我尝试使用装饰和背景包在每个页面上放置页面边框。我想将此框架放置在距离页面边框 0.6 厘米的位置,因此我使用 tikz 的 calc 库根据坐标指定每个页面的框架位置。即使文档是用 XeLaTeX 编译的,并且框架放置正确 - 我猜 - 我还是收到错误:
Package pgf Error: No shape named {current page.north west} + {0.6cm,-0.6cm}
以下是 MWE:
%Command for inserting the frames
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, inner sep=0pt]
%Necessary coordinates
\coordinate (UR) at ($(current page.north east) + (-\xoffset,-\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (UL) at ($(current page.north west) + (\xoffset,-\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (LR) at ($(current page.south east) + (-\xoffset,\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (LL) at ($(current page.south west) + (\xoffset,\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (CL) at ($(current page.west) + (\xoffset,0)$);
\coordinate (CR) at ($(current page.east) + (-\xoffset,0)$);
%Ornaments located at the corners of the page
\node[anchor=north west] (ULCorner) at (UL){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor ]{\ornament}};%
\node[anchor=north east] (URCorner) at (UR){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=v ]{\ornament}};%
\node[anchor=south east] (LRCorner) at (LR){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=c ]{\ornament}};%
\node[anchor=south west] (LLCorner) at (LL){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=h ]{\ornament}};%
%Ornaments between the corners: Calculates the distance between the 2 upper corners and uses it for the width of the bar ornament.
\path (CL) let \p1 = ($(URCorner.north west) - (ULCorner.north east)$)
in node[anchor=center, rotate=90, inner sep=-3pt] (CLBar) at (CL){\pgfornament[width=\x1 ,color = \ornamentcolor]{88}};%
\path (CR) let \p1 = ($(URCorner.north west) - (ULCorner.north east)$)
in node[anchor=center, rotate=90, inner sep=0pt] (CRBar) at (CR){\pgfornament[width=\x1 ,color = \ornamentcolor]{88}};%
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CLBar.east) + (0.8pt,0)$) to ($(ULCorner.south west) + (0.8pt,1pt)$){};
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CRBar.east) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$) to ($(URCorner.south east) + (0.8pt,1pt)$){};
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CLBar.west) + (0.8pt,0)$) to ($(LLCorner.north west) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$){};
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CRBar.west) + (0.8pt,1)$) to ($(LRCorner.north east) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$){};
%Ornaments between he corners: Top and bottom.
\path[] (ULCorner.north east) to [ornament=88, color=black] (URCorner.north west) {};
\path (LRCorner.south west) to [ornament=88,color=black] (LLCorner.south east) {};
\backgroundsetup{scale=1,color=black,opacity=1,contents=\pageframe, angle=0,position={{(current page.north west)} + {(\xoffset,-\yoffset)}},nodeanchor=north west}
该解决方案使用包可每页节省约 20 kB 并节省一些编译时间xsavebox
2页lipsum的价格为19,831 B,
10 页的 Lipsum 售价为 36,361 B(xelatex
%some size calculations
% This saves the whole ornament frame once in an xsavebox.
\xsbox{OrnamentCorner}{\pgfornament[width = \cornerOrnamentWidth, color = \ornamentcolor]{\cornerOrnament}}%
\xsbox{OrnamentBar}{\pgfornament[width=\barOrnamentWidth, color = \ornamentcolor]{\barOrnament}}%
\begin{tikzpicture}[inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, x=\paperwidth,y=\paperheight]
\useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
% necessary coordinates
\coordinate (UR) at ($(1,1) + (-\xoffset,-\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (UL) at ($(0,1) + (\xoffset,-\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (LR) at ($(1,0) + (-\xoffset,\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (LL) at ($(0,0) + (\xoffset,\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (CL) at ($(0,0.5) + (\xoffset,0)$);
\coordinate (CR) at ($(1,0.5) + (-\xoffset,0)$);
% ornaments located at page corners
\node[anchor=north west] (ULCorner) at (UL){\theOrnamentCorner};%
\node[anchor=north west,xscale=-1] (URCorner) at (UR) {\theOrnamentCorner};%
\node[anchor=north west, scale=-1] (LRCorner) at (LR){\theOrnamentCorner};%
\node[anchor=north west,yscale=-1] (LLCorner) at (LL){\theOrnamentCorner};%
% ornaments on the left and right sides
\node [rotate=90,anchor=center] at (CL) {\theOrnamentBar};
\node [rotate=90,anchor=east] at (ULCorner.south west) {\theLineSample\theLineSample};
\node [rotate=90,anchor=east,xscale=-1] at (LLCorner.south west) {\theLineSample\theLineSample};
\node [rotate=90,anchor=center,scale=-1] at (CR) {\theOrnamentBar};
\node [rotate=90,anchor=east, yscale=-1] at (URCorner.south west) {\theLineSample\theLineSample};
\node [rotate=90,anchor=east, scale=-1] at (LRCorner.south west) {\theLineSample\theLineSample};
% ornaments at top and bottom page edges
\path (ULCorner.north east) to node {\theOrnamentBar} (URCorner.north east) {};
\path (LRCorner.north east) to node [scale=-1] {\theOrnamentBar} (LLCorner.north east) {};
% This adds the frame (a reference, actually) on every page.
% \lipsum[1,2]
% \lipsum[1-28]
%Command for inserting the frames
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, inner sep=0pt]
%Necessary coordinates
\coordinate (UR) at ($(current page.north east) + (-\xoffset,-\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (UL) at ($(current page.north west) + (\xoffset,-\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (LR) at ($(current page.south east) + (-\xoffset,\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (LL) at ($(current page.south west) + (\xoffset,\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (CL) at ($(current page.west) + (\xoffset,0)$);
\coordinate (CR) at ($(current page.east) + (-\xoffset,0)$);
%Ornaments located at the corners of the page
\node[anchor=north west] (ULCorner) at (UL){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor ]{\ornament}};%
\node[anchor=north east] (URCorner) at (UR){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=v ]{\ornament}};%
\node[anchor=south east] (LRCorner) at (LR){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=c ]{\ornament}};%
\node[anchor=south west] (LLCorner) at (LL){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=h ]{\ornament}};%
%Ornaments between the corners: Calculates the distance between the 2 upper corners and uses it for the width of the bar ornament.
\path (CL) let \p1 = ($(URCorner.north west) - (ULCorner.north east)$)
in node[anchor=center, rotate=90, inner sep=-3pt] (CLBar) at (CL){\pgfornament[width=\x1 ,color = \ornamentcolor]{88}};%
\path (CR) let \p1 = ($(URCorner.north west) - (ULCorner.north east)$)
in node[anchor=center, rotate=90, inner sep=0pt] (CRBar) at (CR){\pgfornament[width=\x1 ,color = \ornamentcolor]{88}};%
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CLBar.east) + (0.8pt,0)$) to ($(ULCorner.south west) + (0.8pt,1pt)$){};
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CRBar.east) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$) to ($(URCorner.south east) + (0.8pt,1pt)$){};
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CLBar.west) + (0.8pt,0)$) to ($(LLCorner.north west) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$){};
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CRBar.west) + (0.8pt,1)$) to ($(LRCorner.north east) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$){};
%Ornaments between he corners: Top and bottom.
\path[] (ULCorner.north east) to [ornament=88, color=black] (URCorner.north west) {};
\path (LRCorner.south west) to [ornament=88,color=black] (LLCorner.south east) {};
和 上都能正常工作lualatex
。示例输出如下所示。它确实不是似乎可以正常工作latex -> dvi -> pdf
,但是,这可能是 2018 年可以接受的事情。
%Command for inserting the frames
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, inner sep=0pt]
%Necessary coordinates
\coordinate (UR) at ($(current page.north east) + (-\xoffset,-\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (UL) at ($(current page.north west) + (\xoffset,-\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (LR) at ($(current page.south east) + (-\xoffset,\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (LL) at ($(current page.south west) + (\xoffset,\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (CL) at ($(current page.west) + (\xoffset,0)$);
\coordinate (CR) at ($(current page.east) + (-\xoffset,0)$);
%Ornaments located at the corners of the page
\node[anchor=north west] (ULCorner) at (UL){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor ]{\ornament}};%
\node[anchor=north east] (URCorner) at (UR){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=v ]{\ornament}};%
\node[anchor=south east] (LRCorner) at (LR){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=c ]{\ornament}};%
\node[anchor=south west] (LLCorner) at (LL){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=h ]{\ornament}};%
%Ornaments between the corners: Calculates the distance between the 2 upper corners and uses it for the width of the bar ornament.
\path (CL) let \p1 = ($(URCorner.north west) - (ULCorner.north east)$)
in node[anchor=center, rotate=90, inner sep=-3pt] (CLBar) at (CL){\pgfornament[width=\x1 ,color = \ornamentcolor]{88}};%
\path (CR) let \p1 = ($(URCorner.north west) - (ULCorner.north east)$)
in node[anchor=center, rotate=90, inner sep=0pt] (CRBar) at (CR){\pgfornament[width=\x1 ,color = \ornamentcolor]{88}};%
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CLBar.east) + (0.8pt,0)$) to ($(ULCorner.south west) + (0.8pt,1pt)$){};
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CRBar.east) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$) to ($(URCorner.south east) + (0.8pt,1pt)$){};
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CLBar.west) + (0.8pt,0)$) to ($(LLCorner.north west) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$){};
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CRBar.west) + (0.8pt,1)$) to ($(LRCorner.north east) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$){};
%Ornaments between he corners: Top and bottom.
\path[] (ULCorner.north east) to [ornament=88, color=black] (URCorner.north west) {};
\path (LRCorner.south west) to [ornament=88,color=black] (LLCorner.south east) {};
\backgroundsetup{scale=1,color=black,opacity=1,contents=\pageframe, angle=0}
但是,如果我使用 进行编译
,我会重现 Charlie 报告的问题。在这种情况下,查理的回答似乎是可行的方法。如果我用 latex 编译,然后将文件转换dvi
为 pdf,则没有任何装饰。总之,我不认为这个问题已经完全解决了。但我想说,在这种情况下,切换到 可以eso-pic
根据@Marmot的建议,我删除了覆盖层并记住了 tikzpicture 环境中的图片标志,将位置设置为当前位置.center,并将锚点也设置为中心。这在使用 XeLaTeX 编译时有效
%Command for inserting the frames
\begin{tikzpicture}[inner sep=0pt]
%Necessary coordinates
\coordinate (UR) at ($(current page.north east) + (-\xoffset,-\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (UL) at ($(current page.north west) + (\xoffset,-\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (LR) at ($(current page.south east) + (-\xoffset,\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (LL) at ($(current page.south west) + (\xoffset,\yoffset)$);
\coordinate (CL) at ($(current page.west) + (\xoffset,0)$);
\coordinate (CR) at ($(current page.east) + (-\xoffset,0)$);
%Ornaments located at the corners of the page
\node[anchor=north west] (ULCorner) at (UL){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor ]{\ornament}};%
\node[anchor=north east] (URCorner) at (UR){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=v ]{\ornament}};%
\node[anchor=south east] (LRCorner) at (LR){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=c ]{\ornament}};%
\node[anchor=south west] (LLCorner) at (LL){%
\pgfornament[width = 2cm,color = \ornamentcolor, symmetry=h ]{\ornament}};%
%Ornaments between the corners: Calculates the distance between the 2 upper corners and uses it for the width of the bar ornament.
\path (CL) let \p1 = ($(URCorner.north west) - (ULCorner.north east)$)
in node[anchor=center, rotate=90, inner sep=-3pt] (CLBar) at (CL){\pgfornament[width=\x1 ,color = \ornamentcolor]{88}};%
\path (CR) let \p1 = ($(URCorner.north west) - (ULCorner.north east)$)
in node[anchor=center, rotate=90, inner sep=0pt] (CRBar) at (CR){\pgfornament[width=\x1 ,color = \ornamentcolor]{88}};%
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CLBar.east) + (0.8pt,0)$) to ($(ULCorner.south west) + (0.8pt,1pt)$){};
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CRBar.east) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$) to ($(URCorner.south east) + (0.8pt,1pt)$){};
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CLBar.west) + (0.8pt,0)$) to ($(LLCorner.north west) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$){};
\draw[line width=1.5pt,line cap=round,black]($(CRBar.west) + (0.8pt,1)$) to ($(LRCorner.north east) + (0.8pt,-1pt)$){};
%Ornaments between he corners: Top and bottom.
\path[] (ULCorner.north east) to [ornament=88, color=black] (URCorner.north west) {};
\path (LRCorner.south west) to [ornament=88,color=black] (LLCorner.south east) {};
\backgroundsetup{scale=1,color=black,opacity=1,contents=\pageframe, angle=0,
position={current page.center},nodeanchor=center}