

我使用该catchfilebetweentags包从一个公共文件中获取特定内容.tex。存储所有内容的文件的 MWE(称为master.tex):

\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1.5in, right=1.5in,footskip=0in]{geometry}



\lhead{Past exam questions}


\begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*$)$, rightmargin=0.05\linewidth, leftmargin=0.05\linewidth]
    \item Explain why the concept of the margin is significant in the economic theory of consumer behaviour. [12]
    \item Discuss whether the calculation of a marginal cost or an average cost is more significant in reaching conclusions about economic efficiency. [13]



请注意,此文档被标记为18mj-43-2-1-5末尾的 是问题类型的标识符。这个问题是类型 5

输出类型 1 问题的文档的 MWE(称为type1.tex):

\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1.5in, right=1.5in,footskip=0in]{geometry}

\def\i{May/June 2017, QP 43, Q2}



\lhead{Past exam questions}
\rhead{Topic 1}

This line should execute only if the Execute Metadata is not empty.


This line should execute regardless.


我希望上面的文本行\ExecuteMetaData是有条件的;仅当命令返回输出时才运行。在此处的示例中,不会有输出\ExecuteMetaData(因为此文档仅显示类型 1 的问题)。

