
'Ÿ'  ''  Ydieresis
'Ź'  ''  Zacute
'Ž'  ''  Zcaron
'Ż'  ''  Zdotaccent
'IJ'  ''  IJ
'İ'  ''  Idotaccent
'đ'  ''  dcroat
'§'  ''  section
'ă'  ''  abreve
'ą'  ''  aogonek
'ć'  ''  cacute
'č'  ''  ccaron
'ď'  ''  dcaron
'ě'  ''  ecaron
'ę'  ''  eogonek
'ğ'  ''  gbreve
'ĺ'  ''  lacute
'ľ'  ''  lcaron
'ł'  ''  lslash
'ń'  ''  nacute
'ň'  ''  ncaron
'ŋ'  ''  eng
'ő'  ''  ohungarumlaut
'ŕ'  ''  racute
'ř'  ''  rcaron
'ś'  ''  sacute
'š'  ''  scaron
'ş'  ''  scedilla
'ť'  ''  tcaron
'ţ'  ''  tcedilla
'ű'  ''  uhungarumlaut
'ů'  ''  uring
'ÿ'  ''  ydieresis
'ź'  ''  zacute
'ž'  ''  zcaron
'ż'  ''  zdotaccent
'ij'  ''  ij
'¡'  ''  exclamdown
'¿'  ''  questiondown
'£'  ''  sterling
'À'  ''  Agrave
'Á'  ''  Aacute
'Â'  ''  Acircumflex
'Ã'  ''  Atilde
'Ä'  ''  Adieresis
'Å'  ''  Aring
'Æ'  ''  AE
'Ç'  ''  Ccedilla
'È'  ''  Egrave
'É'  ''  Eacute
'Ê'  ''  Ecircumflex
'Ë'  ''  Edieresis
'Ì'  ''  Igrave
'Í'  ''  Iacute
'Î'  ''  Icircumflex
'Ï'  ''  Idieresis
'Ð'  ''  Eth
'Ñ'  ''  Ntilde
'Ò'  ''  Ograve
'Ó'  ''  Oacute
'Ô'  ''  Ocircumflex
'Õ'  ''  Otilde
'Ö'  ''  Odieresis
'Œ'  ''  OE
'Ø'  ''  Oslash
'Ù'  ''  Ugrave
'Ú'  ''  Uacute
'Û'  ''  Ucircumflex
'Ü'  ''  Udieresis
'Ý'  ''  Yacute
'Þ'  ''  Thorn
'&#xnil;'   ''  .notdef
'à'  ''  agrave
'á'  ''  aacute
'â'  ''  acircumflex
'ã'  ''  atilde
'ä'  ''  adieresis
'å'  ''  aring
'æ'  ''  ae
'ç'  ''  ccedilla
'è'  ''  egrave
'é'  ''  eacute
'ê'  ''  ecircumflex
'ë'  ''  edieresis
'ì'  ''  igrave
'í'  ''  iacute
'î'  ''  icircumflex
'ï'  ''  idieresis
'ð'  ''  eth
'ñ'  ''  ntilde
'ò'  ''  ograve
'ó'  ''  oacute
'ô'  ''  ocircumflex
'õ'  ''  otilde
'ö'  ''  odieresis
'œ'  ''  oe
'ø'  ''  oslash
'ù'  ''  ugrave
'ú'  ''  uacute
'û'  ''  ucircumflex
'ü'  ''  udieresis
'ý'  ''  yacute
'þ'  ''  thorn
'ß'  ''  germandbls
LinLibertineT-tlf-t1 0 255

文件 LinLibertineTB-tlf-t1.htf:

htfcss:  LinLibertineTB-tlf-t1  font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; font-family: "Linux Libertine O",serif;  

字体 LinLibertineTI-tlf-t1.htf

htfcss:  LinLibertineTI-tlf-t1  font-weight: normal; font-style: italic; font-family: "Linux Libertine O",serif;  

文件 LinLibertineTBI-tlf-t1.htf:

htfcss:  LinLibertineTBI-tlf-t1  font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-family: "Linux Libertine O",serif;  

文件 LinLibertineT-tlf-sc-t1:

htfcss:  LinLibertineT-tlf-sc-t1  font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-variant: small-caps; font-family: "Linux Libertine O",serif;  

将这些文件保存在包含你的 TeX 文件的目录中。还需要请求 Linux Libertine 作为主文本字体,使用以下配置:

\Css{body{font-family: "Linux Libertine O", serif;}}


