amsrefs 包中的超链接缺少最后一个括号

amsrefs 包中的超链接缺少最后一个括号

看起来像是一个错误,我想修复它但失败了。我将通过以下 MME 描述该问题:

@article {MotazedifardDalafiNaderiRoknizadeh2018Controllable,
    AUTHOR = {Motazedifard, Ali and Dalafi, A. and Naderi, M. H. and
              Roknizadeh, R.},
     TITLE = {Controllable generation of photons and phonons in a coupled
              {B}ose--{E}instein condensate-optomechanical cavity via the
              parametric dynamical {C}asimir effect},
   JOURNAL = {Ann. Physics},
  FJOURNAL = {Annals of Physics},
    VOLUME = {396},
      YEAR = {2018},
     PAGES = {202--219},
      ISSN = {0003-4916},
   MRCLASS = {81},
  MRNUMBER = {3853390},
       DOI = {10.1016/j.aop.2018.07.013},
       URL = {},
In \ocite{MotazedifardDalafiNaderiRoknizadeh2018Controllable}, \citeauthor{MotazedifardDalafiNaderiRoknizadeh2018Controllable} show that ...

编译结果如下: MME PDF 据说这种颜色只适用于“在 Motazedifard 等人中。 (2018 年)“,为什么最后”“失色了?







\renewcommand*\citesel@object[5]{\PrintCiteNames{#3} \textcolor{black}{\citeleft}#4}
% The original definition is
% \def\citesel@object#1#2#3#4#5{\PrintCiteNames{#3} \citeleft#4}
% which misses the possible color change by hyperref

@article {MotazedifardDalafiNaderiRoknizadeh2018Controllable,
    AUTHOR = {Motazedifard, Ali and Dalafi, A. and Naderi, M. H. and
              Roknizadeh, R.},
     TITLE = {Controllable generation of photons and phonons in a coupled
              {B}ose--{E}instein condensate-optomechanical cavity via the
              parametric dynamical {C}asimir effect},
   JOURNAL = {Ann. Physics},
  FJOURNAL = {Annals of Physics},
    VOLUME = {396},
      YEAR = {2018},
     PAGES = {202--219},
      ISSN = {0003-4916},
   MRCLASS = {81},
  MRNUMBER = {3853390},
       DOI = {10.1016/j.aop.2018.07.013},
       URL = {},
In \ocite{MotazedifardDalafiNaderiRoknizadeh2018Controllable}, \citeauthor{MotazedifardDalafiNaderiRoknizadeh2018Controllable} show that ...





@article {MotazedifardDalafiNaderiRoknizadeh2018Controllable,
    AUTHOR = {Motazedifard, Ali and Dalafi, A. and Naderi, M. H. and
              Roknizadeh, R.},
     TITLE = {Controllable generation of photons and phonons in a coupled
              {B}ose--{E}instein condensate-optomechanical cavity via the
              parametric dynamical {C}asimir effect},
   JOURNAL = {Ann. Physics},
  FJOURNAL = {Annals of Physics},
    VOLUME = {396},
      YEAR = {2018},
     PAGES = {202--219},
      ISSN = {0003-4916},
   MRCLASS = {81},
  MRNUMBER = {3853390},
       DOI = {10.1016/j.aop.2018.07.013},
       URL = {},
In \ocite{MotazedifardDalafiNaderiRoknizadeh2018Controllable}, \citeauthor{MotazedifardDalafiNaderiRoknizadeh2018Controllable} show that ...

