使用 epstopdf 时遇到巨大问题

使用 epstopdf 时遇到巨大问题

我在 Windows 上使用 TeXstudio。我的 LaTeX 文件位于 C:/Users/Documents 我的图像位于同一位置。

   \DeclareGraphicsRule{.eps}{pdf}{.pdf}{`epstopdf #1}



\includegraphics{Figure 2.eps}


! Package pdftex.def Error: File `Figure 2.pdf' not found: using draft setting.
LaTeX Warning: File `Figure 2.eps' not found on input line 59.

Package epstopdf Info: Source file: <Figure 2.eps>
(epstopdf)                    date: 2018-09-11 07:12:24
(epstopdf)                    size: 1751510 bytes
(epstopdf)             Output file: <Figure 2.pdf>
(epstopdf)             Command: <epstopdf Figure 2.eps>
(epstopdf)             \includegraphics on input line 59.
runsystem(epstopdf Figure 2.eps)...executed.

Package epstopdf Info: Result file: <Figure 2.pdf>.

! Package pdftex.def Error: File `Figure 2.pdf' not found: using draft setting.

See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.59 \includegraphics{Figure 2.eps}
Overfull \hbox (2.61108pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active

现在,如果我只说 \includegraphics{Figure 1} 而不带 eps 扩展名,那么日志文件如下:

! LaTeX Error: File `Figure 2' not found.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.59 \includegraphics{Figure 2}

I could not locate the file with any of these extensions:
Try typing  <return>  to proceed.
If that doesn't work, type  X <return>  to quit.

Overfull \hbox (2.61108pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active

如果我在 epstopdfsetup 中使用 outdir,我该如何根据文件位置来写入它?我的文件位置有问题吗?图像和源文件都位于同一文件夹中。
